Breaking: Documented Truth On Elizabeth Warren's Genealogy Released---No Native American Ancestry

I spent almost two years in Oklahoma while I was in the service and almost every white family that I came in contact with who were long time residents all claimed Cherokee ancestry. That was not unusual at all. What is unusual is political hacks using it as a club to beat someone with. You people wouldn't lose so often if you kept your debates at 9th grade level and above.
He was found out to have been born Sicilian-American Tony Conti from South Louisiana
who had later claimed Cherokee ancestry That's how he got into Hollywood playing Indians in the 1930s till his sister ratted him out in 1996 for being a fraud. For 60 years people thought the crying indian Iron Eyes Cody was a real Cherokee when he had duped all of America. Elizabeth Warren is a fraud, like Tony Conti was.
Well if Warren believes that she is an American Indian and is not, perhaps she is also really a Republican who's father lives in Kennebunkport Maine
i have never seen Warren chase and hunt down a rabbit, then have it for dinner.
It wouldn't make a difference if it was like Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man where her family was killed by Indians and she was raised by them and lived like and acted like one, she still wouldn't be an Indian.
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.

Warren can settle the matter once and for all anytime she wants to. All she has to do is go get her DNA tested.

We all know why she doesn't want to do that.
I spent almost two years in Oklahoma while I was in the service and almost every white family that I came in contact with who were long time residents all claimed Cherokee ancestry. That was not unusual at all. What is unusual is political hacks using it as a club to beat someone with. You people wouldn't lose so often if you kept your debates at 9th grade level and above.
No one could have used it as a "club" if she hadn't lied about it to crawl over other people who were more deserving of the jobs it helped her get.

Warren is a lying weasel.

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