Breaking: Explosion in Germany


What's hysterically funny, and hypocritical on your part, is you never had a problem with me being a rude ass when I was addressing people you disagree with, when it's aimed at you and those you side with however.......

I politely answered a question you posed. Don't see how that called for your rudeness. But have at it - it seems to make you feel big even though you actually look like a pompous ass.
Like I said you should have prefaced it so that there was no doubt as to your meaning and I apologized for taking it wrong. I can't help it if you chose not to accept my apology and instead revel in your butt hurt. Maybe I should have used KY Extreme instead....... :dunno:
proposing to exterminate all muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
Muslims only? Fix all our problems, eliminate humankind!!!! :thup:


Not ALL of humankind.

Just the traitors!
Oh shit!!! That means we're toast!!!!
oh that's a new one LOL ...gas leak ok!

no mental illness? no???:lmao:
Your eagerness to lay this at the feet of Islamic terrorism before you, I or anyone here knows the facts makes you look silly, dumb and cheap.

Terrorism is nothing to score political points by. Doing so not only demeans the victims of actual terrorism, but brings horror down to the level of predictable acceptance.
GTFO, these kind of leftist talking points make you look stupider than you actually are.....
And your's are the kind of remarks that confirm the narrowmindedness that best exemplifies moronic, bullying Conservatives.
Nobody bullies anybody... when you are stupid repeating talking points without actually thinking, then you are stupid, nothing is bullying about that...
Gee! I wonder if you read what Skye wrote? After all, that's who I was responding to. Double standard, or borderline illiteracy?
You just reflected on yourself as an illiterate idiot. You cited my post when you answered, therefore it was meant to me. What a fucking borderline illiterate moron....(check it out... you cited my post last when you answered...dumbass)
It's been 10 minutes since a statement has been posted from the press conference. Will watch a little longer to see if there is more. I did note they have updated their article. Will post it in 2 parts in a bit.
Finally L.K.Eder went to sleep......without saying good manners, ah well I am still saying: nite nite ....sleep well, enabler
Hermann: the explosion was deliberate
Herrmann : " We do not know at the moment whether the offender has acted purely in this suicidal intent or whether his intention was to take other people to death.

Yeah. It's so confusing. So many people who are suicidal go out to crowded places and festivals with explosives strapped to themselves without the intention of taking others with them :eusa_doh:
oh that's a new one LOL ...gas leak ok!

no mental illness? no???:lmao:
Your eagerness to lay this at the feet of Islamic terrorism before you, I or anyone here knows the facts makes you look silly, dumb and cheap.

Terrorism is nothing to score political points by. Doing so not only demeans the victims of actual terrorism, but brings horror down to the level of predictable acceptance.
GTFO, these kind of leftist talking points make you look stupider than you actually are.....
And your's are the kind of remarks that confirm the narrowmindedness that best exemplifies moronic, bullying Conservatives.
Nobody bullies anybody... when you are stupid repeating talking points without actually thinking, then you are stupid, nothing is bullying about that...
Gee! I wonder if you read what Skye wrote? After all, that's who I was responding to. Double standard, or borderline illiteracy?
Gee! So many whiney tards on this thread. Contribute to the topic or GTFO. TIA.
Hermann: the explosion was deliberate
Herrmann : " We do not know at the moment whether the offender has acted purely in this suicidal intent or whether his intention was to take other people to death.

Yeah. It's so confusing. So many people who are suicidal go out to crowded places and festivals with explosives strapped to themselves without the intention of taking others with them :eusa_doh:
He just happened to have a suicide vest in his closet...nothing is unusual about that... every peaceful citizen have those...
Does anyone else remember when Islamic terrorism was starting it's rise back in the mid 80s and 90s they carried out a number of attacks across Europe especially in France and Germany? Might just be me but it feels like history is repeating it's self.
Seems as though he's surprised.

Bavarian interior minister Joachim Herrmann, a member of Bavaria’s conservative CSU party, said:

It is terrible that someone abuses the opportunity to find protection here in such a way. I am appalled by that
My tablet died and I can't get my phone to copy and paste for some reason. Will post the article when I have enough charge again.
Apparently, the explosion occurred in "Eugene's wine bar" in the parish road. The police first spoke of a "restaurant explosion." Police and rescue workers are in large-scale operation. Also at least one helicopter was ordered to Ansbach. The downtown area is cordoned off a large area, in the surrounding streets is to shortly after midnight still. Sirens can be heard now only sporadically. In town house, the police have set up their operations center. A crisis team was formed. Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) is located on the way to Ansbach. The Palace Square is full of emergency vehicles. A special task force (SEC) of the police is in use. The cause of the explosion is unclear. Several media reports of a gas explosion, an official confirmation is not available for this information. "The only thing I know is that there has been an explosion," police spokesman Michael Konrad told "Everything else I can not confirm." He was himself just arrived on the scene and had to once an overview, so Konrad against 23.30. From Nuremberg volunteers firefighters from Katzwang and Almoshof were called to assist. In the immediate vicinity of the Ansbach Open will take place at the time, a three-day music festival that attracts many visitors. The concert was canceled, some 2,500 visitors left the venue.

Schwere Explosion erschüttert Ansbach - Ansbach -
google translator

Strange that someone "turned away from a music festival" gets an explosive device so soon afterwards. There is a mosque right around the corner from where this took place.
Contents of bomb could have killed many more - minister
The contents of the backpack could have killed many more people, Herrmann said Reuters reports a news site as saying.

The material used to make the bomb came from metal items used in “wood manufacturing”, Janek reports Herrmann as saying.

Herrmann did not specify whether these were nails or screws or some other item.

Ansbach explosion: attacker was rejected Syrian asylum seeker, say German officials – latest
Geeesh! What is wrong with some people?!? I doubt those injured would describe it quite that way.

According to Herrmann the suspect – who lived in Ansbach – had intended to disrupt the music festival, but failed to get into the event

'Disrupt'. Lol.
And they don't know he planned on hurting people for certain?? What is wrong with this picture. They really think people are dumb or are they?
Contents of bomb could have killed many more - minister
The contents of the backpack could have killed many more people, Herrmann said Reuters reports a news site as saying.

The material used to make the bomb came from metal items used in “wood manufacturing”, Janek reports Herrmann as saying.

Herrmann did not specify whether these were nails or screws or some other item.

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