Breaking...Cruz endorses Trump!!!!!!

On Hannity Sean read Cruz endorsement!

Why are you so excited about"lying" teds support?
Seems you don't read many political blogs, many now jumping on the train after Cruz endorsement, that happened to be well though out and stated in 6 points....I guess you'll still be as Hildebeast fan, along with a handful of fools that didn't read his reasoning

I'll bite which blogs are jumping into trump because Cruz is supporting him. Exactly who did everyone think cruz would vote for before?

And you realize that Cruz wouldn't have had to make this statement in an attempt to unify the party if trump hadn't been such a terrible divider. Hillary wouldn't even be in this race if you hadn't nominated himm
On Hannity Sean read Cruz endorsement!

Why are you so excited about"lying" teds support?
Seems you don't read many political blogs, many now jumping on the train after Cruz endorsement, that happened to be well though out and stated in 6 points....I guess you'll still be as Hildebeast fan, along with a handful of fools that didn't read his reasoning

I'll bite which blogs are jumping into trump because Cruz is supporting him. Exactly who did everyone think cruz would vote for before?

And you realize that Cruz wouldn't have had to make this statement in an attempt to unify the party if trump hadn't been such a terrible divider. Hillary wouldn't even be in this race if you hadn't nominated himm

Free republic for need to look that up. Because you don't like Trump doesn't mean others dont
Good on Cruz. He knows the Clinton crime family can't be rewarded with the Presidency. I respect him even more today. He has a bright future.
In a dramatic reversal from his controversial non-endorsement at the Republican convention in July, Texas Senator Ted Cruz firmly backed Donald Trump's bid for the White House on Friday.

"A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him," he said in a message posted to Facebook.

In response, Trump put out a warm statement saying he was "greatly honored by the endorsement" by "a tough and brilliant opponent."

The issue has weighed heavily on Cruz, 45, who faces re-election to the Senate in 2018 and has kept the door open to running for president again. Gallup tracking surveys found that Cruz's net favorable rating among Republicans fell by a jarring 35 percentage points in the weeks after the convention, dipping into negative territory.

Cruz's show of support came days after Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus suggested he may block Republicans who don't back Trump from running for the party's nomination again. It also followed news of Heidi Cruz, his wife, rejoining Goldman Sachs in the Houston office. She took an unpaid leave last year to aid her husband's campaign.

Cruz listed several reasons for reversing his stance on Trump, most importantly citing the future shape of the Supreme Court. Earlier Friday, Trump released an expanded list of potential justices he would consider naming to the high court, including Cruz's best friend in the Senate, Republican Mike Lee of Utah.

Cruz noted that Trump said he would only consider filling court openings with names on his list and said that commitment "provides a serious reason for voters to choose to support Trump."

The Texas Republican also listed Obamacare, energy and internet freedom as other areas where Trump was preferable to Clinton.

"Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way," he wrote.

Cruz, in Reversal, Issues Endorsement of Trump for President

I'm glad Cruz finally came to his senses.

How his conscience a drastic reversal from voting his conscience?

Funny thing is this could have been resolved at the convention if trump hadn't been stupid and picked a fight with Cruz and instead said Cruz endorsed him because he is the most constitutional candidate, we wouldn't be talking about it. But trump is an idiot
Cruz would have still been bitter. Like Kasich. And the Bush family. They didn't win the big cookie so they're taking their toys and going home.
Trump threatened those who may run again for the presidency position who did not come out and support him, would be disqualified from running in the next election by the RNC....Trump got Priebus to send a WARNING to the ex candidates, vocally support Trump or the RNC will not let them run for the president's position in the future.

since Trump won the RNC Primary, Trump now runs the RNC...

Soooo, let's get this straight....Trump, who in the primaries bitched and moaned and whined about the RNC every chance he got, calling them crooked and the system was rigged and run by elites and Insiders and having their own inside picks for candidates and all that ....WHAT CAN BE CALLED nothing less than GARBAGE out of Trump's mouth.....

the Trumpster is now making the RNC threaten other Republicans with shutting them out from running on the Republican ticket if they don't come out and support him? WOW! JUST WOW!

And Ted Cruise....what can I say....he and his supposed moral high ground, folded like a card table some lame excuse....but only did so after the THREAT yesterday or the day before by Priebus/Trump.....
Don't Bet Against the Dealer

All that just proves that Trump knows how to get things done. If he could do that to the RNC, he can do the same to America's enemies at home and abroad.

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