BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

Hey....Child....and GT the child who liked your about this.....

Hey guys...its 2014.

Thank God for the fact that we saved pertinent emails on hard copy per the LAW because we are being accused of doing something inappropriate to American Citizens and we need to produce those emails...but since the hard drive crashed and our back up only stores for 6 months, we are able to produce those emails to ensure no one is doing anything inappropriate to American Citizens.

It sure was a pain in the butt to print each email....but Americans pay us to follow the law as we work on their behalf and now we know why they insisted we do it....because Americans have the right to complain...and we have a respo0nsibility to make sure their complaints are addressed.

You see siete...and may want to laugh about it and make jokes about it.....but we are talking about the IRS who is paid by us....but they have the right to ruin our lives if they deem it appropriate....

Keeping them in check is not a ridiculous idea.

you're the one that said ALL emails aren't you?

pertinent emails ? who decides what 's pertinent , Issa or you ?

monitoring email and phone conversation aka keeping them in check, was/is a violation of the Costitution when NSA does it, or is it?


Are you not aware that we, the people have the right to monitor our employees...the federal government....but what is deemed unconstitutional is the government monitoring us.

Do you really not know the difference?

Is that possible?

Wow. What are 7 ?

we have the right to monitor our employees to dig up old emails that may, or may not be criminal, but monitoring people that MAY be planning an attack that could kill thousands of EMPLOYEES (Trade Center) is unconstitutional ???

no. I don't get that. Common logic forbids me ..

Democrat liar = jail

dead people = grave

no, I'm not 7 years old, but even a 7 year old can figure that one out... what's your excuse ?
Hey....Child....and GT the child who liked your about this.....

Hey guys...its 2014.

Thank God for the fact that we saved pertinent emails on hard copy per the LAW because we are being accused of doing something inappropriate to American Citizens and we need to produce those emails...but since the hard drive crashed and our back up only stores for 6 months, we are able to produce those emails to ensure no one is doing anything inappropriate to American Citizens.

It sure was a pain in the butt to print each email....but Americans pay us to follow the law as we work on their behalf and now we know why they insisted we do it....because Americans have the right to complain...and we have a respo0nsibility to make sure their complaints are addressed.

You see siete...and may want to laugh about it and make jokes about it.....but we are talking about the IRS who is paid by us....but they have the right to ruin our lives if they deem it appropriate....

Keeping them in check is not a ridiculous idea.

you're the one that said ALL emails aren't you?

pertinent emails ? who decides what 's pertinent , Issa or you ?

monitoring email and phone conversation aka keeping them in check, was/is a violation of the Costitution when NSA does it, or is it?

Basic logic moron.

If it is general is pertinent.....for it may be required for retrieval if there is a federal case about it a year...2 years...a decade later.

Fuck off. You don't want to know the truth.

They already know it's true and don't give the first damn how corrupt their boy king is.
You cannot reason with a liberal.. People who have no intellectual integrity are a lost cause. Ignore them and move on.
No. That is the general REASON for saving it. Why do you continue to ignore what is on the IRS website..... (07-08-2011)
Emails as Possible Federal Records

1.All federal employees and federal contractors are required by law to preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency. Records must be properly stored and preserved, available for retrieval and subject to appropriate approved disposition schedules.

2.The Federal Records Act applies to email records just as it does to records you create using other media. Emails are records when they are:

•Created or received in the transaction of agency business

•Appropriate for preservation as evidence of the government’s function and activities, or

•Valuable because of the information they contain

3.If you create or receive email messages during the course of your daily work, you are responsible for ensuring that you manage them properly. The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records. If transmission and receipt data are not printed by the email system, annotate the paper copy. More information on IRS records management requirements is available at or see the Records Management Handbook, IRM 1.15.1

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email


emails are records when they are created or received in the transaction of business.

Care....they dont KNOW before hand if the email will be used in any type of court proceeding or federal case. They are to save them because down the road they may be needed.....LIKE NOW.

Why are you acting this way?

. (07-08-2011)
Emails as Possible Federal Records


conjecture your Honor... next witness. are dense.

That is the point you fucking moron.

Every email that is created or received by the IRS during normal business transactions are deemed POSSIBLE federal records...and thus need to be preserved.

No one knows when they create an email regarding a business situation if it will be used at a later date for a federal case or have historical they are told to save all of them.

So sad that you need it laid out for you like this. It is written for a government employee to understand it....and that level of intelligence is nothing to write home about.

I used to think people giving these kinds of responses were just screwing with you. But I think they really dont understand it.
I have posted it in one of the first Lerner email threads
I can't find a law Requiring emails be backed up with paper ... in fact, a law requiring paper reduction was passed in 1996... maybe someone who is retired with plenty of time on their hands can find that law somewhere in this ...

