BREAKING: Five Months Worth of Peter Strzok Text Messages GO MISSING – FBI Cites Mystery “Glitch”

They were on govt devices, so yes it is govt controlled.
That was amazingly well done.

The FBI and DOJ need cleaned out and the only way to make sure no one attempts this for a long time is to send a lot of people to jail.

I Have a good question for Lefty:

Why was Crowd Strike contracted to Bleach Bit Hillary Clinton’s server despite two Federal Preservation Orders against such a thing?

And then why was Crowd Strike then allowed to create a report inferring that The DNC server had been hacked..maybe by Russia when even within their own report they provided evidence that Podesta’s emails were taken from inside The FBI forcing Crowd Strike to later retract major portions of their phoney report.

And lastly, why did The FBI allow this rather than look at the server themselves especially considering the above two facts and a third fact you never hear talked about in The Main Stream Media?

The FBI & Crowdstrike were in communication with each other and Fusion GPS during the formation of the Fake Russian Dossier. Maybe they were all ClaIrvoyant and could see their future working relationships on three issues regarding the election? Interesting & Miraculous...

Lastly who planted The Fake Beacon Pings between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower Server?

President Elect Trump was laughed at for telling everyone that President Obama was spying on him, and then moved his entire transition team to New Jersey overnight while Trump Tower was cleaned of bugs after someone in the intelligence Field paid a visit to Trump Tower.

This person refused to say what he had to say anywhere in Trump’s offices. But the man having a stellar reputation was believed. A call was made not within Trump’s domain but to a tenant of his he trusted.

The request was simple:

“May I use one of your conference rooms for a meeting, and could they remove any phones, and electronics from the conference room, and ensure that President elect Trump and his guest could come and go without being seen?”

After that meeting the entire
Trump Transitiom team
Was moved to A Trump Golf Course and Country Club in New Jersey and remained there until The Inauguration!

Wow.....what a surprise.
Looks like the FBI is guilty of Obstruction Of Justice.



I agree that they think we are stupid. But this goes way beyond that. The FBI knows everybody will know this is a lie and a fraud. EVERYBODY knows these Texts were intentionally deleted. Chuck Schumer even knows it, though he will never admit it, because he hates the Truth like a vampire hates the sunrise.

They deleted them because they had to. These Texts no doubt show the implementation of the Insurance Policy which was referenced by these adulterous seditious turds before the Election....only now it is a conspiracy, a coup, against the duly elected President....TREASON.

The FBI has made the calculated decision that it could never recover its reputation from such a disaster....and that this LIE, obvious as it is, is not as bad as the Truth which these Texts would reveal.

There is the possibility that these Texts can be recovered from the Phone provider, or maybe the NSA....but either will take months of wrangling in Court.....and will come well after the November which perhaps the Democrats will be able to get control of the House of Representatives....which, with the help of the New York Media, a subsidiary of the Democratic Party...may be enough to kill the whole thing.

Comey needs to be in jail. There are no two irrefutable pieces of information which show he made his decision not to charge Hillary Clinton.....before he ever even deposed her about her Intent and he told Congress just the opposite. Plus he has admitted that he leaked what is clearly a classified document to the New York Times.

The Democrats need to put country before Party and help clean out the Cesspool that Obama/Holder/Lynch left behind.

If you can corrupt the Justice Department, you are one step from Tyranny. Nixon tried and when that was known...Republicans joined in riding him out of town on a rail....Obama succeeded and now we have Treason in the FBI.

The Country cannot survive under these circumstances.

The entire Obama administration.

Let me try this again. If you are not aware of why this is all going on, check it out.........even Leftists. Get up to speed on what is actually going on. It will teach you WHY within a few months; if not sooner, the left will be screwed in 18 because of OBAMAGATE!

please show this ''preservation order'' so we can see what records they asked to be preserved....

There is no way ''they'' could legally request her to preserve records that were not government records....

the 30k in personal emails were not gvt records, and there is no way they, whoever this ''they'' is that you speak of had any right to her personal emails, and could never get such a legal request approved with out a subpoena being approved by a judge ....and a judge requires there to be probable cause that a crime was committed.

