Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

Ok, if you don't think a phishing email is a hack... then this argument is over before it even started. Next.
It was over the moment you started this thread. This is nothing more than stomping your feet and holding your breath until you turn blue.

Good try hoss, but experts agree that a phishing email IS the key to open up a hack.
so they agree that you have to get someone to respond to a phish to start a hack.

Thanks for clarifying that.

It's a way of hacking. What is so hard for you to understand about that? Podesta's email wasn't the only thing hacked.
I don't have any training in opening up a closed mind such as yours so I'm not sure what will get through to you.

1. The emails that were released were not refuted as false. This means that the information in them highlighted what that campaign and people thought.

2. All sides, Media, GOP, and the DNC try to influence the people through the use of information. No one will say that providing information to the voters is a bad thing.

3. All sides will gleefully release information on the other side that they managed to acquire. The DNC would jump at the chance to get secret information on the GOP for use in an election.

4. If this upsets you so much, then file charges against the Russians (if it was Russians) for breaking the law. By all means, prosecute them. However, you best be calling for the political parties to start taking their IT security seriously.

6. Stop trying to blame anyone but the flawed human Hillary Clinton for losing this election.

1. Not true. They were questioned as being altered prior to their release by Wikileaks.
2. Using hacked information for just one side of the election and not providing the same information for both sides is unethical.
3. The GOP didn't release the information about the DNC, and the DNC didn't hack the GOP. Maybe you forgot about something called Watergate.
4. You can't file a lawsuit against a foreign country in the U.S. over the election...
6. First you can't count, where is 5?
Doesn't matter now. Some have been calling for new elections, but that has to do with them not liking the outcome. Sore losers.

The constitution is clear. Trump is president. Russia did not hack the voting booths.

This whole the Russians were messing with the election thing seems to be designed to deflect media or public attention from the contents of the emails and the corruption of the Clinton's and the DNC. Regardless of how the information was acquired by wikileaks, the information is still legitimate. I don't think the American people will change their minds just because of who exposed the corruption. I don't think the American people outside the Democrats care who exposed them, ultimately.
It was over the moment you started this thread. This is nothing more than stomping your feet and holding your breath until you turn blue.

Good try hoss, but experts agree that a phishing email IS the key to open up a hack.
so they agree that you have to get someone to respond to a phish to start a hack.

Thanks for clarifying that.

It's a way of hacking. What is so hard for you to understand about that? Podesta's email wasn't the only thing hacked.
I don't have any training in opening up a closed mind such as yours so I'm not sure what will get through to you.

1. The emails that were released were not refuted as false. This means that the information in them highlighted what that campaign and people thought.

2. All sides, Media, GOP, and the DNC try to influence the people through the use of information. No one will say that providing information to the voters is a bad thing.

3. All sides will gleefully release information on the other side that they managed to acquire. The DNC would jump at the chance to get secret information on the GOP for use in an election.

4. If this upsets you so much, then file charges against the Russians (if it was Russians) for breaking the law. By all means, prosecute them. However, you best be calling for the political parties to start taking their IT security seriously.

6. Stop trying to blame anyone but the flawed human Hillary Clinton for losing this election.

1. Not true. They were questioned as being altered prior to their release by Wikileaks.
2. Using hacked information for just one side of the election and not providing the same information for both sides is unethical.
3. The GOP didn't release the information about the DNC, and the DNC didn't hack the GOP. Maybe you forgot about something called Watergate.
4. You can't file a lawsuit against a foreign country in the U.S. over the election...
6. First you can't count, where is 5?
1. Incorrect. The information and the emails have never been denied as authentic.
2. Get a grip. If the DNC managed to get information on a GOP candidate, your saying that they then would release equally damning information on themselves? This is politics. There are no 'ethics' that the DNC would abide by.
3. No, I didn't forget Watergate. Tell Me again, who discovered watergate and were they then blamed for bringing impeachment charges against Nixon? Or was it the information that did that?
4. Then your impotent rants are just a waste of your time.
6. I deleted 5 and didn't renumber the bullet point. If this is all you have, then sue Me.
Good try hoss, but experts agree that a phishing email IS the key to open up a hack.
so they agree that you have to get someone to respond to a phish to start a hack.

Thanks for clarifying that.

It's a way of hacking. What is so hard for you to understand about that? Podesta's email wasn't the only thing hacked.
I don't have any training in opening up a closed mind such as yours so I'm not sure what will get through to you.

1. The emails that were released were not refuted as false. This means that the information in them highlighted what that campaign and people thought.

2. All sides, Media, GOP, and the DNC try to influence the people through the use of information. No one will say that providing information to the voters is a bad thing.

