Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.


I watched it live, they showed trash trumpers rioting and beating cops. that happened you trash mothafuckers beat cops, then you broke into the Capitol building, I saw it live, then you trash took over the Capitol building using force, I saw it, then you trash ran around in combat vests with zip ties, like wanna be bad asses chanting hang mike pence.
You trash did all that and we all saw you do it, and nothing you say will change that fact at all.

you little punks rioted at the Capitol, and now you are too ashamed to admit what you did, even though its all on video and we all saw it.
Yeah, it is what is being said.

No, it is not.
They're trying to make out that someone made them do it.

No, they’re not.
They're trying to say they didn't commit a crime because someone said "hey, go commit a crime" and that these people were so fucking ignorant they didn't know they were committing a crime.

Again, no.

They don’t think they committed a crime at all because the cops opened the doors for them.
You don't know it was being broadcast live on Sedition Day??
You don't know it was being broadcast live on Sedition Day??
Yes it was broadcast live. By most media actually. But what any of us who were not there saw was what the MSM chose to show us. And we saw ONLY what they chose to show us and that was only for as long as they want to show it.

Now maybe that is too complicated a concept for some of you on the left who insist "I SAW IT LIVE!!!" Unless you were there, you saw what the media wanted you to see and nothing else.

Further every camera man had an on site reporter with him or her directing every shot, what to film and what not to film. And even then the live shots they put on the evening news were heavily edited.
99% protested peacefully. This poster is a 12 year old JOKE. :rolleyes:
Everything you say is a lie and a total fabrication.

Clearly we can see on video that a substantial amount of the Trumpers are rioting beating cops and breaking in, with a substantial amount of people behind them ready to attack. I watched it live, I saw your people rioting and beating cops, then they broke into the Capitol, then they took the building by force. Its all on video, they look stupid as fuck.
You have a problem accepting known fact, across all issues whether it be the courts seeing and rejecting Trump's bullshit evidence of fraud, or your people rioting and attacking cops.

You are trying to claim something that is on video is somehow not true, after you can't admit that every single court in the entire country saw Trump's bullshit evidence and rejected it. When you see something you don't like, you just pretend it didn't happen or spin some web of lies so you don't have to accept it as fact.

Just because you are too ashamed to admit your people rioted at the Capitol, beat cops, broke into the building and overran security, taking the building by force doesn't mean it didn't happen. We know it happened because it is all on tape and I saw it live.
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I watched it live too. And I watched exactly what the MSM was willing to show us live. Unless you were there you were not privy to see anything whatsoever other than what they chose to show you.
Crying about the MSM doesn't change the fact that your people attacked cops. beat cops. broke into the Capitol. Overran security. Took the Capitol by force. Then ran around in combat vest like wanna be bad ass punks chanting Hang mike Pence and looking for Pelosi.

You are just a partisan hack clearly ashamed of the actions of your people so you try to downplay them with standard GOP bullshit and lies.
No, it wasn't.
The traitors were charged with sedition.

Same thing.
More than 950 people have been charged with federal crimes relating to the riot, with some facing accusations of seditious conspiracy – a rare but serious offence.

Seditious conspiracy is when a group of people plot to overthrow the government or use force "to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States" - the section which became the focus of the Oath Keepers trial.

I can maybe see charging them with sedition for entering the Capital but there were at least two mitigating factors: 1.) The cops let them in. 2.) They didn’t actually engage in any seditious activity once they got in there.
Kenneth Rader, who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge this month, admitted in court documents that he shared an image with 40 Facebook friends that read “Operation Occupy the Capitol, January 6, 2021” and wrote that Trump supporters were “going to remove the corrupt politions and take our country back... I will not stand by and let this go unanswered.”

Did any of the others say this?

If not then it’s going to be difficult to prove planned insurrection.

I’ve been saying since the beginning that this had all the hallmarks of a mob that simply got out of control. I don’t believe for one minute that when they marched to the Capital they actually intended to break into the building.

And contrary to what the MSM and Democrat politicians have said, Trump never said or implied that they should break in.
Trump supporters are too ashamed to admit the truth of Jan 6th

The Jan 6th Trump Insurrection was a very sad day for America, and it was the day we realized that Trump supporters are the trash of America.
Crying about the MSM doesn't change the fact that your people attacked cops. beat cops. broke into the Capitol. Overran security. Took the Capitol by force. Then ran around in combat vest like wanna be bad ass punks chanting Hang mike Pence and looking for Pelosi.

You are just a partisan hack clearly ashamed of the actions of your people so you try to downplay them with standard GOP bullshit and lies.
Your people shot an unarmed woman, a veteran who had laid down her life for this country, in the head, kicking off the violence. Your people refuse to say what the FBI plants were doing in the Capitol and whether they were dressed as Trump supporters.

Your people cheered the hundreds of incidents of deadly leftist violence in 2020, hoping it would negatively affect Trump's re-election campaign.
Does any Democrat get that Tucker is trolling them?

Sure, he's using cherry picked footage to further an unlikely narrative. Just like Dems have been doing about the same event for more than two years now. He calls a riot "mostly peaceful," just like the Dems spent the Summer of 2020 calling riots "mostly peaceful."

That goose sauce never tastes like you think, huh Dem?
Crying about the MSM doesn't change the fact that your people attacked cops. beat cops. broke into the Capitol. Overran security. Took the Capitol by force. Then ran around in combat vest like wanna be bad ass punks chanting Hang mike Pence and looking for Pelosi.

You are just a partisan hack clearly ashamed of the actions of your people so you try to downplay them with standard GOP bullshit and lies.
Anybody doing violence or vandalism that day or any day has been thoroughly condemned by me and they should receive the full consequences of the law.

But people like you pushing the narrative that such was all that happened that day, given the evidence to the contrary that is just now coming out, should be sued for libel and/or slander. Okay? Deal?

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