Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

Hmmm this is odd. Just not but a couple days ago Comey told Trump over the phone that there was no evidence of a Russian hack. I wonder what new information or what happened in the last couple of days.
That's ridiculous. What were you? On a fucking "party line"?
WRONG. Read the fucking links you lazy fucks.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."

The CIA aka "Crooks In Action"? The same group that has been training ISIS/ al qaeda? The same group that was behind the murder of JFK? The same group that was the OSS that brought in thousands of Nazis under "Operation PaperClip after WWII??? Thye same ones that use MK-Ultra trauma based mind control???? The ones that put in "Cointel-Pro" to infiltrate groups that were not "globalist friendly"???? The same ones that infiltrated the media under "Operation Mockingbird"???? The same group that has been flying opium into this country since the Korean War to fund their black ops? The same group that has orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of duly elected leaders that didn't play ball with their globalists because their country had resources that they coveted??? THAT group!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good call!!!!!

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?

Wait a second, so if someone says something on here everyone asks for proof, and then when someone uses that information against your week argument, they are just parroting something. How fucking dumb.
Name the 17 organizations, then the person in each who makes the claim.
You can't. You're parroting BS from the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

I did list the agencies...
The large retard herd will never accept that Russia interfered in our country's election. They have swallowed too many yards of Putin's cock to go back now.

Russia interfered, and that is flat out outrageous. Anyone who is not outraged is a Putin cock gobbler. Anyone who is not outraged, and takes the extra step to deny it even happened has put Putin's cock in their ass and then put it in their mouth.

Now, how much impact that interference had on the outcome is the only question open to real debate.

And no one will ever know for sure.
Are you fucking dense? The FBI, the CIA, and the DNI, along with 17 international intelligence agencies. That's not 20 U.S. agencies... seriously are you that fucking retarded?
I thought the FBI and the CIA were agencies in the 17. who are the seventeen then since you started it?

Actually it is more than 20. The DNI plus the 16 agencies in the USIC:

AND the intelligence agencies in other countries.
so you're saying that everyone of them says it was the russians? really, prove it

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election
dude, that was from the october 7 debate. Back then there was no issue with the hacks right? I mean I posted obummers speech from then. huh? I thought you said they interfered in the election? are you now saying that didn't happen and this all happened in october one month before or maybe even earlier? why wasn't it a concern in october and it is today? dude you got me lost in your nonsense politico

It was? Can you read me the date on the USA Today article?
The CIA aka "Crooks In Action"? The same group that has been training ISIS/ al qaeda? The same group that was behind the murder of JFK? The same group that was the OSS that brought in thousands of Nazis under "Operation PaperClip after WWII??? Thye same ones that use MK-Ultra trauma based mind control???? The ones that put in "Cointel-Pro" to infiltrate groups that were not "globalist friendly"???? The same ones that infiltrated the media under "Operation Mockingbird"???? The same group that has been flying opium into this country since the Korean War to fund their black ops? The same group that has orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of duly elected leaders that didn't play ball with their globalists because their country had resources that they coveted??? THAT group!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good call!!!!!

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?

Wait a second, so if someone says something on here everyone asks for proof, and then when someone uses that information against your week argument, they are just parroting something. How fucking dumb.
Name the 17 organizations, then the person in each who makes the claim.
You can't. You're parroting BS from the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

I did list the agencies...
Names. You can't. It's BS.
Hmmm this is odd. Just not but a couple days ago Comey told Trump over the phone that there was no evidence of a Russian hack. I wonder what new information or what happened in the last couple of days.
That's ridiculous. What were you? On a fucking "party line"?

I already linked the article from NewsMax that stated it.
Kudos!! Another fantastic "Fake News" story by the Washington Post!! They even link their own original unsourced, uncorroborated story from an "unanamed" source as backup. It's the a great example of how to disseminate disinformation to the sheeple!!
Hey dumbshit. The original unsourced story claimed the FBI wasn't buying it. So, yeah, fake news. Your propaganda mills spread that bullshit around like caviar and you chowed down.

The story in the OP link cites an actual person. And quotes him directly.

CIA Director John Brennan.

You're mistaken, as usual.

Read the article carefully snowflake.....
So it was the Russians because Assange didn't say so.


Did I say that? You are sooo fucking stupid. I mean really, really, stupid. It's the Russians because 20 different groups say so. It's not, NOT the Russians because Assange says it isn't.

Again, do you expect Assange to come out and say it was the Russians? You fucking idiot.
why wouldn't he if they were involved? you never answered that? If they weren't, why would he say they were? WTF is wrong with you?

Why would Assange say the Russians did it? Are you seriously asking that? WTF is wrong with you to even have to ask that.
why can't you answer that? also, why would he say the russians if it wasn't the russians? why do you choose to ignore the man who actually published them and believe garbage from MSM? wow. just wow.

You fucking dumb ass motherfucker. Why would Assange say it is the Russians and lose one of his sources, which then would tell others to not give him information because they wouldn't be able to trust him not reveal them as a source... and why would he put his life in danger to possibly be killed by the Russians? Putin doesn't fuck around, and would have him killed. Oh for fuck's sake you are a fucking idiot.
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. and you're calling him a liar. booooooooooooomba

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?

Wait a second, so if someone says something on here everyone asks for proof, and then when someone uses that information against your week argument, they are just parroting something. How fucking dumb.
Name the 17 organizations, then the person in each who makes the claim.
You can't. You're parroting BS from the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

I did list the agencies...
Names. You can't. It's BS.

