BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

Liz Fake Indian Warren better have the FBI check her mailbox:

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Check this out! On a thread about catching the bombing suspect, some trumpanzees are STILL obsessing on Senator Warren. She must really really really scare them.

Scuze moi - but this is the bombing suspect's obsession. His twitter feed is an absolute freakshow. He is clearly pissed off about liberal dems faking minority status for their personal benefit. are as obsessed as the MAGAbomber suspect is. Interesting to know. Where do you live? Got any crazy stickers on your van/truck/car?
1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?

It seems to matter to many. Just like Scalise's shooting.

It is more important to be abke to identify the perpetrater as representative of one faction or another than to breath a sigh of relief that he is finally caught. Many of those now saying it doesnt matter were singing a diffetrent tune when Scalise was shot. And those now crowing about it being a rightwinger wete saying the opposite when Scalise was shot.

Kooks arent representative of a wing. But kooks can be triggered and influenced by the rhetoic of violence, intolerance and division we are seeing way too much of lately.
Let's not forget...that when it's found that they are a white male, they are automatically relegated to the "crazy/mentally ill" category.
No, when you mail bombs or bomb-like devices your automatically labeled “crazy/mentally ill”.
People Left and Right justify their awful behavior and that of others because they imagine that anyone who disagrees with them is less human than they are.

But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.

What a load of horseshit.

It wasn't the right that got violent when Trump was elected.

It sure wasn't the right when Berkley was burning.

You are so full of shit I can smell you from here.

Good Lord what a moron you are.
It was the right who got violent at trump rallies before he was even elected.
No matter how many times you repeat that lie will not make it true.

Your lies and hollow denials are destroyed in the face of videos...

I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Of course they are, and you guys knew it in your gut all along.

That's why every self-professed conservative and/or Republican have been 1. downplaying the bomb story and/or 2. claiming that it was some sort of Democratic setup. Which makes no sense actually.

The hatred and accompanying violence stems straight from the top. When you have a President that only goes around whipping up his mobs of fans into frenzied chants of "Lock her up! Lock her UP! LOCK! HER! UP!" for no damn reason at all other than unadulterated partisanship, and call your political opposite your enemy and the enemy of the country, it's only a matter of time before some unhinged member of said mob goes out and does these things.

Now what?

For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?
Look at how easy it was for that guy to get 12 bombs delivered to PROMINENT political figures.
Literally - we could have easily had over 10 people dead if the fellow had been serious and effective.

Sure - maybe you could argue it would have been security detail, staffers, or office workers... But they don’t deserve to die over some cowardly nut’s idiocy.... This is not how Republicans gain political advantage. We do it above board at the ballot box - not by killing innocents.

But STILL!!!! This nut simply stuck some stamps on a dozen bombs and they got delivered!
The vast majority were intercepted at a mail processing facility. The way they were supposed to be.
And Cesar isn't exactly a fan of the GOP Establishment, either.

cesar 4.jpeg

cesar 5.jpeg
I bet if these were pro left stickers on the van you ring wing fuckers would belive thr fact. But because it goes your Maga agenda, it's all lies.

You only accept the truth when it's in your favor.

So far there's nothing to bar feeder on.

He is apparently a Trump supporter.
The Senate shooter was a Bernie supporter.
The las Vegas shooter was an Obama supporter.

All nuts..


Who shot the Senate?
This is your defense? Who put the AR15 on his hands?
1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?

It seems to matter to many. Just like Scalise's shooting.

It is more important to be abke to identify the perpetrater as representative of one faction or another than to breath a sigh of relief that he is finally caught. Many of those now saying it doesnt matter were singing a diffetrent tune when Scalise was shot. And those now crowing about it being a rightwinger wete saying the opposite when Scalise was shot.

Kooks arent representative of a wing. But kooks can be triggered and influenced by the rhetoic of violence, intolerance and division we are seeing way too much of lately.
Let's not forget...that when it's found that they are a white male, they are automatically relegated to the "crazy/mentally ill" category.

Left does the same thing. "What a nutjob"....or similar conjecture. Next.
Liz Fake Indian Warren better have the FBI check her mailbox:

View attachment 224926

View attachment 224927
Check this out! On a thread about catching the bombing suspect, some trumpanzees are STILL obsessing on Senator Warren. She must really really really scare them.

Scuze moi - but this is the bombing suspect's obsession. His twitter feed is an absolute freakshow. He is clearly pissed off about liberal dems faking minority status for their personal benefit. are as obsessed as the MAGAbomber suspect is. Interesting to know. Where do you live? Got any crazy stickers on your van/truck/car?

Blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzzz

Your beard is a tad scraggly today, evul twin.
But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.
When people call someone stupid or racist because they voted for Trump that is an attack (whether justified or not).
Assuming that the right is the sole source of violence or derision, is not accurate. Yelling obscenities at officials because you disagree with them is the first step toward more radical solutions. Remember the Pro-life protesters of the 1980’s screaming baby-killer at teenagers? Then do you recall the escalation? Do you remember the leftist protests of the 1960’s that led into groups like the Weather Underground sending out bombs?This is a human frailty and pretending that it’s the other guys problem, ignores th facts. It is our societies problem.

There is no equivalence.

Shouting at officials is not violence or calling for violence.

Telling your audience at a rally to punch someone in the head certainly is.

Shove your false equivalency BS.
First of all, I am speaking to you respectfully and I ask the same courtesy be extended to me. Second, the radical left has a long history of violence as the radical right does. It seems to me that the key word her is not “left” or “right” but radical.

Just not in the same way, the same volume or in any way equivalent.
How is mailing bombs to office buildings not the same? I just do not see how you seem to be focusing on claimed motivations, instead of mental health. Now, if you want to say crazy people tend to align themselves with Political Charlatans that’s a different conversation.
It's different because the rhetoric from the political left didn't incite the Weather Underground.
Rhetoric from political leadership on the left has never been like it is now on the right.
Rhetoric on the left has never been about violence, demagoguery or destoying the institutions of our democracy.

There are current cabinet members who parrot RW conspiracy theories.

All of that brings out and emboldens the crazies.
I bet if these were pro left stickers on the van you ring wing fuckers would belive thr fact. But because it goes your Maga agenda, it's all lies.

You only accept the truth when it's in your favor.
No. If they all were suspiciously “brand new”, and looked very recently applied; it would look equally suspect. As it is, it looks like it was intended to give such an over the top impression, that the idiots who comprise the democrat voting block, will come to a near instant conclusion; saving the talking heads valuable time in disemmenating “the talking points”.

I agree. I have stickers on my truck and after a month they look like shit.

The stickers on that van look brand new. Hell you can read them with no problem

This guy was a member of the Green party in NY. Do you know if those folks are left, right or middle??
I can't believe you assholes are still pedaling the Limbaugh bullshit.
Got pictures of Trump on it.

Dotard himself is supposed to speak soon, hope the media asks him about it.
Put it up when he does. I'm waiting on the press conference at 2:30

I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.
Considering what his van looks like, I'm thinking he was active in the campaigns.

Yeah, I wanna watch @ 2:30.

Considering it's all stickered up, he's probably a nutbar, and another reason Mental Institutions should be reopened. (In this case, Chattahoochee.) Not sure how anyone saw Trump stickers in that blurry photo. I can't make out what they say.
Yeah, if he's a Trump supporter, he's clearly mentally ill.

However, if he is a Democrat, then he is a typical example of all Democrats.

Amiright? Amiright? Amiright? That's logic, folks!

Anyone that would do this is nuts. If they are guilty, give him the needle.
i never did really care WHO'S side he was on. whoever did it is an example of what needs to stop and stop now. send him to a saudi arabia embassy to get a divorce certificate for all i care.

I agree, I would still give him the death penalty.
Look at how easy it was for that guy to get 12 bombs delivered to PROMINENT political figures.
Literally - we could have easily had over 10 people dead if the fellow had been serious and effective.

Sure - maybe you could argue it would have been security detail, staffers, or office workers... But they don’t deserve to die over some cowardly nut’s idiocy.... This is not how Republicans gain political advantage. We do it above board at the ballot box - not by killing innocents.

But STILL!!!! This nut simply stuck some stamps on a dozen bombs and they got delivered!
The vast majority were intercepted at a mail processing facility. The way they were supposed to be.
But still some got by and that is too many.
A known terrorist threat? Who knew he was a terrorist threat and when - and why wasn't he under observation?

There is a great deal here that needs to be explained.

We don't know that he was not under observation and he had been arrested in the past for having mailed threats to public officials. My guess is that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was one of his targets.
Put it up when he does. I'm waiting on the press conference at 2:30

Considering what his van looks like, I'm thinking he was active in the campaigns.

Yeah, I wanna watch @ 2:30.

Considering it's all stickered up, he's probably a nutbar, and another reason Mental Institutions should be reopened. (In this case, Chattahoochee.) Not sure how anyone saw Trump stickers in that blurry photo. I can't make out what they say.
Yeah, if he's a Trump supporter, he's clearly mentally ill.

However, if he is a Democrat, then he is a typical example of all Democrats.

Amiright? Amiright? Amiright? That's logic, folks!

Anyone that would do this is nuts. If they are guilty, give him the needle.
i never did really care WHO'S side he was on. whoever did it is an example of what needs to stop and stop now. send him to a saudi arabia embassy to get a divorce certificate for all i care.

I agree, I would still give him the death penalty.

Death penalty for what? A failed domestic terrorist attempt is not a capital crime. If I'm mistaken, linky?

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