Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
The US are the invaders there chief. Always remember that. Your problem with illegal immigration starts with US illegal immigration. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Just a difference in timeline..successful invaders become conquerors. But the illegals are not coming in some mythical 'reconquista'...they want a better life. I empathize--but i know that we need to keep our borders secure..and get a handle on the illegal problem. But the polemic that uses the term 'invaders' is toxic..and at least as much of a danger to our country as the illegal immigration issue itself.
The point isn’t how we feel about the wants and desires of the peaceful caravaners it’s the fact that it’s too easy to sneak a bad one in and it isn’t worth the risk when we can’t even control our own domestic crime problems as it is.
On this..we agree. Along with a revamping of the immigration process to address the needs of our country regarding lawful workers...and a crackdown of employers that provide incentives for illegals by employing them.
It sounds like you agree and sympathize with the El Paso killer. Crusius made many of the the same 'points' in his manifesto.

As for fake tweets..errr tears....a lot of that going around. The total lack of empathy displayed here by many is telling.
Spin machines working overtime.
It was bound to happen eventually. When the government fails to act in order to resolve the problem, it’s only a matter of time till someone does. Get cracking on solving the invasion problem, and you’ll limit the fuel for the fire.
Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
The US are the invaders there chief. Always remember that. Your problem with illegal immigration starts with US illegal immigration. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
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Reactions: BWK
Not in this life. Deal with it or get lost. Trump is the number one terrorist threat to this country.
Apparently, he has not informed the people in El Paso and Dayton.
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
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It was bound to happen eventually. When the government fails to act in order to resolve the problem, it’s only a matter of time till someone does. Get cracking on solving the invasion problem, and you’ll limit the fuel for the fire.
Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
The US are the invaders there chief. Always remember that. Your problem with illegal immigration starts with US illegal immigration. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
It was bound to happen eventually. When the government fails to act in order to resolve the problem, it’s only a matter of time till someone does. Get cracking on solving the invasion problem, and you’ll limit the fuel for the fire.
Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
So? The Left is wrong on this issue..big surprise.
So is most of the Right though...just in a different way. Also not a surprise.
The POTUS is the actor here..the guy with the hammer. he could order raids..across the nation at employers of Illegals. He could convene 14.7 deportation courts---and authorize the hiring of additional judges. He could arrest illegals in droves..without notice and without the help of the locals. He could do all of this with a stroke of a pen.
No Congress needed. He is the chief LEO on our nation...all he need do is enforce the the same time he could paper the barrio's with fliers in Spanish..telling illegals that if they self-deport..they can still be considered for immigration..but if they are deported..lifetime ban.

He could instruct the INS to crack down on visa overstays..of whatever country..and get them deported as well.

The Democrats could not do a thing..within the law to stop him.

Yet he does nothing..for fear of public opinion.

So whining about the just a bit silly---on this issue Trump is a paper tiger..and everyone with a brain knows it.
The Left isn't wrong. Our country is wrong. The very fact that Trump and his racists do nothing to arrest the enablers who hire the illegals proves that this country of ours is the issue, not the illegals.

A short history lesson is in order. First, you cannot be illegal on stolen land. Mexicans were minding their own business until Europeans stole lands they were living on.
Fast forward after WWII, and we took the opportunity to invade Central and South America, took over their governments, resources, and way of life. In the process, going back to the eighties, we welcomed Mexicans into the US to do work, these sorry ass Gringos didn't want to do, thanks to Reagan. That continued through Bush, Clinton, and Bush, until the US citizens had enough. Now the Latin immigrants whose countries we destroyed are now the enemy who come from shithole countries. It was fine when we invaded Mexico in the eighties, and it was fine when we took over Central and South America after WWII, because, you know, we weren't the illegals then. But they are illegal when they come here. If there was to ever be a moral argument to be made, like it or not, that door swings open both ways.

How can they be illegal, and we are not? And when we did it, we took over, creating this refugee crisis at the border. What goes around comes around.
Your entire post is deeply flawed and ignores the realities of our times. Yes, you can be illegal on stolen..or as I like to call it..conquered land. That fight is OVER! We won..they lost. Live with it. Yes..we took..and we took..and we took. So what/ that is what countries do/ Why do you think we have them/ To ensure the other guy's way of life? I would point out that we also gave...millions of lives and billions of dollars..and we gave...and we gave..and we are still giving.The world is a better place because of America.
I've probably forgotten more history that you have ever dreamed of...warts and all. The one thing that i have learned is that trying to redress the historical wrongs of the past--between nations..a couple of hundred years a fool's game..and usually is just the 'bloody flag' some politicians are waving to gain power.

BTW..applying moral arguments to the affairs of a fool's game as well. Nations do not have morals..they have imperatives. Ours is to survive.
I'm not interested in dressing up the past. I'm interested in not repeating it.

