Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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The US are the invaders there chief. Always remember that. Your problem with illegal immigration starts with US illegal immigration. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
But the polemic that uses the term 'invaders' is toxic..and at least as much of a danger to our country as the illegal immigration issue itself.

Illegals sure don't show up in the top ten, probably not even in the top 20 of U.S. problems. "Toxic" polemic sure is tearing at the core of U.S. society, as it infuses it with, yes, "toxic" (well stated) hatred that is easily fungible and directed against whatever Other you can think of. I'd say, the two problems don't even begin to compare in magnitude.

At most, undocumented immigrants are a problem amplifier, or, to be more precise, a force that exacerbates domestic problems, such as an exploitative, plutocratic economy, an ill-guided "War on Drugs" that fills the coffers of cartels and enables them to buy guns by the shipload and legislatures and law enforcement departments on top of that, or the imperial mindset that breezily dismisses and passes over ravaging and destabilizing other countries, and then turns around and whines over the consequences thereof showing up on their own doorstep.

All told, the whole "Illegals! Illegals! Illegals!" propaganda is just another smoke screen thrown up to distract from the plutocracy robbing the country blind, and in significant part, thanks but no thanks to the close alliance with the wide and deep White supremacist undercurrent in U.S. society, it works like a charm (again, and again, and again).
They believe it is the single largest threat to their illegal election strategies. That is why the issue is front and center for them.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid...
And you are a terrorist sympathizer. Your own words tells us that. Hopefully someone is watching you close.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
Might help if the con knew the correct Ohio city.
well at least he didn't say we had 57 or 58 states.
But he does laugh at the idea of shooting innocent people though. As does his deplorable base.
link you lying sack of dog shit.
Trump smirked at idea of shooting migrants at rally three months before El Paso massacre I have no reason to lie to Trump apologists.
Is that all you have an opinion of a foreign journalist? No video? is that Russia trying to influence America's media and politics?
Might help if the con knew the correct Ohio city.
well at least he didn't say we had 57 or 58 states.
But he does laugh at the idea of shooting innocent people though. As does his deplorable base.
link you lying sack of dog shit.
Trump smirked at idea of shooting migrants at rally three months before El Paso massacre I have no reason to lie to Trump apologists.
Is that all you have an opinion of a foreign journalist? No video? is that Russia trying to influence America's media and politics?
It's a video of Trump at his own rally. His own words and laughter are not opinions by some journalist. Lol! Are you capable of logical, coherent discussion?
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid...
And you are a terrorist sympathizer. Your own words tells us that. Hopefully someone is watching you close.
He was from your side of the aisle. Even many amongst you are sick of illegals. Keep an even closer eye on your own. They’re the ones with a history of mass murder...
well at least he didn't say we had 57 or 58 states.
But he does laugh at the idea of shooting innocent people though. As does his deplorable base.
link you lying sack of dog shit.
Trump smirked at idea of shooting migrants at rally three months before El Paso massacre I have no reason to lie to Trump apologists.
Is that all you have an opinion of a foreign journalist? No video? is that Russia trying to influence America's media and politics?
It's a video of Trump at his own rally. His own words and laughter are not opinions by some journalist. Lol! Are you capable of logical, coherent discussion?
I never saw a video
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Helping Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras would be the most effective long term solutions and probably the least expensive way of solving our illegal immigration problem. Presidential deals last only as long as the president is in office and often less. The basic problems that drive people over thousands north will remain.

We already help those 3 countries to the tune of $1 billion in foreign aid.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
If the result of invading other countries and taking over their governments, resources, and way of life, while creating an illegal immigration/refugees crisis at the border, that the US pays for, and has had to deal with because of what we did, how did that equate to success?

And why would you not want countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to succeed? What have these people done to you?

