BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

I interpreted it correctly. Tell us some more about the liberal plot, professor. :laugh2:
Liberal plot? Please show me where I said that.

So you're a liar. Okay. I'm used to that from fundies.

That was your leading theory yesterday, liar.

I called it a convoluted idea. You called it obvious.
Link please.

Let's review your claim:

That I said it was a "liberal plot".
That I said it was my "leading theory".
That I called it "obvious".

Let's see it. Let's see if you're honest, or a congenital liar like so many other fundies.

You know exactly what I'm referring to, liar. It covered multiple posts. You can go dig it up and post it if you wish. You won't though because it doesnt reflect well on you.

Evidence? Link?
Fundamentalist fantasy.
What we will find out is that this is a last minute Deep State Operation headed by someone like Clapper, or Brennan, and ordered by The Confederate White House "Obama Bin Spying" as a last ditch effort to disrupt the midterms. Apparently Obama was unable to get in touch with Putin these past two weeks to purchase more Russian Propaganda from him.

The person caught was either a Patsy, or simply a Copy Cat who will be railroaded for this. The Fake Bomb deliveries will stop immediately after The Midterm Elections.
That sounds about right. Sayoc was well known. It would be easy for a Democrat operative to convince him to send these fake bombs. No one was going to get hurt.
^^^ proof that rightards never learn.
Reason I think it's Bullshit:

Van is brand new. (How does a loser like that have a brand-new van?) All (That may be a vinyl wrap) "Stickers" have no sun damage and it's in S. FL.

As if it was done a couple days ago.

No faded Trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers.

I happen to know what sun and salt air do to plastic in FL.

Losers don't just get brand new (as an ex-gf said) "Rape me vans".
Just not in the same way, the same volume or in any way equivalent.
How is mailing bombs to office buildings not the same? I just do not see how you seem to be focusing on claimed motivations, instead of mental health. Now, if you want to say crazy people tend to align themselves with Political Charlatans that’s a different conversation.
It's different because the rhetoric from the political left didn't incite the Weather Underground.
Rhetoric from political leadership on the left has never been like it is now on the right.
Rhetoric on the left has never been about violence, demagoguery or destoying the institutions of our democracy.

There are current cabinet members who parrot RW conspiracy theories.

All of that brings out and emboldens the crazies.
On current state of affairs, agreed. But the radical left has called for and inspired violence. Marx called for violent revolution as the most effective agent for equitable change and Antifa prepares their activists to engage in violent confrontations. Saying that by preparing people for violence is only to protect them from the other side is the exact argument used by white nationalists.

If you need to reach out to Marx to make an argument for equivilency, you have none to make.
I referenced political leadership. Elected officials and their appointees. "Some of whom, I suppose, are good people."
Reached to Marx because the philosophical foundations of the modern left is based in violent change. I am not saying that Dems crank out the same violent rhetoric as some on the far right, but I would also point out that former AG Holder saying “kick them” was at best unfortunate and at worst a bad Trump impression.

Holder did not imply anyone should be physically kicked, fool.

Eric Holder: "When They Go Low, We Kick Them"

"HOLDER: Michelle [Obama] always says ‘When they go low, we go high,'" Holder told the crowd. "No. No. When they go low, we kick them...

When I say we kick them, I don’t mean we do anything inappropriate, we don’t do anything illegal, but we have to be tough and we have to fight

That's what this new Democratic Party is about. We're proud as hell to be Democrats. We're going to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party. We're proud of our history. We're proud of our present. And we're proud of the future we can create for this country."

Like I said, there is no equivalency to be made.
Reason I think it's Bullshit:

Van is brand new. All (That may be a vinyl wrap) "Stickers" have no sun damage and it's in S. FL.

As if it was done a couple days ago.

No faded Trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers.

I happen to know what sun and salt air do to plastic in FL.
Yada Yada Yada...stop with the conspiracy bullshit or get help if you can't face reality.
Trump - Pence Supporter Minion!!! Lives with his Mother & in Van!!! MAGA Bomber!!!


Not an inexpensive van. In good condition too... Additionally it isnt very economical when it comes to gas mileage. The stickers are custom as well, and would have cost a fair chunk to have printed. Where? The printer will remember... So the obvious question would be. How did he finance himself? Where did he get the van, and stickers, and money to support himself?

Like KOCH Brothers?

Reason I think it's Bullshit:

Van is brand new. All (That may be a vinyl wrap) "Stickers" have no sun damage and it's in S. FL.

As if it was done a couple days ago.

No faded Trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers.

I happen to know what sun and salt air do to plastic in FL.
Yada Yada Yada...stop with the conspiracy bullshit or get help if you can't face reality.

I live reality, faggot. Do you?

Is that not a brand-new van?

Are any of those stickers older than the others? It does not appear so.
Most on the right probably see this as a Democrat plot, regardless.....especially after the Kavanaugh fiasco for them.