3. All sides will gleefully release information on the other side that they managed to acquire. The DNC would jump at the chance to get secret information on the GOP for use in an election.

4. If this upsets you so much, then file charges against the Russians (if it was Russians) for breaking the law. By all means, prosecute them. However, you best be calling for the political parties to start taking their IT security seriously.

6. Stop trying to blame anyone but the flawed human Hillary Clinton for losing this election.

1. Not true. They were questioned as being altered prior to their release by Wikileaks.
2. Using hacked information for just one side of the election and not providing the same information for both sides is unethical.
3. The GOP didn't release the information about the DNC, and the DNC didn't hack the GOP. Maybe you forgot about something called Watergate.
4. You can't file a lawsuit against a foreign country in the U.S. over the election...
6. First you can't count, where is 5?
1. Incorrect. The information and the emails have never been denied as authentic.
2. Get a grip. If the DNC managed to get information on a GOP candidate, your saying that they then would release equally damning information on themselves? This is politics. There are no 'ethics' that the DNC would abide by.
3. No, I didn't forget Watergate. Tell Me again, who discovered watergate and were they then blamed for bringing impeachment charges against Nixon? Or was it the information that did that?
4. Then your impotent rants are just a waste of your time.
6. I deleted 5 and didn't renumber the bullet point. If this is all you have, then sue Me.

1. Wrong, you should do your research. Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks - Updated and there are more.

2. You are thinking with your small brain, that's your problem. And when I say small brain, I mean your partisan one.

3. The point of Watergate is it is illegal to try and dig up information illegally on the opposing party and use it to win an election. Which is exactly what you are saying both parties strive to do.

4. No, only in your Russian loving mind is that true. We live in the United States where we have the First Amendment... and we are both on a forum to talk about our opinions...

6. I'd sue you... but I'm not going to waste my money on a court case just to win your belly lint.
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Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

Soooooooo, explain again how a bunch of emails which BARRY hisself said a month BEFORE the election were trivia swayed the election. Also explain why IF Russia did hack those emails the American Voter does not owe them a hearty Thank You for bringing forth information the MSM was helping the regime hide from the American People. could just admit that hrc Lost because because she is a demented shrewish hag stinking of shit&piss stained political unmentionables the American People decided to flush down the crapper of History.
Where? I asked you for a link.

Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.
so they agree that you have to get someone to respond to a phish to start a hack.

Thanks for clarifying that.

It's a way of hacking. What is so hard for you to understand about that? Podesta's email wasn't the only thing hacked.
I don't have any training in opening up a closed mind such as yours so I'm not sure what will get through to you.

1. The emails that were released were not refuted as false. This means that the information in them highlighted what that campaign and people thought.

2. All sides, Media, GOP, and the DNC try to influence the people through the use of information. No one will say that providing information to the voters is a bad thing.

3. All sides will gleefully release information on the other side that they managed to acquire. The DNC would jump at the chance to get secret information on the GOP for use in an election.

4. If this upsets you so much, then file charges against the Russians (if it was Russians) for breaking the law. By all means, prosecute them. However, you best be calling for the political parties to start taking their IT security seriously.

6. Stop trying to blame anyone but the flawed human Hillary Clinton for losing this election.

1. Not true. They were questioned as being altered prior to their release by Wikileaks.
2. Using hacked information for just one side of the election and not providing the same information for both sides is unethical.
3. The GOP didn't release the information about the DNC, and the DNC didn't hack the GOP. Maybe you forgot about something called Watergate.
4. You can't file a lawsuit against a foreign country in the U.S. over the election...
6. First you can't count, where is 5?
1. Incorrect. The information and the emails have never been denied as authentic.
2. Get a grip. If the DNC managed to get information on a GOP candidate, your saying that they then would release equally damning information on themselves? This is politics. There are no 'ethics' that the DNC would abide by.
3. No, I didn't forget Watergate. Tell Me again, who discovered watergate and were they then blamed for bringing impeachment charges against Nixon? Or was it the information that did that?
4. Then your impotent rants are just a waste of your time.
6. I deleted 5 and didn't renumber the bullet point. If this is all you have, then sue Me.

1. Wrong, you should do your research. Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks - Updated and there are more.

2. You are thinking with your small brain, that's your problem. And when I say small brain, I mean your partisan one.

3. The point of Watergate is it is illegal to try and dig up information illegally on the opposing party and use it to win an election. Which is exactly what you are saying both parties strive to do.

4. No, only in your Russian loving mind is that true. We live in the United States where we have the First Amendment... and we are both on a forum to talk about our opinions...

