Breaking...Cruz endorses Trump!!!!!!

Not as good, but better late than never.

I love this one. : D

Well I now have more respect for Cruz than I have for my own Governor. Kasich is around my age and we grew up at a time when a mans word meant everything. A handshake was as good as a written contract.

It was very disappointing for Kasich to take an oath to support whoever the candidate was, and then backed down after he lost. I could cut Cruz some slack because he is a little younger and didn't grow up with those standards. But Kasich? No excuse at all.
In a dramatic reversal from his controversial non-endorsement at the Republican convention in July, Texas Senator Ted Cruz firmly backed Donald Trump's bid for the White House on Friday.

"A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him," he said in a message posted to Facebook.

In response, Trump put out a warm statement saying he was "greatly honored by the endorsement" by "a tough and brilliant opponent."

The issue has weighed heavily on Cruz, 45, who faces re-election to the Senate in 2018 and has kept the door open to running for president again. Gallup tracking surveys found that Cruz's net favorable rating among Republicans fell by a jarring 35 percentage points in the weeks after the convention, dipping into negative territory.

Cruz's show of support came days after Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus suggested he may block Republicans who don't back Trump from running for the party's nomination again. It also followed news of Heidi Cruz, his wife, rejoining Goldman Sachs in the Houston office. She took an unpaid leave last year to aid her husband's campaign.

Cruz listed several reasons for reversing his stance on Trump, most importantly citing the future shape of the Supreme Court. Earlier Friday, Trump released an expanded list of potential justices he would consider naming to the high court, including Cruz's best friend in the Senate, Republican Mike Lee of Utah.

Cruz noted that Trump said he would only consider filling court openings with names on his list and said that commitment "provides a serious reason for voters to choose to support Trump."

The Texas Republican also listed Obamacare, energy and internet freedom as other areas where Trump was preferable to Clinton.

"Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way," he wrote.

Cruz, in Reversal, Issues Endorsement of Trump for President

I'm glad Cruz finally came to his senses.
I bet he caught holy hell from the republicans in Fla. Good. But he was only did what would help himself. That's what a cockroach he is.
Good thing for trump he signed the pledge of hackery lol
Good thing for Cruz he came to his senses. His favorable rating dropped by 35% after his performance at the convention.
yeah, he shouldn't have acted that way.

You think his approval rating will go up now?

He's a very unlikable guy with a whiney voice, a face that begs to be punched and baby teeth that pop out every time he makes a point in a speech.
I don't think I care or care for what Ted Cruz says, does or thinks. About the only thing I liked about him is that he's somewhat more predictable than is Trump.
I don't think I care what you think or care about. The only thing I like about you is . . is. . . is. . . .

Well, if that's the case, you should have noted in your OP something to the effect of "320 Years of History need not reply." I would have happily obliged such a request.
Good thing for trump he signed the pledge of hackery lol
Good thing for Cruz he came to his senses. His favorable rating dropped by 35% after his performance at the convention.
yeah, he shouldn't have acted that way.

You think his approval rating will go up now?

He's a very unlikable guy with a whiney voice, a face that begs to be punched and baby teeth that pop out every time he makes a point in a speech.
I certainly hope not. I hope he disappears like little marco
Good thing for trump he signed the pledge of hackery lol
Good thing for Cruz he came to his senses. His favorable rating dropped by 35% after his performance at the convention.
yeah, he shouldn't have acted that way.

You think his approval rating will go up now?

He's a very unlikable guy with a whiney voice, a face that begs to be punched and baby teeth that pop out every time he makes a point in a speech.
I certainly hope not. I hope he disappears like little marco
What planet are you posting from? Rubio is leading in his senate race, far from disappearing.
Good thing for trump he signed the pledge of hackery lol
Good thing for Cruz he came to his senses. His favorable rating dropped by 35% after his performance at the convention.
yeah, he shouldn't have acted that way.

You think his approval rating will go up now?

He's a very unlikable guy with a whiney voice, a face that begs to be punched and baby teeth that pop out every time he makes a point in a speech.
I certainly hope not. I hope he disappears like little marco
What planet are you posting from? Rubio is leading in his senate race, far from disappearing.
I haven't heard anything out of him since he lost FL :lol:

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