Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

The leaked emails hurt Hillary because they confirmed that the DNC and th MSM were liars.

What a way to affect and election. Expose the truth!

Yeah, and that's fine... as long as the RNC and Trump gets hacked too and all their secrets get put out in the media.
Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.

Okay, time out.

Just what did they hack? Let's start there.

No. you go read the many threads on the forum about this, and then come back. I'm not going to repeat information that has already been provided.

you go read the many threads on the forum about this, and then come back.

You need to answer the question. I'm not going to search the forum archives for your posts, you're going to have to reiterate yourself here. Or, do you not know what they hacked?

If you don't know what they hacked, how can you prove the hack influenced anything?

See where this is going?
you go read the many threads on the forum about this, and then come back.

You need to answer the question. I'm not going to search the forum archives for your posts, you're going to have to reiterate yourself here. Or, do you not know what they hacked?

If you don't know what they hacked, how can you prove the hack influenced anything?

See where this is going?

You don't have to search the forum archives for my posts... you need to fucking quit being lazy and do your own research. If you want to question me on mine, you need to do your own work to educate yourself. I'm not here to fucking breast feed your lazy ass.
You don't have to search the forum archives for my posts... you need to fucking quit being lazy and do your own research.

I already know. I need to hear it from you. What did they hack? The election systems? The DNC? The RNC?

You're the one being lazy. Your refusal to answer questions makes your argument look weak.
If you want to question me on mine, you need to do your own work to educate yourself.

Well, see, I've been dealing with real life right now (real shocker, eh?) I've been in the hospital with my grandmother all week. Do you think I'd waste my time on this damn forum with you?
But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

Again...where do you get that out of what I just said?
You are claiming that the Russians affected our election. The ONLY way they could have done that is by casting votes.

Making information available to the American people is NOT affecting the election. Unless you wish to make that same charge against the Main Stream Media.

Or are you going to claim that the information from the emails were all lies?

Really, do we fucking have to go over this here again given the numerous threads about this? Trump's opponents were hacked. TRUMP had nothing hacked and the only negative fake news story about him was that the Pope backed him, which wasn't even negative.

Quit trying to build a strawman argument.... EVERY fucking thread is filled with Trump supporters trying to put words in other people's mouths and build strawman arguments. EVERY fucking thread.
Okay, you're a moron who will not open his eyes.

They were NOT hacked. Podesta entered a pasword into a phising email. It appears that the Republicans aren't that fucking stupid.

However the information was gained, the information existed. That puts this on the people who generated the information. Meaning the Clinton campaign.

When information about the Watergate breakin was made available to the media, did anyone try to blame the people who illicitly gained that information? Or did they say, Hey, this is something the people need to know?

When the NY Times managed to get their hands on a copy of Trumps back taxes, did you blame that on the New York Times?

The attack on Benghazi was not hacked. The hearings by congress on this was not hacked.

You may as well face facts. How the information was gained is not as important as the fact that it existed. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be gleefully telling people to get over it.

No one but the losers care.
Kudos!! Another fantastic "Fake News" story by the Washington Post!! They even link their own original unsourced, uncorroborated story from an "unanamed" source as backup. It's the a great example of how to disseminate disinformation to the sheeple!! :clap:

Really. They've simply outdone themselves on the false narrative about the "Russian NoGoodniks" who stole the election from poor, innocent, dead broke when she left the white house, Hillary Clinton. She's just a victim!! Had Boris Badanoff not interfered.......she'd of won!!

Too bad nobody believes them......That's what happens when you get caught lying over and over and over again and again and again.....

:rofl: alrighty...

YOU and the right wing, just went through 24 months of reporting on all of these email/benghazi supposed crimes Hillary committed ALL based on UNNAMED SOURCES from the FBI and carried the media with the story all of those months..... that turned out to be untrue.
That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

Again...where do you get that out of what I just said?
You are claiming that the Russians affected our election. The ONLY way they could have done that is by casting votes.

Making information available to the American people is NOT affecting the election. Unless you wish to make that same charge against the Main Stream Media.

Or are you going to claim that the information from the emails were all lies?

Really, do we fucking have to go over this here again given the numerous threads about this? Trump's opponents were hacked. TRUMP had nothing hacked and the only negative fake news story about him was that the Pope backed him, which wasn't even negative.

Quit trying to build a strawman argument.... EVERY fucking thread is filled with Trump supporters trying to put words in other people's mouths and build strawman arguments. EVERY fucking thread.
Okay, you're a moron who will not open his eyes.

They were NOT hacked. Podesta entered a pasword into a phising email. It appears that the Republicans aren't that fucking stupid.

However the information was gained, the information existed. That puts this on the people who generated the information. Meaning the Clinton campaign.

When information about the Watergate breakin was made available to the media, did anyone try to blame the people who illicitly gained that information? Or did they say, Hey, this is something the people need to know?

When the NY Times managed to get their hands on a copy of Trumps back taxes, did you blame that on the New York Times?

The attack on Benghazi was not hacked. The hearings by congress on this was not hacked.

You may as well face facts. How the information was gained is not as important as the fact that it existed. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be gleefully telling people to get over it.

No one but the losers care.

Phishing emails is still a hack. Podesta's emails were no the only thing hacked. If you are going to post this dribble at least be knowledgeable about the entire situation. But I'd bet you are more than likely willfully ignorant.
I'm not here to fucking breast feed your lazy ass.

Oh, so what happened to the correctional officer thing? What farm hired you?

What does breast feeding have to do with farming? I was a Corrections officer from 1997 to 2002 before I quit to start my own business. I never said I was still a Corrections officer.

Now that I have your attention, let's start from the top.

You're accusing Russia of hacking. What did they hack? The DNC database? The RNC database? Our election system? Hillary's e-mail server? Podesta's e-mails? All of the above?
LOL and Lewdog runs away.