This will likely get those remaining holdouts on the Repub side who don't usually vote to say EF IT....and go vote.

I doubt this will hurt Repubs at all. Those who were thinking of voting Repub most likely still will.

Have the Dems got anything else up their sleeves before the elections?
But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.
When people call someone stupid or racist because they voted for Trump that is an attack (whether justified or not).
Assuming that the right is the sole source of violence or derision, is not accurate. Yelling obscenities at officials because you disagree with them is the first step toward more radical solutions. Remember the Pro-life protesters of the 1980’s screaming baby-killer at teenagers? Then do you recall the escalation? Do you remember the leftist protests of the 1960’s that led into groups like the Weather Underground sending out bombs?This is a human frailty and pretending that it’s the other guys problem, ignores th facts. It is our societies problem.

There is no equivalence.

Shouting at officials is not violence or calling for violence.

Telling your audience at a rally to punch someone in the head certainly is.

Shove your false equivalency BS.
only in a leftist world is shouting at someone not violence. yes sir. I bet if a teacher shouted at your child you'd think differently eh?

It's not violence, dope.
Sure it is, it’s threatening!
Hutch Starskey here son, learn something

Assault and Battery | Trupiano Law

"What? Why Am I Charged with Assault!

Assault does not necessarily involve a physical attack. Assault is any action that causes the other person to fear bodily harm. It can be a slap, a punch or a shove, but it can also be a verbal threat of violence, aggressive posturing (a raised fist, jabbing a finger) or yelling angrily in someone’s face. Simple assault is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail.

Aggravated assault is assault resulting in injury (battery) or assault on a woman who is pregnant. This is a Class A misdemeanor — or a felony if resulting in great bodily harm. A conviction could result in up to one year in jail, especially with priors on your record."
Most on the right probably see this as a Democrat plot, regardless.....especially after the Kavanaugh fiasco for them.

This will likely get those remaining holdouts on the Repub side who don't usually vote to say EF IT....and go vote.

I doubt this will hurt Repubs at all. Those who were thinking of voting Repub most likely still will.
actually it looks staged. and I truly don't care who the nut job votes for.
Reason I think it's Bullshit:

Van is brand new. All (That may be a vinyl wrap) "Stickers" have no sun damage and it's in S. FL.

As if it was done a couple days ago.

No faded Trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers.

I happen to know what sun and salt air do to plastic in FL.
Yada Yada Yada...stop with the conspiracy bullshit or get help if you can't face reality.

I live reality, faggot. Do you?

Is that not a brand-new van?

Are any of those stickers older than the others? It does not appear so.
I can understand your denial. Face the truth that this guy was a super Trumper.

Van in bomb investigation covered in political stickers, including images of Trump and others - CNNPolitics

No wonder you guys are desperate.
Yeah, if he's a Trump supporter, he's clearly mentally ill.

However, if he is a Democrat, then he is a typical example of all Democrats.

Amiright? Amiright? Amiright? That's logic, folks!

Anyone that would do this is nuts. If they are guilty, give him the needle.
i never did really care WHO'S side he was on. whoever did it is an example of what needs to stop and stop now. send him to a saudi arabia embassy to get a divorce certificate for all i care.

I agree, I would still give him the death penalty.

Death penalty for what? A failed domestic terrorist attempt is not a capital crime. If I'm mistaken, linky?

As far as I'm concerned it should be, you want him to be successful and then give him death?

What you want and what the law says are do different things. If you want the law changed, them lobby for it. Until then, we don't give people the death penalty due to your FEELZ.
Did he have a sign that said "bomb maker" too? How freaking obvious do you have to be?
Trumps hate speech is closer to radical Islamic speakers than any past US President.
The minions are following what Trump tells them just like in radical Islam.

You mean besides all the hate speech from the democrats about blowing up the White House, the assassination plays, the calls for confronting Republicans...

then you have the actual violence, not fake bombs, but real bullets...the left winger who tried to assassinate Trump during the campaign, the left wing democrat, bernie sanders supporter who tried to murder the Republican soft ball team, seriously wounding Steve Scales and others.....the black lives matter supporter who murdered 6 Dallas police officers, the millions of dollars in property damage created by democrat antifa, black lives matter and antifa....

But other than those things, the fake bomber was serious....
That was your leading theory yesterday, liar.

I called it a convoluted idea. You called it obvious.
Link please.

Let's review your claim:

That I said it was a "liberal plot".
That I said it was my "leading theory".
That I called it "obvious".

Let's see it. Let's see if you're honest, or a congenital liar like so many other fundies.

You know exactly what I'm referring to, liar. It covered multiple posts. You can go dig it up and post it if you wish. You won't though because it doesnt reflect well on you.
So you can't prove it. Why in the world would you lie about something that you know you can't prove?