Federal Laws, Policy & Regulations

OR they can accept the word of The Daily Caller .

What I find funny is you could not find it....yet it was quite easy to find ON THE IRS WEBSITE....

And then you criticize me for stating something that is inaccurate.

You are an ass. Go have fun with GT. Neither of you are worthy of my time.

I posted the link and now you're running... typical RW'er

approached with facts, lace up Nikes and haul.

Adios muchacha
The morons posting in this thread are the same goons who melted down insisting the video was to blame for Benghazi .. No one believes anything any of you say.. every word out of your mouths is a lie... Once Republicans gain the Senate.. no stopping the this train..

I totally agree when you criticized Dante for stooping to tactics of "discrediting the source"
So PLEASE don't do that either! By attacking the person/group instead of correcting the fault.

Both sides react when they see the other deny wrongdoing.

We don't need a mutual fingerpointing festival,
we need problems corrected not projected back and forth!
The morons posting in this thread are the same goons who melted down insisting the video was to blame for Benghazi .. No one believes anything any of you say.. every word out of your mouths is a lie... Once Republicans gain the Senate.. no stopping the this train..

I totally agree when you criticized Dante for stooping to tactics of "discrediting the source"
So PLEASE don't do that either! By attacking the person/group instead of correcting the fault.

Both sides react when they see the other deny wrongdoing.

We don't need a mutual fingerpointing festival,
we need problems corrected not projected back and forth!

Don't project about something you haven't the first clue of. G5000 is totally discredited for calling for the death of that filmmaker with no trial, no evidence.. etc.. Why don't you try to mind your own business when you don't know what the hell you're talking?
The morons posting in this thread are the same goons who melted down insisting the video was to blame for Benghazi .. No one believes anything any of you say.. every word out of your mouths is a lie... Once Republicans gain the Senate.. no stopping the this train..

I totally agree when you criticized Dante for stooping to tactics of "discrediting the source"
So PLEASE don't do that either! By attacking the person/group instead of correcting the fault.

Both sides react when they see the other deny wrongdoing.

We don't need a mutual fingerpointing festival,
we need problems corrected not projected back and forth!

Don't project about something you haven't the first clue of. G5000 is totally discredited for calling for the death of that filmmaker with no trial, no evidence.. etc.. Why don't you try to mind your own business when you don't know what the hell you're talking?

G5000 is your superior in every category that matters here. He's honest, he's well researched and he's same. He's not always right....but that beats you too. You are never right.
I totally agree when you criticized Dante for stooping to tactics of "discrediting the source"
So PLEASE don't do that either! By attacking the person/group instead of correcting the fault.

Both sides react when they see the other deny wrongdoing.

We don't need a mutual fingerpointing festival,
we need problems corrected not projected back and forth!

Don't project about something you haven't the first clue of. G5000 is totally discredited for calling for the death of that filmmaker with no trial, no evidence.. etc.. Why don't you try to mind your own business when you don't know what the hell you're talking?

G5000 is your superior in every category that matters here. He's honest, he's well researched and he's same. He's not always right....but that beats you too. You are never right.
Bottom line ...

other than the RW kneejerk specialists who gives a flying FK? ... Other than Issa (lol) certainly not the Republican lawmakers in Congress.

Ah, yes...the Hilary Clinton defense!!! What difference does it really make!!!!

You might as well run a white flag up the pole, Siete...that's absolute pawnage...
Bottom line ...

other than the RW kneejerk specialists who gives a flying FK? ... Other than Issa (lol) certainly not the Republican lawmakers in Congress.

Ah, yes...the Hilary Clinton defense!!! What difference does it really make!!!!

You might as well run a white flag up the pole, Siete...that's absolute pawnage...

not at all ... maybe YOU can find the Republican lawmakers that are taking sides with Issa and report their names, NOBODY else can.

you have the floor
Bottom line ...

other than the RW kneejerk specialists who gives a flying FK? ... Other than Issa (lol) certainly not the Republican lawmakers in Congress.

Ah, yes...the Hilary Clinton defense!!! What difference does it really make!!!!

You might as well run a white flag up the pole, Siete...that's absolute pawnage...

not at all ... maybe YOU can find the Republican lawmakers that are taking sides with Issa and report their names, NOBODY else can.

you have the floor

Ah yes...another progressive that hasn't watched the hearings! Just from those...Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordon, Paul Ryan, Dave Camp, Sam Johnson, Kevin Brady, Charles Boustany, Peter Roskum, Adrian Smith, Tim Griffin, Jim Renacci, Todd Young, Tom Price, Vern Buchanan, Jim Gerlach, Lynn Jenkins, Diane Black, Devin Nunes, Tom Reed, Pat Tiberi, Aaron Shlock, Kenny Marchant, & Eric Paulson. That's just barely scratching the surface! I don't know how you've come to the conclusion that Republican lawmakers don't care about the IRS scandal, Siete but it's an amusing contention. How about you show me GOP lawmakers that have come out AGAINST the investigation of the IRS?
Hey....Child....and GT the child who liked your about this.....