Dude, what are you afraid of?

I'm not afraid of anything. Instead of trying to be a troll why don't you go read some threads and educate yourself? It's not like you have anything else to do sitting in your grandmother's basement.
Kudos!! Another fantastic "Fake News" story by the Washington Post!! They even link their own original unsourced, uncorroborated story from an "unanamed" source as backup. It's the a great example of how to disseminate disinformation to the sheeple!! :clap:

Really. They've simply outdone themselves on the false narrative about the "Russian NoGoodniks" who stole the election from poor, innocent, dead broke when she left the white house, Hillary Clinton. She's just a victim!! Had Boris Badanoff not interfered.......she'd of won!!

Too bad nobody believes them......That's what happens when you get caught lying over and over and over again and again and again.....

:rofl: alrighty...

YOU and the right wing, just went through 24 months of reporting on all of these email/benghazi supposed crimes Hillary committed ALL based on UNNAMED SOURCES from the FBI and carried the media with the story all of those months..... that turned out to be untrue.

I never rely on "unnamed sources". I go by the lies that hiLIARy and her cronies told about benghazi. Like these........

I'm not afraid of anything.

Then answer my question.

I'm not going to take time to answer a question you should already know by simply reading the forum. I'll give you one last chance to educate yourself and then come back to the discussion. If you want to troll I'll just put you on ignore. I don't need to have you cluttering up the forum with useless posts and my forum feed.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

Again...where do you get that out of what I just said?
You are claiming that the Russians affected our election. The ONLY way they could have done that is by casting votes.

Making information available to the American people is NOT affecting the election. Unless you wish to make that same charge against the Main Stream Media.

Or are you going to claim that the information from the emails were all lies?

Really, do we fucking have to go over this here again given the numerous threads about this? Trump's opponents were hacked. TRUMP had nothing hacked and the only negative fake news story about him was that the Pope backed him, which wasn't even negative.

Quit trying to build a strawman argument.... EVERY fucking thread is filled with Trump supporters trying to put words in other people's mouths and build strawman arguments. EVERY fucking thread.
Okay, you're a moron who will not open his eyes.

They were NOT hacked. Podesta entered a pasword into a phising email. It appears that the Republicans aren't that fucking stupid.

However the information was gained, the information existed. That puts this on the people who generated the information. Meaning the Clinton campaign.

When information about the Watergate breakin was made available to the media, did anyone try to blame the people who illicitly gained that information? Or did they say, Hey, this is something the people need to know?

When the NY Times managed to get their hands on a copy of Trumps back taxes, did you blame that on the New York Times?

The attack on Benghazi was not hacked. The hearings by congress on this was not hacked.

You may as well face facts. How the information was gained is not as important as the fact that it existed. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be gleefully telling people to get over it.

No one but the losers care.

Phishing emails is still a hack. Podesta's emails were no the only thing hacked. If you are going to post this dribble at least be knowledgeable about the entire situation. But I'd bet you are more than likely willfully ignorant.
I am knowledgeable about it. A hack is a direct attack on the IT infrastructure of an organization. Thats why its called hacking and not phishing.

The only frivel I see in this conversation is what you are spewing.

Here is the bottom line. Any information gained about someone who doesn't want that information exposed will be considered an illegal hack if you managed to twist your argument to the point that people make laws.

This will mean that any information go freely given to the media will be a crime. If that is what you want, then argue to your hearts content.

Know this. The information would not have been exposed if it was not what these people believed. It is the content of that information that was gleened that made people vote the way they did. Not the Russians.
Again...where do you get that out of what I just said?
You are claiming that the Russians affected our election. The ONLY way they could have done that is by casting votes.

Making information available to the American people is NOT affecting the election. Unless you wish to make that same charge against the Main Stream Media.

Or are you going to claim that the information from the emails were all lies?

Really, do we fucking have to go over this here again given the numerous threads about this? Trump's opponents were hacked. TRUMP had nothing hacked and the only negative fake news story about him was that the Pope backed him, which wasn't even negative.

Quit trying to build a strawman argument.... EVERY fucking thread is filled with Trump supporters trying to put words in other people's mouths and build strawman arguments. EVERY fucking thread.
Okay, you're a moron who will not open his eyes.

They were NOT hacked. Podesta entered a pasword into a phising email. It appears that the Republicans aren't that fucking stupid.

However the information was gained, the information existed. That puts this on the people who generated the information. Meaning the Clinton campaign.

When information about the Watergate breakin was made available to the media, did anyone try to blame the people who illicitly gained that information? Or did they say, Hey, this is something the people need to know?

When the NY Times managed to get their hands on a copy of Trumps back taxes, did you blame that on the New York Times?

The attack on Benghazi was not hacked. The hearings by congress on this was not hacked.

You may as well face facts. How the information was gained is not as important as the fact that it existed. If the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be gleefully telling people to get over it.

No one but the losers care.

Phishing emails is still a hack. Podesta's emails were no the only thing hacked. If you are going to post this dribble at least be knowledgeable about the entire situation. But I'd bet you are more than likely willfully ignorant.
I am knowledgeable about it. A hack is a direct attack on the IT infrastructure of an organization. Thats why its called hacking and not phishing.

The only frivel I see in this conversation is what you are spewing.

Here is the bottom line. Any information gained about someone who doesn't want that information exposed will be considered an illegal hack if you managed to twist your argument to the point that people make laws.

This will mean that any information go freely given to the media will be a crime. If that is what you want, then argue to your hearts content.

Know this. The information would not have been exposed if it was not what these people believed. It is the content of that information that was gleened that made people vote the way they did. Not the Russians.

Ok, if you don't think a phishing email is a hack... then this argument is over before it even started. Next.

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