It's in the State Dept rules for their gvt employees to NOT give the gvt archives private emails on their system. To only send govt emails or govt documents to be preserved in their national archives

so, all of your other gobbledygook is simply a made up conspiracy of your own making.

it was already adjudicated early on, the Justice dept actually defended her against the accusation if memory serves me... against whom I can't remember??? but I vaguely remember it might have been Judicial Watch...and not congress....

AND removing, or deleting, or bleach bitting or whatever she wanted to do with her personal emails on her own server, was within the rules.

So, unless you or anyone else can show this preservation order for her own personal emails, as was stated, and the result of the preservation case, which from memory, fell in Hillary's favor.... then you need go no further in believing these accusations.... their meaningless, just partisan propaganda... I find it hard to believe congress could request them from her own server... and as memory serves the justice dept defended her, and won...because it was in their rule book, that personal emails were to be left out for State Dept employees when turning over their files, for preservation....

AND yes the R's jumped all over it with lots of threads at the time with their spin on it....

Hate to tell you, but they got the e-mails-)

What you do not understand is----------> THIS IS JUST STARTING!

You know, you should take time to watch that video by the former special counsel I posted. You might learn something, instead of parroting what the left says!
Just wow, again. Reading twitter this morning, shows me you received the latest attack memo: Accuse others that bring to light anything damaging of being infiltrators. Time to back down and rethink your strategy.
Just wow...
Only she removed numerous Gonernment Emails we found out later because of Anthony’s Werner, and she still didn’t get prosecuted

Comey and Lynch again swept that under the rug

Both of them should hang.
1)OOPS on Page

2)Where did I say she was allowed to have her own server in my post?

I said she was allowed to remove personal emails, in fact the State dept workers are instructed, in rules, NOT to send personal emails to the preservation archives and to ONLY send gvt related emails and gvt documents...
no, Comey explained it, in his public statement of her and defined it in his hours of testimony...

They updated servers, her IT manager did the transfers of files, and updated different devices several times during her tenure and in the IT transfer of files there were glitches and these files were scrambled and ended up in an obscure file that the FBI retrieved.... Comey said nothing was done intentionally to do the one intentionally intended in the update transfer for these emails to go haywire, and the ones the FBI was able to unscramble and save, nothing was nefarious in them....

it was done by the IT guy and it was careless or something like that, but not done with criminal intent.
thank you, but there's no wow :rolleyes: is what it is....

what's this penchant you on the right are continually expressing to lock people up all the time??? what is wrong with you guys? are you all implants from Russia, North Korea or China? or simply brainwashed by your god??? as an American, I do not get this despotic trend at all....???

Just wow...
Only she removed numerous Gonernment Emails we found out later because of Anthony’s Werner, and she still didn’t get prosecuted

Comey and Lynch again swept that under the rug

Both of them should hang.
no, Comey explained it, in his public statement of her and defined it in his hours of testimony...

They updated servers, her IT manager did the transfers of files, and updated different devices several times during her tenure and in the IT transfer of files there were glitches and these files were scrambled and ended up in an obscure file that the FBI retrieved.... Comey said nothing was done intentionally to do the one intentionally intended in the update transfer for these emails to go haywire, and the ones the FBI was able to unscramble and save, nothing was nefarious in them....

it was done by the IT guy and it was careless or something like that, but not done with criminal intent.
thank you, but there's no wow :rolleyes: is what it is....

what's this penchant you on the right are continually expressing to lock people up all the time??? what is wrong with you guys? are you all implants from Russia, North Korea or China? or simply brainwashed by your god??? as an American, I do not get this despotic trend at all....???
What is it about leftists wanting to impeach Trump for saying offensive things???
Are you all a bunch of mindnumb CNN robots who think compassion is giving illegals citizenship so that Democrats can steal more elections???


I do not want trump impeached for his words,
Regardless of how cold and callous and disrespect he is....

I expect him to be impeached for committing crimes, obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting an enemy, money laundering, or even paying off a porn star for silence with campaign funds, or for abusing his power, or for breaking the emolument clause, or even for sending his thugs out to fire people involved in the investigation of him and the Trump team With no cause, or for any other illegal or lawless thing he's done....

