Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Maybe it is time to reconsider they way systematically dehumanize and demonize immigrants, and other groups.
Whose doing that ? Immigration is a great thing, but Democrats and some Republicans supporting illegal immigration at any cost is a bad thing.

Some republicans including trump, who's been caught hiring illegals. Surprised his base hasn't demanded his resignation yet.
Attorney says more undocumented workers are employed at Trump golf course
I recall reading a few days ago many thousands of illegals were released into Texas but I can't find the link. Hands shaking here. I recall the news I read would really piss off Texans. The illegal situation is pushing people to the brink. It is only going to get worse as long as the borders stay open to people illegally and criminally coming here in one way or another. God bless us all. The living and the dead.
There is no such thing as being illegal on stolen land.

Sorry, but you're simply factually wrong.

We are now a nation of laws, and some of these laws involve immigration, which today are being violated by millions, thus why we call them "illegals".
All you people want to blame politicians. As a result nothing will change. Yall fight over the second amendment instead of the underlying problems.

Real racism in out midst
Mental health

Both should be confronted. This is what REAL racism looks like. Someone in this individuals life should have intervened and tried to steer him back onto a good path.
There is nothing wrong with being pissed off about our immigration mess. There is A LOT WRONG with acting on it with violence

Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.

That's the problem.
As you and your ilk pave the way for them to get them.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
I have an American made ak47.

It's just another semi automatic rifle but hey, sensationalized away.
No, it is not just another semi automatic rifle. The AK47 was developed not for hunting or target practice but to kill people and it does an excellent job. It is simple to use, easy to fix and effective by everyone from no-experience freedom fighters in the hills of Afghanistan to shopping mall killers.
So how then is it different in function than a browning longtrac 308?

You seem to be "up" on all this. Give details.

The Browning isn't Russian...

A wall can't keep out the evil within!
See what happens when a man can't get any pussy?

What do everyone of these shooters have in common? Nooooo not big bad pussy for the longest time.
I mean...look at that think he has seen a pussy up close and personal...let alone been in one?

Doubt me?
Show me one of these lone wolves who was gettin some ass on the reg. When have you seen an estranged wife or girlfriend interviewed after the fact?

Pussy...stops mass your job...give up that monkey.


I think we'll be finding out that this guy was alone, was feeling completely marginalized in a changing America, and unfortunately he acted out his feelings. shit Sherlock. That's why we need to get some pussy out to these guy STAT...our lives may depend on it.
All you people want to blame politicians. As a result nothing will change. Yall fight over the second amendment instead of the underlying problems.

Real racism in out midst
Mental health

Both should be confronted. This is what REAL racism looks like. Someone in this individuals life should have intervened and tried to steer him back onto a good path.
There is nothing wrong with being pissed off about our immigration mess. There is A LOT WRONG with acting on it with violence

Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.

That's the problem.
As you and your ilk pave the way for them to get them.
Republicans made them legal. The gun laws Bill Clinton passed should have stayed. Look at how much mass murder has been done with them since Republicans got rid of the law.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
I have an American made ak47.

It's just another semi automatic rifle but hey, sensationalized away.
No, it is not just another semi automatic rifle. The AK47 was developed not for hunting or target practice but to kill people and it does an excellent job. It is simple to use, easy to fix and effective by everyone from no-experience freedom fighters in the hills of Afghanistan to shopping mall killers.
So how then is it different in function than a browning longtrac 308?

You seem to be "up" on all this. Give details.

The Browning isn't Russian...
I didn't say it was. I'm using a traditional semi automatic as a baseline.

My AK isn't Russian either.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.
Who the fuck is we
This thread is trash. Anyone politicizing this tragedy is trash.

I'm out.


The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.
I recall reading a few days ago many thousands of illegals were released into Texas but I can't find the link. Hands shaking here. I recall the news I read would really piss off Texans. The illegal situation is pushing people to the brink. It is only going to get worse as long as the borders stay open to people illegally and criminally coming here in one way or another. God bless us all. The living and the dead.
There is no such thing as being illegal on stolen land.

Sorry, but you're simply factually wrong.