Just because we took, doesn't give us the moral high ground. Because "we took" is the reason there is a refugee crisis today, while we scapegoat immigrant populations as the enemy and the other. Any human who can't see the obvious injustices/ wrongs in that, is either stupid or just plain evil. And by the way, that money we gave, take a wild guess where it went? Geopolitical News Analysis and Forecasting | Geopolitical Monitor We gave it to dictators, and the people got shit. How do I know? Because I know the people personally who were victims of our invasions.

So, this so called conversation our country is having about the "so called illegals", continues to be disgusting and evil. We fix the problem by minding our own damn business. That's how we "don't repeat", as you say. One can't expect to "JUST" be a pile of shit by taking from others, and not expect to have to pay for being a pile of shit. What would you have these immigrants do, turn around and walk straight into the ocean? Because we took everything they had, and these countries are run by gangs now, thanks to the good ole USA.

There are zero flaws about my post, because our history tells the exact same story, and that is reality.
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Apparently, he has not informed the people in El Paso and Dayton.
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
A wink, a nod, a smirk, is all his base needs. They can't wait. They are eaten up by hate.
Apparently, he has not informed the people in El Paso and Dayton.
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
Might help if the con knew the correct Ohio city.
Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
The US are the invaders there chief. Always remember that. Your problem with illegal immigration starts with US illegal immigration. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
If the result of invading other countries and taking over their governments, resources, and way of life, while creating an illegal immigration/refugees crisis at the border, that the US pays for, and has had to deal with because of what we did, how did that equate to success?

And why would you not want countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to succeed? What have these people done to you?

Your argument is one that justifies pure evil by the way.
Apparently, he has not informed the people in El Paso and Dayton.
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
So Trump didn't bite the hand that feeds him and oughta get a spankin' for it? :whip:

.Who'd a thunk it! :uhh:
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
So Trump didn't bite the hand that feeds him and oughta get a spankin' for it? :whip:

.Who'd a thunk it! :uhh:
Well, he did ask Stormy for one
I don't care I know one leftist had a gun Betts

m'k? am i supposta know what Betts is? & what does that hafta do with your overwhelming need to not only hoard but advertise your <ahem> ' stuff ' ?
Stop playing stupid Connor Betts your leftist mass shooter

oooooooooooooo.............. conner betts is the ohio shooter................. now i get it!!! you are a nutter on top of it all....

you = orange koolaid flavored icing.
He's a socialist and a warren supporter. with a gun.

ya ya ya...................... & when has liz spewed racist rhetoric that ginned up her ' base '? same with the dude who was a bernie supporter & shot the senator in the ball field? the texas shooter - charged with a hate crime pulled the trigger cause he had permission by the 'president' of the US- so save it.... apples & orange koolaid, dude....

can ya guess who got lousy NRA ratings outa the 3? can you guess why?
It's the ideology that Warren pushes, the Democrat agenda that creates these monsters. Regardless if she doesn't want it in public eye she and her party helped to create them.
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
Might help if the con knew the correct Ohio city.
well at least he didn't say we had 57 or 58 states.
m'k? am i supposta know what Betts is? & what does that hafta do with your overwhelming need to not only hoard but advertise your <ahem> ' stuff ' ?
Stop playing stupid Connor Betts your leftist mass shooter

oooooooooooooo.............. conner betts is the ohio shooter................. now i get it!!! you are a nutter on top of it all....

you = orange koolaid flavored icing.
He's a socialist and a warren supporter. with a gun.

ya ya ya...................... & when has liz spewed racist rhetoric that ginned up her ' base '? same with the dude who was a bernie supporter & shot the senator in the ball field? the texas shooter - charged with a hate crime pulled the trigger cause he had permission by the 'president' of the US- so save it.... apples & orange koolaid, dude....

can ya guess who got lousy NRA ratings outa the 3? can you guess why?
It's the ideology that Warren pushes, the Democrat agenda that creates these monsters. Regardless if she doesn't want it in public eye she and her party helped to create them.
What agenda would that be? That invading other countries like we have done is wrong, because it creates a refugee crisis, and that we shouldn't be scapegoating immigrant populations for our bad behavior?
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
Might help if the con knew the correct Ohio city.
well at least he didn't say we had 57 or 58 states.
But he does laugh at the idea of shooting innocent people though. As does his deplorable base.
Get a life, BWK. This ain't something anybody is used to, and all some of us can do is just blow off steam. See? Even you are blowing off steam by blaming an innocent man who happens to live in the White House. It's not his wish or thought that anything bad such as a mass murder could be committed against innocent people who live in El Paso or the surrounding area.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
So Trump didn't bite the hand that feeds him and oughta get a spankin' for it? :whip:

.Who'd a thunk it! :uhh:
Well, he did ask Stormy for one
Well, if you ask me, I'd say he got one in spades from her extortionist lawyer who now is in the slammer for extorting from other people, too. :rolleyes:
Stop playing stupid Connor Betts your leftist mass shooter

oooooooooooooo.............. conner betts is the ohio shooter................. now i get it!!! you are a nutter on top of it all....

