Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Yet we were supposed to believe everything the highly political blindly partisan January 6th committee released without question. I have no doubt Carlson is cherry picking through the video and releasing the parts that support the narrative he wants out there as did the January 6th committee. Here is an idea make all the footage available to the public so we can see everything and make up our on mind instead of letting partisans in Congress and the media show us only what they want us to see so they can push their own agenda.

Well said.
Thanks for a moment of levity.

What is "The Truth"?
I’ve been asking the same thing. As far as I can tell, all they really latch on to is that the Democrats lied. That’s their truth.

How did they lie? Not sure. They just need to be told they lied and then they don’t have to listen.
Tucker Carlson admitted in open court last year that he lies to his viewers and they should not believe what he tells them. Basically, he admitted to being a shit stirrer. I will post that in my next post.

While he was peddling the Big Lie on Donald Trump's behalf, behind the scenes Carlson was not buying it. He called Trump a "demonic force". However, he feared the monsters he had helped create would defect to Newsmax and so he kept lying to their faces on the air. His contempt for the rubes is profound.

Even worse, when a Fox News reporter dared to fact check Trump, Carlson called for her to be fired immediately as truth and facts and reality would negatively affect their stock price!

And now, after succumbing to Trump's lickspittles in Congress in order to earn their vote for Speaker, Kevin McCarthy has given exclusive access to 40,000 hours of January 6 video to the chief Trump propagandist, Tucker Carlson.

And once again, Tucker Carlson has lied to his viewers. They are all parroting a lie that the QAnon Shaman was allowed into the Capitol by the Capitol police, based on Carlson propaganda.

For a propagandist to be successful, he needs to rely on the rubes to be unable to think critically or view anything that contradicts the narrative. The rubes are trained to mistrust anything which does not align with the propagandist's lies.

So here is a video which clearly shows the QAnon Shaman was NOT allowed into the building by the police:

Watch that video. As the insurrectionists begin smashing the windows and break in, a single police officer attempts to pepper spray one of the terrorists. He then retreats.

Eventually, two of the invaders kick open the center doors to allow more of the terrorists inside. As the mob surges through the door, you can see the QAnon Shaman carrying a flag as he enters with his fellow rioters.

You would think at some point a rube would have to admit to themselves they were fooled. I realize it is a bitter and difficult pill to swallow, but if one is to maintain one's integrity, you have to reach that point.

Sometimes, your integrity is all you have. And if you casually throw it away to just to win an argument online with complete strangers, then you are near the precipice of insanity.

So why does anyone bleev anything Tucker Carlson says? It's a true mystery to me.
They don't have to believe him they can believe the video footage that was released by the capital police for viewing.
Where are the videos of the violent insurrectionists? Let me become a lefty for a moment and ask for proof. All the videos I've watched so far don't show any evidence of violent insurrection.
“DeMoCrAcY” depends on censoring Tucker!!!

Surely Billy000 will tell us that government wanting to censor journalists is not communism? :laughing0301:

Lol um no still not communism. Whaf
You’re saying doesn’t make any goddamn sense either way. No one in the government is passing a law to censor that butt munch you drama queen.
And an ass obsessed retard like you is crying because your whole fairy tale just got destroyed. You fucking retards just got shown how dumb you truly are for buying the obvious bullshit from that “committee”. Continue crying.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm crying? No, you're raaaaaaaaanting, halfwit. A slew of GOP Senators today handed your ass buddy Tuck's ass right back at him today for the horseshit he puked last night. Just how much smoke blown up your ass by Tuck & Trump do you need, ya fuck? Never get enough?

Better get a good taste of Tuck's ass while you can, loser. He's being proven to be the hack that anyone with a brain knows him to be. Which leaves you out.
They don't have to believe him they can believe the video footage that was released by the capital police for viewing.
Where are the videos of the violent insurrectionists? Let me become a lefty for a moment and ask for proof. All the videos I've watched so far don't show any evidence of violent insurrection.
They are all over this thread dope
Unless there are valid security concerns...

If there were valid security concerns about releasing video Democrats / the J6 Committee would not have released (cherry-picked) video.


Do you guys actually THINK before you say / post this stuff?!
They don't have to believe him they can believe the video footage that was released by the capital police for viewing.
Where are the videos of the violent insurrectionists? Let me become a lefty for a moment and ask for proof. All the videos I've watched so far don't show any evidence of violent insurrection.

I didn't see no guns except for the one that killed Ashli Babbit and a few others drawn on protestor's by Federales.
They could no more stop him than the other hundreds/thousands who broke into the Capitol
Video footage doesn't support anything near thousands. Police opened the doors after those hooligans damaged a couple doors and windows. Lots of footage of people walking through the capitol, peacefully, escorted by police, not being arrested.

So Chewbaca guy was let into the capitol, unencumbered by law enforcement. Looks like he wasn't involved in the break in then.
Focusing on him ignores all the others...900 of whom have either bled guilty or been convicted...of everything from destruction of government property to seditious conspiracy
So he gets four years for a police escorted tour of the building? That's where the video footage will work for him.
If there were valid security concerns about releasing video Democrats / the J6 Committee would not have released (cherry-picked) video.


Do you guys actually THINK before you say / post this stuff?!
As I understand it, the J6 committee vetted their videos with the security people. Tucker vetted only one of his.

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