We are now a nation of laws, and some of these laws involve immigration, which today are being violated by millions, thus why we call them "illegals".
If we were really a nation of laws, we wouldn't be scapegoating immigrant populations by blaming them for coming here, while we illegally take over their countries, their governments, their resources, and their way of life, forcing them to make lifetime decisions to free themselves of the criminal bondage they are forced into by having to join gangs. "The nation of laws" has to apply to everyone, not just to the scapegoated populations.
I don't care who he was or what his motivations were. Only you do. You have more concern over his motivations than for the people who lost their lives or lost loved ones.

Your concern is not genuine. Only political.

I don't want this to ever happen again, the motive is important as it shouldn't be accepted. I've seen threats on this forum that emulate the shooting today. Whether it's picking them off at the border or being told that the left will be wiped out in the upcoming civil war (I'm told) and the utter glee in being told how this civil war is going to exterminate people based on either their beliefs or race.

So if a civil war is started we are just supposed to stand by and let you kill us?

There is not going to be a civil war. There will be riots, but there will not be opposing armies like during the Confederacy.

So you think the left is going to surrender?

There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.

What socialist country are you moving to?
I recall reading a few days ago many thousands of illegals were released into Texas but I can't find the link. Hands shaking here. I recall the news I read would really piss off Texans. The illegal situation is pushing people to the brink. It is only going to get worse as long as the borders stay open to people illegally and criminally coming here in one way or another. God bless us all. The living and the dead.
There is no such thing as being illegal on stolen land.

Sorry, but you're simply factually wrong.

We are now a nation of laws, and some of these laws involve immigration, which today are being violated by millions, thus why we call them "illegals".
If we were really a nation of laws, we wouldn't be scapegoating immigrant populations by blaming them for coming here, while we illegally take over their countries, their governments, their resources, and their way of life, forcing them to make lifetime decisions to free themselves of the criminal bondage they are forced into by having to join gangs. "The nation of laws" has to apply to everyone, not just to the scapegoated populations.
A nation of laws will enforce said laws which requires said nation to stop illegal activity.

You gotta work overtime to be this stupid.
The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.
Trump supporters are not true Americans. They support racism and terror against brown and black people.
I don't want this to ever happen again, the motive is important as it shouldn't be accepted. I've seen threats on this forum that emulate the shooting today. Whether it's picking them off at the border or being told that the left will be wiped out in the upcoming civil war (I'm told) and the utter glee in being told how this civil war is going to exterminate people based on either their beliefs or race.

So if a civil war is started we are just supposed to stand by and let you kill us?

There is not going to be a civil war. There will be riots, but there will not be opposing armies like during the Confederacy.

So you think the left is going to surrender?

There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.

What socialist country are you moving to?

Down under.
Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.
Trump supporters are not true Americans. They support racism and terror against brown and black people.
Fuck off.
The number one threat to this country is the domestic Trump terrorism coming from his base and Trump himself. Trump is a major national security threat.

It will take a while before Trump supporters catch up to what Muslims did on Sept. 11 2001.
And the overwhelming majority had nothing to do with it

And the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters had nothing to do with this today.
And some did. Which is exactly the point. All it takes is for Trump to give the word and a few more of these retarded cultists will spring into action. Their fingers are never far from the trigger, and their racism never dies.
Registered democrat
fake indian dekota and no brain the rat thought this post was humorous when they found out the shooter is a registered democrat.
Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.
That's the problem.

And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....
Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

Then what?

The problem didn't exist before the rise of Liberal / Leftist America.
But you Lefties gloss over that consistently.
Maybe Leftist policies are THE PROBLEM?

Some states with high gun deaths and they're not leftist either
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
I have an American made ak47.

It's just another semi automatic rifle but hey, sensationalized away.
No, it is not just another semi automatic rifle. The AK47 was developed not for hunting or target practice but to kill people and it does an excellent job. It is simple to use, easy to fix and effective by everyone from no-experience freedom fighters in the hills of Afghanistan to shopping mall killers.
------------------------------- NICE thing about the AK is that it can be used for a myriad of LEGAL purposes same as the AR , M1A , and the old fashioned SKS Flopper . AK is simply a GUN , a long gun and thats about it . And the murderer had an AK pattern AK . I highly doubt that he had a select fire AK Flopper .
Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.
Trump supporters are not true Americans. They support racism and terror against brown and black people.

Don't you realize the level of hate that you spread like this is why Trump and shit like this has come about ?
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?
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