Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

prove Carlson altered the video ...
Does the James Bond exotica hep
make the Coup 'Q'aren go down ?

Signed, Curious 'Apprentice' Devolution Onlooker

"the J6 Committee would not have released (cherry-picked) video."
NOONE expects anyone to present ALL security proceedings.
SEEMS way more of a journalistic... duty
(J6 Com did their job and all ewe too shamelessy know it)
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Trump’s ‘Off the Rails’ CPAC Speech
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You posted the same old bullshit that you emotionally incontinent freaks have been posting for two years...A few outliers, most of whom were deliberately riled up with tear gas and flash-bangs.....Nobody with two brain cells to rub together gives a fuck.

Meanwhile, all the video from inside the Capitol shows people peacefully meandering around and the "Q Shaman" being directed by no fewer than ten cops from locked door to locked door, helping him gain access to the Senate chamber.

You hysterical freaks have lost the narrative.....You may now fuck off.

"Meanwhile, all the video from inside the Capitol shows people peacefully meandering around..."

You truly are mentally disturbed. This is peaceful, huh, ya sick fuck...?

It's obvious Tucker hit a nerve last night. The left in government, here at USMB, on FB and Twitter, and all the alphabet channels etc. have gone batsh*t crazy in their denials. I guess it must be too much to ask them to do the honorable thing and question their own narrative they've been parroting for two years. They have to destroy Tucker or they all look like mean spirited, dishonest, malicious idiots. :)

It would be nice if some had the intellectual honesty to acknowledge that maybe at least some of their narrative was incorrect if not deliberately falsified or tainted with dishonest spin?

I don't really expect that. But it would be nice.
Didga think good ole Tuck was going to show you fucking retards Trump's barbarians rampaging thru the Capital on the hunt for Pence & others, you moron?

You fucking halfwits are too stooooooopid to even know that you're being played by a bunch of multi millionare Fox News hacks like Carlson & their billionaire keeper Murdoch.
How exactly is playing a video given to you by the DOJ / Capitol police and playing it as coordinate a 'scam', snowflake?
- Yes, Calson reportedly worked with the Capitol police before showing the video, so your bullshit narrative of the video being altered has already been debunked.

You and the other panicked sheep on this board were throwing out false narratives and reasons to avoid watching it before it even aired.

I guess exposing even further what a complete sham the J6 Committee was has really shaken you snowflakes up.

Even before it aired Trump had been exonerated as Garland and the 'Get Trump' Committee completely failed to provide any evidence of Trump's involvement in the incited violent protest, leading to Garland begging the court to allow Trump to be sued anyway.

From start to finish the Dem Kanuki theater was a joke, as Democrats again were forced to alter transcripts / what was actually said and try to manufacture fake evidence.

While engaging in your usual highly opinionated, biased rant you intentionally ignored / ignore what was / has been proven and the the govt's lies and crimes - avoiding them at all costs.

How exactly did Tucker bring a 'dead' officer back to life, cure him of being 'bashed in the head by a fire extinguisher', leaving him with no marks and walking around just fine?
-- That's one helluva scam, huh, snowflake?

Why didn't the J6 Committee release all of the video footage when they had the chance?
-- Carlson showed America why.

What is preventing the DOJ / Capitol Police from relessing all of it now to prove Carlson 'altered the video'?

Where is ANYONE from the J6 Committee - why aren't they rushing to microphones to claim Carlson doctored the video or to justify / explain their kabuki theater?

For once stop attempting to blame the GOP for DEMOCRAT FAILURE / INACTION and talk about it, not AVOID it.

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The Chief of the Capital Police put your buddy Tuck in his place today in a news release.
You posted the same old bullshit that you emotionally incontinent freaks have been posting for two years...A few outliers, most of whom were deliberately riled up with tear gas and flash-bangs.....Nobody with two brain cells to rub together gives a fuck.

Meanwhile, all the video from inside the Capitol shows people peacefully meandering around and the "Q Shaman" being directed by no fewer than ten cops from locked door to locked door, helping him gain access to the Senate chamber.

You hysterical freaks have lost the narrative.....You may now fuck off.
You mean after the rioters took over the Capitol building by force, and went through the building chanting hang Mike Pence and get Pelosi, they were peacefully walking through the building? that proves nothing at all except that you are a partisan hack, which we already know.

The cops almost got killed trying to keep you people out of the building, so they stopped resisting the mob of trumpers who had already stormed the Capitol and taken over the building by force.
There was nothing peaceful about the Jan 6th Insurrection at all, and its all on tape. Tucker Carlson did nothing
You saw what the J6 Committee and corrupt MSM wanted you to see and manipulatively edited a lot of that. And they showed you none of what they didn't want you to see. Which is why Tucker Carlson's video series now is being damned by the people who didn't want you to see that.
I watched it live on TV, The trash mob of Trumpers attacked cops and stormed the Capitol, taking it by force.
We all saw it live.
The Trumpers rioted and attacked and beat cops, we all saw it, live on video, then they stormed the Capitol, broke into the building, and took over the building by force, then they went looking for Mike Pence and Pelosi.

That is the definition of an insurection. Tucker Carlson did nothing all he showed a bunch of Trumpers after they took over the building. The violence was extreme and its all on tape.
You mean after the rioters took over the Capitol building by force, and went through the building chanting hang Mike Pence and get Pelosi, they were peacefully walking through the building? that proves nothing at all except that you are a partisan hack, which we already know.

The cops almost got killed trying to keep you people out of the building, so they stopped resisting the mob of trumpers who had already stormed the Capitol and taken over the building by force.
There was nothing peaceful about the Jan 6th Insurrection at all, and its all on tape. Tucker Carlson did nothing
They were waved in by the cops, sub-imbecile.....No fewr than ten of them had "Q Shaman" isolated from everyone and made no move to arrest him or show him out.

You assholes lied out your asses about Brian Sicknick, and you're lying now.

I watched it live on TV, The trash mob of Trumpers attacked cops and stormed the Capitol, taking it by force.
We all saw it live.
The Trumpers rioted and attacked and beat cops, we all saw it, live on video, then they stormed the Capitol, broke into the building, and took over the building by force, then they went looking for Mike Pence and Pelosi.

That is the definition of an insurection. Tucker Carlson did nothing all he showed a bunch of Trumpers after they took over the building. The violence was extreme and its all on tape.
Again you saw what the a highly partisan and provably dishonest MSM wanted you to see.

All but the highly partisan are interested to see what they didn't how you.

Why are you not interested in seeing what they didn't show you?
Again you saw what the a highly partisan and provably dishonest MSM wanted you to see.

All but the highly partisan are interested to see what they didn't how you.

Why are you not interested in seeing what they didn't show you?

Totally tribal!!

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