Your argument is one that justifies pure evil by the way.
Helping Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras would be the most effective long term solutions and probably the least expensive way of solving our illegal immigration problem. Presidential deals last only as long as the president is in office and often less. The basic problems that drive people over thousands north will remain.
DING! This man is one of the smartest guys on this forum. Thank you! This is how you solve illegal immigration. Illegal immigration wouldn't be a thing if we hadn't stole everything from them, but we did. Now it is time to help them get their lives back in their own countries. We need to fix what we undid.
What a lot of people ignore is the fact that we need workers but we need to change our laws so we bring in more not less legal immigrants. Anti-immigration forces create all kinds propaganda to show that immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans but it just isn't so. Legal immigrants create jobs because they tend to open more businesses than native born Americans. And most of those that don't, do jobs native born Americans won't do.

Right now we have a labor shortage of 7 million people. By 2024, the number is expected to grow to 24 million and our birth rate has just hit a 32 year low. If we are going continue growing our economic, more legal immigration is a necessity.
But he does laugh at the idea of shooting innocent people though. As does his deplorable base.
link you lying sack of dog shit.
Trump smirked at idea of shooting migrants at rally three months before El Paso massacre I have no reason to lie to Trump apologists.
Is that all you have an opinion of a foreign journalist? No video? is that Russia trying to influence America's media and politics?
It's a video of Trump at his own rally. His own words and laughter are not opinions by some journalist. Lol! Are you capable of logical, coherent discussion?
I never say a video
Your signature says it all chief.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
If the result of invading other countries and taking over their governments, resources, and way of life, while creating an illegal immigration/refugees crisis at the border, that the US pays for, and has had to deal with because of what we did, how did that equate to success?

And why would you not want countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to succeed? What have these people done to you?

Your argument is one that justifies pure evil by the way.
Helping Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras would be the most effective long term solutions and probably the least expensive way of solving our illegal immigration problem. Presidential deals last only as long as the president is in office and often less. The basic problems that drive people over thousands north will remain.
DING! This man is one of the smartest guys on this forum. Thank you! This is how you solve illegal immigration. Illegal immigration wouldn't be a thing if we hadn't stole everything from them, but we did. Now it is time to help them get their lives back in their own countries. We need to fix what we undid.
What a lot of people ignore is the fact that we need workers but we need to change our laws so we bring in more not less legal immigrants. Anti-immigration forces create all kinds propaganda to show that immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans but it just isn't so. Legal immigrants create jobs because they tend to open more businesses than native born Americans. And most of those that don't do jobs native born Americans won't do.

Right now we have a labor shortage of 7 million people. By 2024, the number is expected to grow to 24 million and our birth rate has just hit a 32 year low. If we are going continue growing our economic, more legal immigration is a necessity.
Absolutely! It's a given.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
Helping Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras would be the most effective long term solutions and probably the least expensive way of solving our illegal immigration problem. Presidential deals last only as long as the president is in office and often less. The basic problems that drive people over thousands north will remain.

We already help those 3 countries to the tune of $1 billion in foreign aid.
No we don't. That money goes to the Dictators and mafia in those countries that we put in control there, to do what a few Oligarchs want the Dictators to do for them here. That money doesn't go to the people.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
If the result of invading other countries and taking over their governments, resources, and way of life, while creating an illegal immigration/refugees crisis at the border, that the US pays for, and has had to deal with because of what we did, how did that equate to success?

And why would you not want countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to succeed? What have these people done to you?

Your argument is one that justifies pure evil by the way.
Helping Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras would be the most effective long term solutions and probably the least expensive way of solving our illegal immigration problem. Presidential deals last only as long as the president is in office and often less. The basic problems that drive people over thousands north will remain.
DING! This man is one of the smartest guys on this forum. Thank you! This is how you solve illegal immigration. Illegal immigration wouldn't be a thing if we hadn't stole everything from them, but we did. Now it is time to help them get their lives back in their own countries. We need to fix what we undid.
What a lot of people ignore is the fact that we need workers but we need to change our laws so we bring in more not less legal immigrants. Anti-immigration forces create all kinds propaganda to show that immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans but it just isn't so. Legal immigrants create jobs because they tend to open more businesses than native born Americans. And most of those that don't, do jobs native born Americans won't do.

