Breaking: Explosion in Germany

proposing to exterminate all muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
Let me fix that for you:
proposing to exterminate all by muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
wow, a slightly contorted and overall retarded no, you. as usual.
Go to bed....
did this line ever work for you?
Go to bed, you seem to be stupider than ever... put the bottle down... listen to a sound advice once for a change....
proposing to exterminate all muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
Let me fix that for you:
proposing to exterminate all by muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
wow, a slightly contorted and overall retarded no, you. as usual.
Go to bed....
did this line ever work for you?
Go to bed, you seem to be stupider than ever... put the bottle down... listen to a sound advice every once for a change....
yeah, you are very concerned and qualified to give sound advice. lol
Let me fix that for you:
proposing to exterminate all by muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
wow, a slightly contorted and overall retarded no, you. as usual.
Go to bed....
did this line ever work for you?
Go to bed, you seem to be stupider than ever... put the bottle down... listen to a sound advice every once for a change....
yeah, you are very concerned and qualified to give sound advice. lol
You wanna be a stubborn asshole, don't you? Go to bed...
A suicide bomber. Imagine that. Muslims are serious when they say Germans out of Germany
It is you that is being stupid here. And a whiney ass too.

What's hysterically funny, and hypocritical on your part, is you never had a problem with me being a rude ass when I was addressing people you disagree with, when it's aimed at you and those you side with however.......

I politely answered a question you posed. Don't see how that called for your rudeness. But have at it - it seems to make you feel big even though you actually look like a pompous ass.
Like I said you should have prefaced it so that there was no doubt as to your meaning and I apologized for taking it wrong. I can't help it if you chose not to accept my apology and instead revel in your butt hurt. Maybe I should have used KY Extreme instead....... :dunno:
proposing to exterminate all muslims is usually a way to be taken seriously.
Muslims only? Fix all our problems, eliminate humankind!!!! :thup:


Not ALL of humankind.

Just the traitors!
wow, a slightly contorted and overall retarded no, you. as usual.
Go to bed....
did this line ever work for you?
Go to bed, you seem to be stupider than ever... put the bottle down... listen to a sound advice every once for a change....
yeah, you are very concerned and qualified to give sound advice. lol
You wanna be a stubborn asshole, don't you? Go to bed...
guess what, i am also interested in the upcoming press conference. you need to repeat your safe phrase some more , and then go fuck yourself.
a syrian who came to Germany 2 years ago. 27 years old, known to be suicidal, under treatment etc. request for asylum denied. deportation planned. you have the solutions, scumbags.
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The press conference has been delayed.
They are stalling until they will come up with a lie, waiting for communist bitch Merkel's approval which lie to go with
- the guy was from the gas company fixing gas leaks
- the guy had an argument with a woman and a box of matches exploded in his pocket accidentally
- the guy was a neo-nazi skinhead hating white people
Go to bed....
did this line ever work for you?
Go to bed, you seem to be stupider than ever... put the bottle down... listen to a sound advice every once for a change....
yeah, you are very concerned and qualified to give sound advice. lol
You wanna be a stubborn asshole, don't you? Go to bed...
guess what, i am also interested in the upcoming press conference. you need to repeat your safe phrase some more , and then go fuck yourself.
You mad bro??? Go to bed, sleeping helps with your agitated mental state...
The press conference has been delayed.
They are stalling until they will come up with a lie, waiting for communist bitch Merkel's approval which lie to go with
- the guy was from the gas company fixing gas leaks
- the guy had an argument with a woman and a box of matches exploded in his pocket accidentally
- the guy was a neo-nazi skinhead hating white people

Exactly! ^^^

They will have to write a book... "Best Lies To Cover Up Islamic Terrorists Attacks"

Mark my words LOL!;)
Keep it in your pants rubes it looks like just a gas leak this time

oh that's a new one LOL ...gas leak ok!

no mental illness? no???:lmao:
Your eagerness to lay this at the feet of Islamic terrorism before you, I or anyone here knows the facts makes you look silly, dumb and cheap.

Terrorism is nothing to score political points by. Doing so not only demeans the victims of actual terrorism, but brings horror down to the level of predictable acceptance.
I'd go with unexploded WWII hand grenade personally. Who knows what is under those old restaurant floor boards?
Keep it in your pants rubes it looks like just a gas leak this time

oh that's a new one LOL ...gas leak ok!

no mental illness? no???:lmao:
Your eagerness to lay this at the feet of Islamic terrorism before you, I or anyone here knows the facts makes you look silly, dumb and cheap.

Terrorism is nothing to score political points by. Doing so not only demeans the victims of actual terrorism, but brings horror down to the level of predictable acceptance.

awwwww tissue????
The press conference has been delayed.
They are stalling until they will come up with a lie, waiting for communist bitch Merkel's approval which lie to go with
- the guy was from the gas company fixing gas leaks
- the guy had an argument with a woman and a box of matches exploded in his pocket accidentally
- the guy was a neo-nazi skinhead hating white people
see. this is the interpretation of a gullible fool trusting the protocols of the elders of zion. a serious and good person. ha

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