you = orange koolaid flavored icing.
He's a socialist and a warren supporter. with a gun.

ya ya ya...................... & when has liz spewed racist rhetoric that ginned up her ' base '? same with the dude who was a bernie supporter & shot the senator in the ball field? the texas shooter - charged with a hate crime pulled the trigger cause he had permission by the 'president' of the US- so save it.... apples & orange koolaid, dude....

can ya guess who got lousy NRA ratings outa the 3? can you guess why?
It's the ideology that Warren pushes, the Democrat agenda that creates these monsters. Regardless if she doesn't want it in public eye she and her party helped to create them.
What agenda would that be? That invading other countries like we have done is wrong, because it creates a refugee crisis, and that we shouldn't be scapegoating immigrant populations for our bad behavior?
The agenda of hate and division.
We've had to get used to this ever since this racist piece of shit terrorist started making trouble. You get a fucking life. People were killed, and Trump stoked the fire in the direction of his cultist base that it was okay. For God's sake, he laughed when a guy at one of his deplorable rallies yelled out to shoot them. What president in our history has laughed at the idea of shooting innocent people? His rhetoric is nothing but pure filth and hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are no better than he is. It's disgusting.
You may be a little off the mark, all things considered, BWK. After all, you've heard nothing but lies for 3 years about the President. He was not guilty of anything he was charged with. Yet, all who got sucked into the lies are still acting as though they are still the gospel truth. You're not facing the facts: President Trump WAS innocent, President Trump IS innocent, and President Trump WILL BE innocent of all the lies told, spread, and added to by hundreds of press leftists from coast to coast and picked up around the world with the thought "if all those people say the President is a criminal, then he must be.


And so are you, BWK. You just can't believe the truth because you believed all those lies all the time for three years. The false reality is not just etched on your brain, it's entrenched as the 7-miles down area is in the Pacific Ocean. There is a bottom to the lies, though, however deep they are, and the rock bottom truth is that President Trump is not only okay, but because of him, the markets worldwide have gone up, and there's a heck of a lot less starvation when there's that much wealth out there, especially when people grow older and have huge assets to dispense of before they die. Lots of them give to the poorest elements in the poorest places on earth, too, if they have no one to leave their fortunes to, or their offspring don't need it because they made fortunes too.

President Trump doesn't show his tears. He just gets busy doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Right now, that is not a House in Congress that deals in favor of what is good for the American people if President Trump approves. They're having a problem with the facts of the matter that their party's leader could have supported lies and ye cats, created the initial ones. I can see where an entrenched lie makes it impossible for someone to see the truth when the sun shines directly on it. I'll get back to you in a couple of years when some of the people who did the real damages are safely convicted and in jail or awaiting their sentences to be imposed on them for the calumny against an innocent man who got elected President in spite of their hissy fit wars prompted by the perpetrator of all those lies.
Trump was not the cause of the El Paso killings. He didn't call for it. He didn't even suggest any form of violence. Yet knowingly or not he did encourage it. When a person at his rally screams out to shoot them, he doesn't chastise him, he just gives one his grins. When he calls for sending them back at his rally. He knows the statement will be understood by many of his supporters to mean get rid of the Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, etc. Trump does not set the fires, he just brings the matches and fuel and his radical followers do the rest.
Might help if the con knew the correct Ohio city.
well at least he didn't say we had 57 or 58 states.
But he does laugh at the idea of shooting innocent people though. As does his deplorable base.
link you lying sack of dog shit.
But the polemic that uses the term 'invaders' is toxic..and at least as much of a danger to our country as the illegal immigration issue itself.

Illegals sure don't show up in the top ten, probably not even in the top 20 of U.S. problems. "Toxic" polemic sure is tearing at the core of U.S. society, as it infuses it with, yes, "toxic" (well stated) hatred that is easily fungible and directed against whatever Other you can think of. I'd say, the two problems don't even begin to compare in magnitude.

At most, undocumented immigrants are a problem amplifier, or, to be more precise, a force that exacerbates domestic problems, such as an exploitative, plutocratic economy, an ill-guided "War on Drugs" that fills the coffers of cartels and enables them to buy guns by the shipload and legislatures and law enforcement departments on top of that, or the imperial mindset that breezily dismisses and passes over ravaging and destabilizing other countries, and then turns around and whines over the consequences thereof showing up on their own doorstep.

All told, the whole "Illegals! Illegals! Illegals!" propaganda is just another smoke screen thrown up to distract from the plutocracy robbing the country blind, and in significant part, thanks but no thanks to the close alliance with the wide and deep White supremacist undercurrent in U.S. society, it works like a charm (again, and again, and again).
Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
The US are the invaders there chief. Always remember that. Your problem with illegal immigration starts with US illegal immigration. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Conquerors... There’s a huge difference.
Is your argument about semantics or the issue, because I see nothing there that covers the issue?
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
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