Right now we have a labor shortage of 7 million people. By 2024, the number is expected to grow to 24 million and our birth rate has just hit a 32 year low. If we are going continue growing our economic, more legal immigration is a necessity.
Take away the government handouts that you and I pay for; and see how many businesses they open. As for jobs the left claims Americans won’t do. Complete and utter nonsense. Americans will do it if the price is right. Always have. Sounds like you like getting the jobs you wouldn’t do, done on the cheap...
Is that all you have an opinion of a foreign journalist? No video? is that Russia trying to influence America's media and politics?
It's a video of Trump at his own rally. His own words and laughter are not opinions by some journalist. Lol! Are you capable of logical, coherent discussion?
I never say a video
Your signature says it all chief.
Liberals are traitors that is true
However I am watching the rally from 2019 nope it's not what your link said.
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
The camp they came from is irrelevant. The rhetoric sites that they were Trump supporters by way of his agenda which was/is hate for the others. The agenda is what matters, not the camp.
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
The camp they came from is irrelevant. The rhetoric sites that they were Trump supporters by way of his agenda which was/is hate for the others. The agenda is what matters, not the camp.
You wish it was “irrelevant”. Turns out it’s just “inconvenient” for you. But keep trying to spin. I’m enjoying every minute of it. Guess how many people you’ve convinced with your hair on fire rhetoric... I’ll wager zero...
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
If the result of invading other countries and taking over their governments, resources, and way of life, while creating an illegal immigration/refugees crisis at the border, that the US pays for, and has had to deal with because of what we did, how did that equate to success?

And why would you not want countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to succeed? What have these people done to you?

Your argument is one that justifies pure evil by the way.
Helping Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras would be the most effective long term solutions and probably the least expensive way of solving our illegal immigration problem. Presidential deals last only as long as the president is in office and often less. The basic problems that drive people over thousands north will remain.
DING! This man is one of the smartest guys on this forum. Thank you! This is how you solve illegal immigration. Illegal immigration wouldn't be a thing if we hadn't stole everything from them, but we did. Now it is time to help them get their lives back in their own countries. We need to fix what we undid.
What a lot of people ignore is the fact that we need workers but we need to change our laws so we bring in more not less legal immigrants. Anti-immigration forces create all kinds propaganda to show that immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans but it just isn't so. Legal immigrants create jobs because they tend to open more businesses than native born Americans. And most of those that don't, do jobs native born Americans won't do.

Right now we have a labor shortage of 7 million people. By 2024, the number is expected to grow to 24 million and our birth rate has just hit a 32 year low. If we are going continue growing our economic, more legal immigration is a necessity.
Take away the government handouts that you and I pay for; and see how many businesses they open. As for jobs the left claims Americans won’t do. Complete and utter nonsense. Americans will do it if the price is right. Always have. Sounds like you like getting the jobs you wouldn’t do, done on the cheap...
That's stupid. Illegals pay way more into this country than is received.

As for your argument telling us Americans will do the jobs the immigrants already do? :auiqs.jpg:If that were true, we wouldn't have all these immigrants.
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
The camp they came from is irrelevant. The rhetoric sites that they were Trump supporters by way of his agenda which was/is hate for the others. The agenda is what matters, not the camp.
You wish it was “irrelevant”. Turns out it’s just “inconvenient” for you. But keep trying to spin. I’m enjoying every minute of it. Guess how many people you’ve convinced with your hair on fire rhetoric... I’ll wager zero...
I could care less what side of the fence any of these folks are on. At the end of the day, they support Trump and your murdering terrorist agenda. We already now about you. Just look at your signature. It says everything we need to know about you.
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