I wonder if you really believe that's what I said. This is one of the many reasons I find the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology so fascinating. I think it's possible you really believe I said that, and that you somehow blocked out my companion theory that it could be some right winger juiced up on talk radio and Trump rallies (I used that phrase). Example:
As I've said, there's a chance some right wing lunatic, all juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio, will have done this. It's also possible that some left wing lunatic, desperate for political advantage in the mid terms, will have done this.
Source: Post 591, Suspicious package at CNN New York

You fundies really are an interesting study.

Great. Not the first post on the subject but You did assert a conspiracy. Now post the part where I called a conspiracy by the left convoluted and you called it obvious. If you can walk your own talk.
Thanks for admitting your blatant lie. What's wrong with you? Are you that far gone?

And YOU post what you're asking for. You're just trying to put me on the defensive after I shoved your lie down your throat.

I admitted nothing, liar.

I knew you were full of shit with your centrist pontificating.

Wow, gee whiz, more, right before the elections about which the Democrats are becoming concerned.

Gosh, what an incredible and amazing coincidence.

Your first post of the thread.

Why would a lefty be your first impression?

Obviously a RWer would be the more logical suspect.
I don't know who did this, or in which side they exist. I do know that we're living in insane times, and the timing doesn't look good.

Only the most committed and obedient partisan would not acknowledge something that obvious.

That isn't obvious at all. It's actually a rather convoluted idea.

LOL why is it a convoluted idea?
They've gone full-on obtuse on this one.

Huh? What? Where? What? Huh?


Not entertaining convoluted ideas over the more likely alternative is far from obtuse.

More of the conversation.
Uh, no. He’s a registered Republican...

Yup! - Cesar Sayoc, the 56-year-old Florida man arrested in connection with the recent wave of mail bomb attacks, had a Facebook profile full of right-wing propaganda.

The page, under the name Cesar Altieri Randazzo, included numerous public posts from 2016 supporting President Trump and denouncing his political rivals, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. One shared post came from a page called “Handcuffs for Hillary,” and the page also included numerous reposts from conservative news sources—from Fox News to Breitbart—as well as photos apparently taken by Savoc at Trump rallies.
How is mailing bombs to office buildings not the same? I just do not see how you seem to be focusing on claimed motivations, instead of mental health. Now, if you want to say crazy people tend to align themselves with Political Charlatans that’s a different conversation.
It's different because the rhetoric from the political left didn't incite the Weather Underground.
Rhetoric from political leadership on the left has never been like it is now on the right.
Rhetoric on the left has never been about violence, demagoguery or destoying the institutions of our democracy.

There are current cabinet members who parrot RW conspiracy theories.

All of that brings out and emboldens the crazies.
On current state of affairs, agreed. But the radical left has called for and inspired violence. Marx called for violent revolution as the most effective agent for equitable change and Antifa prepares their activists to engage in violent confrontations. Saying that by preparing people for violence is only to protect them from the other side is the exact argument used by white nationalists.

If you need to reach out to Marx to make an argument for equivilency, you have none to make.
I referenced political leadership. Elected officials and their appointees. "Some of whom, I suppose, are good people."
Reached to Marx because the philosophical foundations of the modern left is based in violent change. I am not saying that Dems crank out the same violent rhetoric as some on the far right, but I would also point out that former AG Holder saying “kick them” was at best unfortunate and at worst a bad Trump impression.

Holder did not imply anyone should be physically kicked, fool.

Eric Holder: "When They Go Low, We Kick Them"

"HOLDER: Michelle [Obama] always says ‘When they go low, we go high,'" Holder told the crowd. "No. No. When they go low, we kick them...

When I say we kick them, I don’t mean we do anything inappropriate, we don’t do anything illegal, but we have to be tough and we have to fight

That's what this new Democratic Party is about. We're proud as hell to be Democrats. We're going to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party. We're proud of our history. We're proud of our present. And we're proud of the future we can create for this country."

Like I said, there is no equivalency to be made.

Ok, I hear your point, agree with much of you are saying (you’re right about Holder not equivalent) and respectfully disagree with your final conclusion that the radical left does not share responsibility for degrading our public discourse into shrill screaming that leads to some resorting to violence.
Take a deep breath....and relax.....
1000 years from now, will ANY of this matter? Nope.

Times flies....1018 was not really THAT long ago.

Liberal plot? Please show me where I said that.

So you're a liar. Okay. I'm used to that from fundies.

That was your leading theory yesterday, liar.

I called it a convoluted idea. You called it obvious.
Link please.

Let's review your claim:

That I said it was a "liberal plot".
That I said it was my "leading theory".
That I called it "obvious".

Let's see it. Let's see if you're honest, or a congenital liar like so many other fundies.

You know exactly what I'm referring to, liar. It covered multiple posts. You can go dig it up and post it if you wish. You won't though because it doesnt reflect well on you.

Evidence? Link?
Fundamentalist fantasy.

^ liar.

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