Breaking...Cruz endorses Trump!!!!!!

It's a huge difference considering what's at stake.

I trust Trump to do a decent job.
Hillary, after what Obama has already done, would decimate this country.

All we can do is hope. There is no way I can give this country (and the Supreme Court nominations) to Hil-Liar.

Trump is a quick learner for an old man and his business experience would be beneficial for our country. He's used to hiring the best people to make his organizations run and I think he'll do the same as President.

We can see with his change of approach in the election that he is not only willing to listen to others, but act on their professional advice. I think Hil-Liar will fill her cabinet with "yes" men and not take into consideration anything outside of her little world.

Trump may be a disaster, but on the other hand, he may end up being the best President we've had since Reagan. Who knows?
Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump

Cruz, thinking Trump may well lose to Clinton, is positioning himself with Trump supporters for a 2020 run.

If Trump wins, Cruz gets a cabinet position of his choice.

Cruz is only endorsing Trump because he thinks Trump will win.

If what you said was true, he would not have waited until the Friday before the debate to endorse.

If Trump loses, Ted would be among the leaders of the Republican Party. If Trump wins, Cruz doesn't want to be hurt politically.

He is a politician, playing politics. It's shocking, I know.
It's a huge difference considering what's at stake.

I trust Trump to do a decent job.
Hillary, after what Obama has already done, would decimate this country.

All we can do is hope. There is no way I can give this country (and the Supreme Court nominations) to Hil-Liar.

Trump is a quick learner for an old man and his business experience would be beneficial for our country. He's used to hiring the best people to make his organizations run and I think he'll do the same as President.

We can see with his change of approach in the election that he is not only willing to listen to others, but act on their professional advice. I think Hil-Liar will fill her cabinet with "yes" men and not take into consideration anything outside of her little world.

Trump may be a disaster, but on the other hand, he may end up being the best President we've had since Reagan. Who knows?
I agree 100%.
I'm willing to take my chances with Trump because Hillary has already shown what she'll do.
On Hannity Sean read Cruz endorsement!

Not as good, but better late than never.

I love this one. : D


Which would Americans prefer if limited to 2 choices: Book of Revelations or sharia?
Trump threatened those who may run again for the presidency position who did not come out and support him, would be disqualified from running in the next election by the RNC....Trump got Priebus to send a WARNING to the ex candidates, vocally support Trump or the RNC will not let them run for the president's position in the future.

since Trump won the RNC Primary, Trump now runs the RNC...

Soooo, let's get this straight....Trump, who in the primaries bitched and moaned and whined about the RNC every chance he got, calling them crooked and the system was rigged and run by elites and Insiders and having their own inside picks for candidates and all that ....WHAT CAN BE CALLED nothing less than GARBAGE out of Trump's mouth.....

the Trumpster is now making the RNC threaten other Republicans with shutting them out from running on the Republican ticket if they don't come out and support him? WOW! JUST WOW!

And Ted Cruise....what can I say....he and his supposed moral high ground, folded like a card table some lame excuse....but only did so after the THREAT yesterday or the day before by Priebus/Trump.....
Trump attacks his dad, wife and honor, yet he still endorses him. What a loser. Yet another reason NOT to vote trump.
If I remember it was a Cruz PAC that started with Trump, he only finished it, like he's doing with that sick c*nt!


Cruz should have apologized on behalf of his supporters and demanded that no dirty ads be run on his behalf.

Trump did overreact, in my opinion...but he was provoked.

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