Hey guys...its 2014.

Thank God for the fact that we saved pertinent emails on hard copy per the LAW because we are being accused of doing something inappropriate to American Citizens and we need to produce those emails...but since the hard drive crashed and our back up only stores for 6 months, we are able to produce those emails to ensure no one is doing anything inappropriate to American Citizens.

It sure was a pain in the butt to print each email....but Americans pay us to follow the law as we work on their behalf and now we know why they insisted we do it....because Americans have the right to complain...and we have a respo0nsibility to make sure their complaints are addressed.

You see siete...and may want to laugh about it and make jokes about it.....but we are talking about the IRS who is paid by us....but they have the right to ruin our lives if they deem it appropriate....

Keeping them in check is not a ridiculous idea.
jarhead, pain in the ass or not, the federal irs rules for saving emails DOES NOT STATE that employees must print all emails and save them.... the irs rules say that emails involving federal cases/documentation, should be printed and saved with the case files.... I know it ''plays'' better if it were true that ALL emails were suppose to be printed by all irs employees, but that simply is NOT the case....??? so why ya claiming such, or are you?????

No. That is the general REASON for saving it. Why do you continue to ignore what is on the IRS website..... (07-08-2011)
Emails as Possible Federal Records

1.All federal employees and federal contractors are required by law to preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency. Records must be properly stored and preserved, available for retrieval and subject to appropriate approved disposition schedules.

2.The Federal Records Act applies to email records just as it does to records you create using other media. Emails are records when they are:

•Created or received in the transaction of agency business

•Appropriate for preservation as evidence of the government’s function and activities, or

•Valuable because of the information they contain

3.If you create or receive email messages during the course of your daily work, you are responsible for ensuring that you manage them properly. The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records. If transmission and receipt data are not printed by the email system, annotate the paper copy. More information on IRS records management requirements is available at or see the Records Management Handbook, IRM 1.15.1

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email


emails are records when they are created or received in the transaction of business.

Care....they dont KNOW before hand if the email will be used in any type of court proceeding or federal case. They are to save them because down the road they may be needed.....LIKE NOW.

Why are you acting this way?
Okay, I can understand why they would need emails, except the personal ones saved....Jarhead.

In fact, I thought they would be saved, but not by the employee themselves by having to print a paper copy, not in this day and age...that just seems utterly ridiculous.....doesn't it to you as well?

I am still not certain we understand fully what these IRS rules are all about, when it comes to federal records, but for certain, I still felt there had to be a server, somewhere, or a back up somewhere, that emails and operational business would be stored at least for 3-7 years.

And what do you think this means, this comes from the link of rules you supplied above:

Don’t Slow Down the System

  1. To avoid slowing down transmission of information:
    • Use Arial or another simple font on a plain background.
    • Do not use animation, fancy background, "wallpapers," borders, graphics and photographs as part of your "stationery" or message format. Exceptions will only be allowed for special IRS Commissioner initiatives.
    • Refrain from sending large attachments to work groups or audiences. Remember every email message and any attachments, embedded graphics and photographs require a copy for each Exchange server store where each recipient’s mailbox resides. Instead store the document on an IRS public web archive or SharePoint repository and insert a hyperlink into the message. Ensure the permissions allow access by all recipients prior to sending the message.
How do you interpret what I bolded? this whole section of the IRS rules and regs is basically telling them to be careful with large documents and larger groups that they send emails to because it takes up too much space on all of their individual servers...ISN'T IT?

so what's THAT all about? sounds like there are other places to search for these supposed lost emails, doesn't it? [MENTION=22181]Jarhead[/MENTION]
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How about this, Siente? Why don't YOU name the 26 Democrats that voted in favor of appointing a Special Counsel to investigate the IRS scandal? Not only are the Republicans concerned about this...but a WHOLE BUNCH of Democrats are as well.
The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records. If transmission and receipt data are not printed by the email system, annotate the paper copy. More information on IRS records management requirements is available at or see the Records Management Handbook, IRM 1.15.1



Yeah. ALL

The full definition of a Federal record as presented in the Federal Records Act is:
"...all books, papers, maps, photographs, machine-readable materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by an agency of the U.S. Government under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the Government or because of the informational value of the data in them." (44 U.S.C. 3301, Definition of Records)

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