Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

Comedy, the same guy that admitted Clinton broke the law, but then refused to prosecute her? That guy?

Again they have said the emails were leaked not hacked!

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Why would Assange say the Russians did it? Are you seriously asking that? WTF is wrong with you to even have to ask that.
why can't you answer that? also, why would he say the russians if it wasn't the russians? why do you choose to ignore the man who actually published them and believe garbage from MSM? wow. just wow.

You fucking dumb ass motherfucker. Why would Assange say it is the Russians and lose one of his sources, which then would tell others to not give him information because they wouldn't be able to trust him not reveal them as a source... and why would he put his life in danger to possibly be killed by the Russians? Putin doesn't fuck around, and would have him killed. Oh for fuck's sake you are a fucking idiot.
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.

Yeah, cause everyone knows Russian hackers are always honest enough to identify themselves when handing over hacked documents.....

why can't you answer that? also, why would he say the russians if it wasn't the russians? why do you choose to ignore the man who actually published them and believe garbage from MSM? wow. just wow.

You fucking dumb ass motherfucker. Why would Assange say it is the Russians and lose one of his sources, which then would tell others to not give him information because they wouldn't be able to trust him not reveal them as a source... and why would he put his life in danger to possibly be killed by the Russians? Putin doesn't fuck around, and would have him killed. Oh for fuck's sake you are a fucking idiot.
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.

Yeah, cause everyone knows Russian hackers are always honest enough to identify themselves when handing over hacked documents.....

no but when the dude knows the source and says the source isn't, I believe him. especially when you have nothing else to disprove him accept your magic eight ball.
Show the proof....we're waiting

Just hold on to your size 18 panties, it's coming. Meanwhile, why don't you busy yourself with finding out that the CIA and FBI are lying, Catfish "Pumpkin"?
Obama just admitted the Russians did not hack the election......

Where? I asked you for a link.

Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.
Show the proof....we're waiting

Just hold on to your size 18 panties, it's coming. Meanwhile, why don't you busy yourself with finding out that the CIA and FBI are lying, Catfish "Pumpkin"?
Obama just admitted the Russians did not hack the election......

Where? I asked you for a link.

Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

Keep grasping....but it's over
Hmmm this is odd. Just not but a couple days ago Comey told Trump over the phone that there was no evidence of a Russian hack. I wonder what new information or what happened in the last couple of days.

Just shows how much of an agenda he has. Time for Comey to resign. yesterday Comey was a lying hack who lied and manipulated data to damage Hillary. Today he is a trusted guys are amazing.

And when Comey said he wouldn't indict Hillary he was a hack to Republicans... until he sent the letter a week before the election. Then he was awesome. Then a couple days latter he was a hack again. Then when Trump supporters thought he disagreed with the CIA he was great again... and now when he does agree with the CIA he is a bum.

So you agree then that Comey agreeing with the CIA is meaningless. Good to know.
Trump and Trump supporters are on the Russian's side and against America. The question that needs to be answered is, why are so many Americans turning against America and favoring Russia.

Because your assessment of President Elect Donald Trump and his supporters comes from so far up your rectum that you are blinded to the truth...
The allegations of Trump and his supporters favoring Russia are front page news and easily found right here at USMB, even in this thread. Hell, there even seems to be one of you fake news experts denying the existence of the 17 intelligence agencies that confirmed Russian hacking. The whole world knows the truth and it is only the trump and his supporters that are denying reality and cheer-leading for Putin.
Hmmm this is odd. Just not but a couple days ago Comey told Trump over the phone that there was no evidence of a Russian hack. I wonder what new information or what happened in the last couple of days.

Just shows how much of an agenda he has. Time for Comey to resign. yesterday Comey was a lying hack who lied and manipulated data to damage Hillary. Today he is a trusted guys are amazing.

And when Comey said he wouldn't indict Hillary he was a hack to Republicans... until he sent the letter a week before the election. Then he was awesome. Then a couple days latter he was a hack again. Then when Trump supporters thought he disagreed with the CIA he was great again... and now when he does agree with the CIA he is a bum.

So you agree then that Comey agreeing with the CIA is meaningless. Good to know.

No, I'm saying it goes both ways with both parties.
You fucking dumb ass motherfucker. Why would Assange say it is the Russians and lose one of his sources, which then would tell others to not give him information because they wouldn't be able to trust him not reveal them as a source... and why would he put his life in danger to possibly be killed by the Russians? Putin doesn't fuck around, and would have him killed. Oh for fuck's sake you are a fucking idiot.
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.

Yeah, cause everyone knows Russian hackers are always honest enough to identify themselves when handing over hacked documents.....

no but when the dude knows the source and says the source isn't, I believe him. especially when you have nothing else to disprove him accept your magic eight ball.

Wasn't Wikileaks setup to allow anonymity to the whistle-blowers. What name did the dude give?
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.

Yeah, cause everyone knows Russian hackers are always honest enough to identify themselves when handing over hacked documents.....

no but when the dude knows the source and says the source isn't, I believe him. especially when you have nothing else to disprove him accept your magic eight ball.

