BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

Reason I think it's Bullshit:

Van is brand new. All (That may be a vinyl wrap) "Stickers" have no sun damage and it's in S. FL.

As if it was done a couple days ago.

No faded Trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers.

I happen to know what sun and salt air do to plastic in FL.
Yada Yada Yada...stop with the conspiracy bullshit or get help if you can't face reality.

I live reality, faggot. Do you?

Is that not a brand-new van?

Are any of those stickers older than the others? It does not appear so.
I can understand your denial. Face the truth that this guy was a super Trumper.

Van in bomb investigation covered in political stickers, including images of Trump and others - CNNPolitics

No wonder you guys are desperate.
You don’t know anything
:clap: #MAGAbomber :clap2:


There is NO WAY that van would not have been trashed by the DemonRats. ^^^

Something is very fishy about this.
So you can't prove it. Why in the world would you lie about something that you know you can't prove?

I wonder if you really believe that's what I said. This is one of the many reasons I find the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology so fascinating. I think it's possible you really believe I said that, and that you somehow blocked out my companion theory that it could be some right winger juiced up on talk radio and Trump rallies (I used that phrase). Example:
Source: Post 591, Suspicious package at CNN New York

You fundies really are an interesting study.

Great. Not the first post on the subject but You did assert a conspiracy. Now post the part where I called a conspiracy by the left convoluted and you called it obvious. If you can walk your own talk.
Thanks for admitting your blatant lie. What's wrong with you? Are you that far gone?

And YOU post what you're asking for. You're just trying to put me on the defensive after I shoved your lie down your throat.

I admitted nothing, liar.

I knew you were full of shit with your centrist pontificating.

Wow, gee whiz, more, right before the elections about which the Democrats are becoming concerned.

Gosh, what an incredible and amazing coincidence.

Your first post of the thread.

LOL why is it a convoluted idea?
They've gone full-on obtuse on this one.

Huh? What? Where? What? Huh?


Not entertaining convoluted ideas over the more likely alternative is far from obtuse.

More of the conversation.
So when triggered, you lie.

Typical fundie.

Get me out of your head.

Point to the lie, liar.

Explain it!

No doubt you want me to go away.

Still waiting for you to prove what you claim Mac said, so far all you can do is trash talk and have no substance. Oh wait, you are a Regressive, that is how you pretend to win.

There is NO WAY that van would not have been trashed by the DemonRats. ^^^

Something is very fishy about this.
He is the PERFECT Democrat caricature of a Trump supporter. Does it have a Virginia Battle Flag on it?

It MUST have been divine intervention. Jesus must be a commie.

This miracle has changed my life. I will now vote Democrat and pray to large depictions of Karl Marx.


There is NO WAY that van would not have been trashed by the DemonRats. ^^^

Something is very fishy about this.

He is the PERFECT Democrat caricature of a Trump supporter. Does it have a Virginia Battle Flag on it?

It MUST have been divine intervention. Jesus must be a commie.

This miracle has changed my life. I will now vote Democrat and pray to large depictions of Karl Marx.


I tell you.......this stinks to False Flag more and more......I am very suspicious of this whole Cesar concoction :eusa_think:
What we will find out is that this is a last minute Deep State Operation headed by someone like Clapper, or Brennan, and ordered by The Confederate White House "Obama Bin Spying" as a last ditch effort to disrupt the midterms. Apparently Obama was unable to get in touch with Putin these past two weeks to purchase more Russian Propaganda from him.

The person caught was either a Patsy, or simply a Copy Cat who will be railroaded for this. The Fake Bomb deliveries will stop immediately after The Midterm Elections.

Trumpybear and his useful idiots are a clear and present danger to the Republic.

But the leftists shooting republicans at ballgames aren't. Got it.

That horrible attack was not preceded by years of vitriolic demonization by the President of the United States.

Which President used the Bully Pulpit to demonized their political opponents? Which one called Fox News the Enemy of the People when they constantly criticized the Obama administration? Who called Scalise Evil? Which Republican did the Democrats routinely insight their crowds to chant "lock them up"?

TurdTrumpybear should resign for the good of the country.

Ain't buying it. O set this dangerous tone and the media has ran with it.

Here's O talking about bringing a gun.
You people are just insane.

Yeah, keep denying it.
Still saying it's a democrat PR job, just like the caravan and the fake sexual assault accusations.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Of course they are, and you guys knew it in your gut all along.

That's why every self-professed conservative and/or Republican have been 1. downplaying the bomb story and/or 2. claiming that it was some sort of Democratic setup. Which makes no sense actually.

The hatred and accompanying violence stems straight from the top. When you have a President that only goes around whipping up his mobs of fans into frenzied chants of "Lock her up! Lock her UP! LOCK! HER! UP!" for no damn reason at all other than unadulterated partisanship, and call your political opposite your enemy and the enemy of the country, it's only a matter of time before some unhinged member of said mob goes out and does these things.

Now what?

For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?
She didn’t. She has been investigated to hell and back by you guys and you still can’t let go of it.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Of course they are, and you guys knew it in your gut all along.

That's why every self-professed conservative and/or Republican have been 1. downplaying the bomb story and/or 2. claiming that it was some sort of Democratic setup. Which makes no sense actually.

The hatred and accompanying violence stems straight from the top. When you have a President that only goes around whipping up his mobs of fans into frenzied chants of "Lock her up! Lock her UP! LOCK! HER! UP!" for no damn reason at all other than unadulterated partisanship, and call your political opposite your enemy and the enemy of the country, it's only a matter of time before some unhinged member of said mob goes out and does these things.

Now what?

For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?
She didn’t. She has been investigated to hell and back by you guys and you still can’t let go of it.

Do you happen to have a comment on the 30.000 deleted emails that she bleach bitted?

Destroying evidence is a crime.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
why? a kook is a kook and not related to anyone. stop falling for leftist shit.
Yes...a kook is a kook and not related to anyone...try to remember that now...

18 days to vote, don’t forget the attack by the left on Steve Scalise.
I've never accused any affiliation for the act of an individual. that's just stupid. That is a leftist thing to blame a group based on an individual. Happens all the time.

JC I just quoted you doing exactly that :rolleyes-41:
Did he have a sign that said "bomb maker" too? How freaking obvious do you have to be?
Trumps hate speech is closer to radical Islamic speakers than any past US President.
The minions are following what Trump tells them just like in radical Islam.

Please provide examples of this hate speech

Oh please. Playing stupid at this level doesn't work.

Why do you guys always dodge that question?

"Dodge" my fucking ass. We've been screaming it from the rooftops for three fucking years now, and you sit there and play the part of Peewee Herman going "I know you are but what am I".

Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.
Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

What for?

Really, you have nothing better to do with your life than scour around for ways to score partisan hack points on a message board? Kinda pathetic.

and then you are here for what, jackass?
Just tweeted by Tapper:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources. — CNN’s Mark Morales, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, and Brynn Gingras report

Latest news: Trump critics and CNN receive explosive devices - CNNPolitics

Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
We now know some in LE have been targeting the wrong people. California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

We have more extremely violent Trump supporters being arrested every day. From coast to coast - This bomber does not exist in a vacuum

Members of California white supremacist group arrested in connection with deadly Charlottesville rally - Los Angeles Times
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