Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

You're leaving the moderation group is understandable as the forum is a mess not your fault.

No, I actually have more experience in moderation than anyone here as I started moderating in 2007 and currently Administrator of an alternative Blog that has been growing faster after I took control of the front end last summer and my political forum and a moderator of the largest science blog (Watts Up With That?) in the world and the largest science blog in a country and in line to be a new moderator at forum someday.

I was also a moderator in the hidden Yahoo science forum to reading what scientists commented on climate issues of the day which for a time had Dr. Mann and Dr. Schmidt commenting there until they left.

I wished they had overcome their worry about forums being a safe place to move to when there were concerns of losing everything which they did since they don't own the database, I tried to get them to move to a Forum I created for them got a few scientists to come over and test it then tell them it was better than Yahoo, but nothing developed.

You mocked Tucker because you wanted to deflect from this topic to something elsewhere while I have been focusing on what is released and commented on the entire time.

I resigned from the moderation because it spoiled the fun of being on these forums. If I had been able to come in as much as I do, but only perform as a mod at certain times, I would have been happier at it. But I guess I took the responsibility seriously.

My comments about Carlson were not intended to deflect anything. While I do not think Tucker Carlson, I want any and all evidence presented at the trials of those involved in the events of January 6th.
You're deranged, FruitLoops. No, I don't defend murder. Benedict Babbitt wasn't murdered. She was justifiably shot during the commission of a crime which threatened the lives of lawmakers. That cop is a hero who saved lives as many more in that violent would have been shot had she been allowed to breach that police barricade and that violent mob followed her. Shooting her stopped that violent mob dead in their tracks.
No, man. Saint Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a BLM cop while attempting to purchase a copy of the US Constitution in the Capitol gift shop.

The only route remaining for the leftist vermin like the BankerLoser is the deprogramming camps.

I choose to trust that a lot of intelligent adults are being very enlightened by Tucker Carlson's revelations of yesterday and today.

All Tucker "revealed" is that when you selectively edit out all the violence it is possible to make the violent insurrection look peaceful.
What a joke! Video is released only to Tucker, the man on record lying about the Big Lie. Why hasn't everyone gotten to see the UNEDITED videos?
Because they weren't interested. They simply carried the water for the Jan 6 show trial. When Tucker gained access and they were caught with their pants down, THEN they all started shouting they wanted access too. McCarthy is on record saying the video belongs to the American people and is working to provide it to all media. Perhaps they should have been asking for it over the past two years instead of carrying water. BTW, Tucker doesn't have a copy. His crew had to go to the Capitol to access it under supervision. But don't let facts get in the way of the narrative.
Yeah, it's a pity Trump lied to them and even worse that they fell for it.
Is that why 3 states tried to decertify the election. We know who has been doing the lying. You look dumber and dumber and more desperate with your stock debunked answers. Give it up troll. You have failed.
The shaman guy walked calmly with calm police officers.

Explain that. Third time I’ve asked, you won’t try.

It doesn’t add up

I already pointed out that guy was not violent. That doesn't mean there aren't other videos of violence occurring there that day.
When a prosecutor shows tape of a crime, what does he show? He shows the crime.
He doesn't exclude what is known as exculpatory evidence which is what these video clips prove.
And oh yea, they have been identified. Over 900 have been prosecuted
Now their defense will surely be filing for dismissals or reduction of charges. It's coming, guaranteed.
The Jan 6 committee showed people committing crimes.
True, but these videos put a whole lot of what they attempted to project in serious doubt now.
Dell dude, the political theater is Tuckems and his cherry picked vids
He he he, feel better now?
Everyone knows the left has lied about this so called insurrection.l The left has managed to destroy all trust in anything governmental. there is going to have to be a reckoning... a scamdemic set loose on the american people and the world for money and power, a poison vaxx that is killing our children and young adults, a stolen election, months of leftist domestic terrorism where nothing is done to stop it and protect american citizens, a ginned up leftst bullshit gov't orchestrated psyops to make Trump supporters look bad. A tyrannical demo'rat traitorous president who is openly destroying this nation and rushing us into a war the american people DO NOT WANT. I won't be forgetting what the left has done to this country.
The DC Police were outnumbered by those who had no business being at the Capitol at that time.

Those who got through the security set up outside. Those who bashed windows and doors to get into the Capitol. Those who looked very determined in doing what Trump had set them up to do: STOP the Certification of Biden as President.

Sure, you and others would have fought them to the end, with your lives rather than allow those people to come in, much less try to stop them to get into the Congress Chambers as the Police was actually doing.

Another loser theory from the Trump Cultists.
you regurgitated that talking point flawlessly. Congrats!
Not crying at all, I think it is great that you can happily admit you would rather have someone tell you what to think than take the time to read something yourself.

That simple fact explains so much about you
Watching a video of someone discussing how special districts are created,how they are different from other special districts is informative. Especially when discussed by the lawyer that helps create them

Sorry you are afraid to inform yourself.

But since my company owns Disney stock ( that keeps tanking). I like to keep up to date on Disney. Sorry that scares you so much.

It will do nothing for the abysmally ignorant leftist vermin like the usual suspects here, but if there are some actual thinking people out there who are honestly looking for real evidence, it will be all they need to see the facts of the Jan6 protest at last.

The rest of them who are beyond reasoning, we'll save them a place in the deprogramming camps and if that doesn't work....................

Oh well.

We won't worry about them. They are meat.

They now resemble a snake with its head cut off, writhing, squirming.....LOL
I already pointed out that guy was not violent. That doesn't mean there aren't other videos of violence occurring there that day.
Why did he get 4 years in prison? Got an answer for that besides fascism?

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