You didn't read the links...surprise surprise. Ask for information then don't read it.
dude, that was from the october 7 debate. Back then there was no issue with the hacks right? I mean I posted obummers speech from then. huh? I thought you said they interfered in the election? are you now saying that didn't happen and this all happened in october one month before or maybe even earlier? why wasn't it a concern in october and it is today? dude you got me lost in your nonsense politico

It was? Can you read me the date on the USA Today article?
The fake outrage is hilarious. All that was done was to expose Hillary for who she is for the voters to see.
WRONG. Read the fucking links you lazy fucks.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."

The CIA aka "Crooks In Action"? The same group that has been training ISIS/ al qaeda? The same group that was behind the murder of JFK? The same group that was the OSS that brought in thousands of Nazis under "Operation PaperClip after WWII??? Thye same ones that use MK-Ultra trauma based mind control???? The ones that put in "Cointel-Pro" to infiltrate groups that were not "globalist friendly"???? The same ones that infiltrated the media under "Operation Mockingbird"???? The same group that has been flying opium into this country since the Korean War to fund their black ops? The same group that has orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of duly elected leaders that didn't play ball with their globalists because their country had resources that they coveted??? THAT group!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good call!!!!!

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?

Wait a second, so if someone says something on here everyone asks for proof, and then when someone uses that information against your week argument, they are just parroting something. How fucking dumb.
Name the 17 organizations, then the person in each who makes the claim.
You can't. You're parroting BS from the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.
Here is a list of them fool.

These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World

And you know how I found the list?

list of 17 us intelligence agencies
Did I say that? You are sooo fucking stupid. I mean really, really, stupid. It's the Russians because 20 different groups say so. It's not, NOT the Russians because Assange says it isn't.

Again, do you expect Assange to come out and say it was the Russians? You fucking idiot.
why wouldn't he if they were involved? you never answered that? If they weren't, why would he say they were? WTF is wrong with you?

Why would Assange say the Russians did it? Are you seriously asking that? WTF is wrong with you to even have to ask that.
why can't you answer that? also, why would he say the russians if it wasn't the russians? why do you choose to ignore the man who actually published them and believe garbage from MSM? wow. just wow.

You fucking dumb ass motherfucker. Why would Assange say it is the Russians and lose one of his sources, which then would tell others to not give him information because they wouldn't be able to trust him not reveal them as a source... and why would he put his life in danger to possibly be killed by the Russians? Putin doesn't fuck around, and would have him killed. Oh for fuck's sake you are a fucking idiot.
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
Kudos!! Another fantastic "Fake News" story by the Washington Post!! They even link their own original unsourced, uncorroborated story from an "unanamed" source as backup. It's the a great example of how to disseminate disinformation to the sheeple!! :clap:

Really. They've simply outdone themselves on the false narrative about the "Russian NoGoodniks" who stole the election from poor, innocent, dead broke when she left the white house, Hillary Clinton. She's just a victim!! Had Boris Badanoff not interfered.......she'd of won!!

Too bad nobody believes them......That's what happens when you get caught lying over and over and over again and again and again.....


It's all over the news.

The FBI, CIA and DNI are all in agreement -- Russia intervened in our election in order to help Trump win.
Trump is the official illegitimate president
he hasn't been sworn in so right now obummer is the one at fault for all of the corruption going on today.

As well as the Stock Market?
Fuck Congress, show us. Btw Congress has been getting briefed.

But if it contains information like names and stuff I hope they redact that shit before they show it to the Groper Elect.
fk congress? so you are all in on doing unconstitutional politicking eh? Damn right show us.

Yes fuck um. They've been getting the secret briefings all along. What have they been seeing that McConnell doesn't want us to see?
why then did all of these senators and the president say it needed to be investigated. The special committee is ready, now submit what the subpoena asked for.

I don't know. I could be that they suspect some partisan motives in the House. Besides it is being investigated and that investigation should be done and released before the New Administration takes power. If they want to take it up in the new year, fine with me.
it is a bipartisan committee, so I'm still confused on why our government agencies would deliberately ignore and order. Seems sort of strange to me. just saying, why don't you all wish to follow constitutional law? isn't this the US? Or is this only the left libturd nation? WTF is wrong with all you libs that your brains are in your toes?

It's majority Republicans who want to stifle the information.
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?

Wait a second, so if someone says something on here everyone asks for proof, and then when someone uses that information against your week argument, they are just parroting something. How fucking dumb.
Name the 17 organizations, then the person in each who makes the claim.
You can't. You're parroting BS from the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

I did list the agencies...
Names. You can't. It's BS.

You didn't read the links...surprise surprise. Ask for information then don't read it.
There are no names in the 17 organizations. The only crime was letting America see the truth about Hillary
why wouldn't he if they were involved? you never answered that? If they weren't, why would he say they were? WTF is wrong with you?

Why would Assange say the Russians did it? Are you seriously asking that? WTF is wrong with you to even have to ask that.
why can't you answer that? also, why would he say the russians if it wasn't the russians? why do you choose to ignore the man who actually published them and believe garbage from MSM? wow. just wow.

You fucking dumb ass motherfucker. Why would Assange say it is the Russians and lose one of his sources, which then would tell others to not give him information because they wouldn't be able to trust him not reveal them as a source... and why would he put his life in danger to possibly be killed by the Russians? Putin doesn't fuck around, and would have him killed. Oh for fuck's sake you are a fucking idiot.
why would he say the russians if it wasn't like he said? dude, you're losing. I'm winning this one. cause you have no answer cause you have no proof and i do. See i have the lead who released it saying it wasn't. booooooooooooomba

You're not winning just because you say you are winning. You have zero common sense whatsoever. You couldn't win an argument with a fucking brick wall.
lady, look the man said it wasn't the russians that gave him the emails. you call him a liar. that just makes you stupid.
Trump and Trump supporters are on the Russian's side and against America. The question that needs to be answered is, why are so many Americans turning against America and favoring Russia.

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