Breaking: Documented Truth On Elizabeth Warren's Genealogy Released---No Native American Ancestry

No Democrat exists who is not a liar. It's what they do, it's ALL they do.

You're a fine american my friend.
Thank you. I wish I could say the same about you. BTW, American is capitalized. A REAL American would know that.

I was using the term in the Shaun Hannity kind of way, you're a fine dumbed down Redneck my friend. Note the capital R.
Stop trying to be witty, it's not you.

Sadly you don't require all that much.
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.

Over your head, heh.
Hey you Republicans, "Time to move on"...

If a WHITE female Liberal declares she is a BLACK woman, than she is a black woman.
(If a White female Conservative says she's a black woman she's an 'offensive racist'.)

If a lily-white Liberal woman of European ancestry declares she is a native American then she is a native American.
(If a White female Conservative says she's a native American she's an 'offensive racist'.)

If a white Liberal man with a p@nis wearing a dress says he is a woman because he FEELS like a woman, then the white Liberal male with a p@nis IS a woman.

'Time to move on'...assimilate!
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.

This is easy. Liz Warren just like Ward Churchill claimed to have First Nations heritage. But they have no proof of said heritage. Thus both are living a fairy tale.
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.

No, you don't know! Because you're either: a) lazy or b) illiterate or both.

I've posted the research on Squirrely Cheekbones genealogy several times now and there's no Cherokee blood back into great great grandparents which she'd HAD to have to even establish 1/32 Cherokee, and she does not
I spent almost two years in Oklahoma while I was in the service and almost every white family that I came in contact with who were long time residents all claimed Cherokee ancestry. That was not unusual at all. What is unusual is political hacks using it as a club to beat someone with. You people wouldn't lose so often if you kept your debates at 9th grade level and above.
I really don't get why anybody thinks having some Indian ancestor is some kind of status symbol. My grandmother left the reservation for Wilburton at 6 am in the morning on her 16th birthday with 73 cents in her coin purse and never looked back. She had nothing good to say about her tribe or any other; they were nasty, cruel, and stupid peoples. There is nothing noble or admirable about them or their 'cultures'.

Quit watching stupid Hollywood movies and TV shows and swallowing dumbass hippie idiocy already. It's 2016, and time to grow up.
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The woman's a dishonest buffoon. Her and Hitlery together should scare enough common sense thinking folks into supporting Trump. Hopefully the People will pass on the Dumb and Dumber sisters.
Her status as a victimized politically correct person worthy of affirmative action just went down 10 points (no actual minority blood) and then up 5 points (at least she lied about it to help the Left).
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.

No, you don't know! Because you're either: a) lazy or b) illiterate or both.

I've posted the research on Squirrely Cheekbones genealogy several times now and there's no Cherokee blood back into great great grandparents which she'd HAD to have to even establish 1/32 Cherokee, and she does not

No, you've posted anecdotal speculation. If you have credible genetic testing results I'd love to see that.
The woman's a dishonest buffoon. Her and Hitlery together should scare enough common sense thinking folks into supporting Trump. Hopefully the People will pass on the Dumb and Dumber sisters.

That might have a tad more merit if Trump were honest.
I'm so convinced, you found a link. You boobs understand the human genome has been sequenced right? Came back with that data and we'll go over it.

What's to go over? She's as phony as Ward Churchill.

You've seen his genetic profile too? Great. Please share both.

Squirrely Cheekbones has no Indian ancestors

The thing is, you don't know. And it's knowable these days. But the question has become political which in america means no evidence is needed or matters to believers.

This is easy. Liz Warren just like Ward Churchill claimed to have First Nations heritage. But they have no proof of said heritage. Thus both are living a fairy tale.

That could very well be, and that would make them like most "white" americans who go through life claiming the same. And I'm not really interested in your legal arguments about who gets included on what list. But if you people want to argue about the biology you need biological evidence. And as of yet, I've see none. If anyone has it, as I've said, I'd be interested in looking at it.Thus far I've seen nothing but political shat slinging.
Someone was complaining earlier that it was a hoax or something, weren't they? I don't care where she gets it done. I just think it would put a lot of speculation to rest.
Actually, it's pretty common for families to pass down stories about ancestors that end up not being true. Especially about Native ancestry--seems like most everyone wants an Indian princess or warrior in their bloodline. It doesn't mean the people repeating the stories don't believe them, though. The fact that several relatives tell a consistent story does NOT mean it's true--it means they all got told the same story!
Someone was complaining earlier that it was a hoax or something, weren't they? I don't care where she gets it done. I just think it would put a lot of speculation to rest.
Actually, it's pretty common for families to pass down stories about ancestors that end up not being true. Especially about Native ancestry--seems like most everyone wants an Indian princess or warrior in their bloodline. It doesn't mean the people repeating the stories don't believe them, though. The fact that several relatives tell a consistent story does NOT mean it's true--it means they all got told the same story!
And it can explain where Aunt Bess's mysterious baby came from.

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