6. I'd sue you... but I'm not going to waste my money on a court case just to win your belly lint.
dailykos......yeah....I'm thinking with My small brain.

It appears that your half of the dicsussion has run out of anything useful or truthful to say and i'm not about to spend hours and hours in a back and forth with someone who has degenerated to fifth grade arguments of "Is too" or "is not".

Have a nice day.
Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.
That is the ONLY way Russia could have altered the election. Providing information to the public cannot.
It's a way of hacking. What is so hard for you to understand about that? Podesta's email wasn't the only thing hacked.
I don't have any training in opening up a closed mind such as yours so I'm not sure what will get through to you.

1. The emails that were released were not refuted as false. This means that the information in them highlighted what that campaign and people thought.

2. All sides, Media, GOP, and the DNC try to influence the people through the use of information. No one will say that providing information to the voters is a bad thing.

3. All sides will gleefully release information on the other side that they managed to acquire. The DNC would jump at the chance to get secret information on the GOP for use in an election.

4. If this upsets you so much, then file charges against the Russians (if it was Russians) for breaking the law. By all means, prosecute them. However, you best be calling for the political parties to start taking their IT security seriously.

6. Stop trying to blame anyone but the flawed human Hillary Clinton for losing this election.

1. Not true. They were questioned as being altered prior to their release by Wikileaks.
2. Using hacked information for just one side of the election and not providing the same information for both sides is unethical.
3. The GOP didn't release the information about the DNC, and the DNC didn't hack the GOP. Maybe you forgot about something called Watergate.
4. You can't file a lawsuit against a foreign country in the U.S. over the election...
6. First you can't count, where is 5?
1. Incorrect. The information and the emails have never been denied as authentic.
2. Get a grip. If the DNC managed to get information on a GOP candidate, your saying that they then would release equally damning information on themselves? This is politics. There are no 'ethics' that the DNC would abide by.
3. No, I didn't forget Watergate. Tell Me again, who discovered watergate and were they then blamed for bringing impeachment charges against Nixon? Or was it the information that did that?
4. Then your impotent rants are just a waste of your time.
6. I deleted 5 and didn't renumber the bullet point. If this is all you have, then sue Me.

1. Wrong, you should do your research. Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks - Updated and there are more.

2. You are thinking with your small brain, that's your problem. And when I say small brain, I mean your partisan one.

3. The point of Watergate is it is illegal to try and dig up information illegally on the opposing party and use it to win an election. Which is exactly what you are saying both parties strive to do.

4. No, only in your Russian loving mind is that true. We live in the United States where we have the First Amendment... and we are both on a forum to talk about our opinions...

6. I'd sue you... but I'm not going to waste my money on a court case just to win your belly lint.
dailykos......yeah....I'm thinking with My small brain.

It appears that your half of the dicsussion has run out of anything useful or truthful to say and i'm not about to spend hours and hours in a back and forth with someone who has degenerated to fifth grade arguments of "Is too" or "is not".

Have a nice day.

That's ONE link. Try doing a Google search yourself and find as many links as you want. This answer from you is exactly why 99% of the time when a Trump supporter request a link, I don't waste my time. You will always find a reason to refute the link is as some kind of bias.
Obamas news conference today.....

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.

So why are we accusing them of trying to influence our election, then?
More TRUTHFUL meme's!

I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.
That is the ONLY way Russia could have altered the election. Providing information to the public cannot.

Not true at all. Apply some critical thought.

The selective daily release of information timed in such a way as to step on Clinton events and announcements certainly has an effect. The constant drip of emails reinforced a negative perception of Clinton just as the daily hammering by Trump of the latest leaks did.
I listened to what he said... and he said the Russians didn't hack the actual process. That doesn't mean they didn't hack to influence the election.

But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.

So why are we accusing them of trying to influence our election, then?

See above.
But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.
That is the ONLY way Russia could have altered the election. Providing information to the public cannot.

Not true at all. Apply some critical thought.

The selective daily release of information timed in such a way as to step on Clinton events and announcements certainly has an effect. The constant drip of emails reinforced a negative perception of Clinton just as the daily hammering by Trump of the latest leaks did.

Of course, so they ran with what they had. That doesn't necessarily mean they had a preference on who won the election.
But influence and hacking are two different things.

How come you haven't noticed that yet?

That's just it, I am smart enough to be influenced by the hack and know better...unlike the Trump supporters on this board that now want to defend Russia.
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.

So why are we accusing them of trying to influence our election, then?

See above.

All I see is a ceiling. With cobwebs on it.

Be more specific.
Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton should of been given power. What can you do though? This is what you flacaltenn sycophants want, so this is what you get. More shitty incompetent people running your shitty slave lives.

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