Wasn't Wikileaks setup to allow anonymity to the whistle-blowers. What name did the dude give?

Conveniently, he supposedly gave the name of a guy that was shot and killed in a burglary. :rolleyes:
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.

Yeah, cause everyone knows Russian hackers are always honest enough to identify themselves when handing over hacked documents.....

no but when the dude knows the source and says the source isn't, I believe him. especially when you have nothing else to disprove him accept your magic eight ball.

Wasn't Wikileaks setup to allow anonymity to the whistle-blowers. What name did the dude give?
he didn't, he stated it was an insider to the DNC who leaked the emails. but hey you got more evidence it was the russias with your blank screen then him stating it wasn't them.
You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.

Yeah, cause everyone knows Russian hackers are always honest enough to identify themselves when handing over hacked documents.....

no but when the dude knows the source and says the source isn't, I believe him. especially when you have nothing else to disprove him accept your magic eight ball.

Wasn't Wikileaks setup to allow anonymity to the whistle-blowers. What name did the dude give?

Conveniently, he supposedly gave the name of a guy that was shot and killed in a burglary. :rolleyes:
well one day you might actually get some proof so your opinion can change to fact like mine.
Hmmm this is odd. Just not but a couple days ago Comey told Trump over the phone that there was no evidence of a Russian hack. I wonder what new information or what happened in the last couple of days.

Just shows how much of an agenda he has. Time for Comey to resign. yesterday Comey was a lying hack who lied and manipulated data to damage Hillary. Today he is a trusted guys are amazing.

And when Comey said he wouldn't indict Hillary he was a hack to Republicans... until he sent the letter a week before the election. Then he was awesome. Then a couple days latter he was a hack again. Then when Trump supporters thought he disagreed with the CIA he was great again... and now when he does agree with the CIA he is a bum.

So you agree then that Comey agreeing with the CIA is meaningless. Good to know.

No, I'm saying it goes both ways with both parties.

Well then that means you either:
A) Place credence in what he says if it fits your narrative.
B) Agree that what he says is worthless either way

So which is it?
Just shows how much of an agenda he has. Time for Comey to resign. yesterday Comey was a lying hack who lied and manipulated data to damage Hillary. Today he is a trusted guys are amazing.

And when Comey said he wouldn't indict Hillary he was a hack to Republicans... until he sent the letter a week before the election. Then he was awesome. Then a couple days latter he was a hack again. Then when Trump supporters thought he disagreed with the CIA he was great again... and now when he does agree with the CIA he is a bum.

So you agree then that Comey agreeing with the CIA is meaningless. Good to know.

No, I'm saying it goes both ways with both parties.

Well then that means you either:
A) Place credence in what he says if it fits your narrative.
B) Agree that what he says is worthless either way

So which is it?

What is it? I think you like to build strawman arguments and ask loaded questions.

Do you always cheat on your husband with Black dudes?
Show the proof....we're waiting

Just hold on to your size 18 panties, it's coming. Meanwhile, why don't you busy yourself with finding out that the CIA and FBI are lying, Catfish "Pumpkin"?
Obama just admitted the Russians did not hack the election......

Where? I asked you for a link.

Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet? yesterday Comey was a lying hack who lied and manipulated data to damage Hillary. Today he is a trusted guys are amazing.

And when Comey said he wouldn't indict Hillary he was a hack to Republicans... until he sent the letter a week before the election. Then he was awesome. Then a couple days latter he was a hack again. Then when Trump supporters thought he disagreed with the CIA he was great again... and now when he does agree with the CIA he is a bum.

So you agree then that Comey agreeing with the CIA is meaningless. Good to know.

No, I'm saying it goes both ways with both parties.

Well then that means you either:
A) Place credence in what he says if it fits your narrative.
B) Agree that what he says is worthless either way

So which is it?

What is it? I think you like to build strawman arguments and ask loaded questions.

Do you always cheat on your husband with Black dudes?

Well we have at least established that you don't know what a strawman argument is...since my question clearly is pertinent to the topic. And secondly, when you are bested you resort to name calling and insults...which establishes you are a millennial liberal.
Tilly -- stop your passive aggressive bullshit and comment.

By the way, Hillary thinks Putin's involvement is revenge for Hillary claiming he did some rigging of his own back in 2011.

Link on the guardian yesterday Comey was a lying hack who lied and manipulated data to damage Hillary. Today he is a trusted guys are amazing.

And when Comey said he wouldn't indict Hillary he was a hack to Republicans... until he sent the letter a week before the election. Then he was awesome. Then a couple days latter he was a hack again. Then when Trump supporters thought he disagreed with the CIA he was great again... and now when he does agree with the CIA he is a bum.

So you agree then that Comey agreeing with the CIA is meaningless. Good to know.

No, I'm saying it goes both ways with both parties.

Well then that means you either:
A) Place credence in what he says if it fits your narrative.
B) Agree that what he says is worthless either way

So which is it?

What is it? I think you like to build strawman arguments and ask loaded questions.

Do you always cheat on your husband with Black dudes?
when you got nothing!!!!!!


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