NOT for words like shit head, or his constant tweet bashing of American citizens or American businesses or American football players or our Allied Leaders or giving highly classified information to Russian spies, or for golfing more than working or for costing us an arm and a leg for his weekend vacations at his own resorts or any of that kind of garbage....

When I 1st heard of this stuff from someone, I highly doubted it true. I was like, "No way Jose'. But this person has an in, and since he has no reason to lie, I thought I would pass this on to you people------------>

READY........and oh by the way, it is no longer important to let you know on a message board---------->

Those texts aren't missing! It was used as a sting to find one of the leakers-) Oh yes, yes, they are off the phones and the server, but before that happened. Nunez already had them ALL in his possession.

Here is the deal, and I believe it as I was told all of what just came to light in October, and it was accurate, so I have no reason to believe that anything from the same source would be a lie........therefore----------->

The already know who was involved in it from the FBI, the DOJ, and the Obama administration. What they did NOT know was------------>who was, if any, and how many, of either never Trumpers, or Democrats in congress, were involved in, or knew of the scheme. That is what has been the hold up since mid-October. Before going public, they wanted to KNOW; and if any of them were involved, you have to understand what that means!

And you know that guy who was involved in the FISA warrants that resigned for what everyone thought was no good reason in October when the admiral went to the FISA courts about over reach? Well, I hear he is singing like a bird, and is being protected-)

Now I know that I am going to get a bunch of funnies from the leftists on here, but if you don't realize what is actually going on here, then go ahead and be surprised when your whole political world comes crashing down upon your heads. Just remember-------> Watergate was a 3rd rate burglary that Nixon OKed to find out Democratic tactics.

This; on the other hand, was the WEAPONIZATION by a POLITICAL party of federal law enforcement, for the express purpose of promoting a candidate, and when she lost, destroying a sitting President.

When this is over.........and it will be before the midterms; if most of your people can get elected to ANYTHING besides cellblock representative in a prison, it would be shocking!
I am going to tell you right now members of Congress were also actively involved in The FBI DOJ COUP, and almost all of them were Democrats sprinkled with a couple RINOS.

Watch what happens to Schiff and Schumer & McCain and others.
I am going to tell you right now members of Congress were also actively involved in The FBI DOJ COUP, and almost all of them were Democrats sprinkled with a couple RINOS.

Watch what happens to Schiff and Schumer & McCain and others.

That is the feeling I have also because if that were not true, then the Democrats would not have wanted to block the release.

Does everyone understand that if they are tied to this, they will be REMOVED FROM OFFICE! And since we already have all the evidence, and a bird singing for his supper, I am thinking a whole lot of people on here are NOT going to be happy-)
Just wow, again. Reading twitter this morning, shows me you received the latest attack memo: Accuse others that bring to light anything damaging of being infiltrators. Time to back down and rethink your strategy.
Just wow...
Only she removed numerous Gonernment Emails we found out later because of Anthony’s Werner, and she still didn’t get prosecuted

Comey and Lynch again swept that under the rug

Both of them should hang.
no, Comey explained it, in his public statement of her and defined it in his hours of testimony...

They updated servers, her IT manager did the transfers of files, and updated different devices several times during her tenure and in the IT transfer of files there were glitches and these files were scrambled and ended up in an obscure file that the FBI retrieved.... Comey said nothing was done intentionally to do the one intentionally intended in the update transfer for these emails to go haywire, and the ones the FBI was able to unscramble and save, nothing was nefarious in them....

it was done by the IT guy and it was careless or something like that, but not done with criminal intent.
thank you, but there's no wow :rolleyes: is what it is....

what's this penchant you on the right are continually expressing to lock people up all the time??? what is wrong with you guys? are you all implants from Russia, North Korea or China? or simply brainwashed by your god??? as an American, I do not get this despotic trend at all....???

Just wow...
no, Comey explained it, in his public statement of her and defined it in his hours of testimony...

They updated servers, her IT manager did the transfers of files, and updated different devices several times during her tenure and in the IT transfer of files there were glitches and these files were scrambled and ended up in an obscure file that the FBI retrieved.... Comey said nothing was done intentionally to do the one intentionally intended in the update transfer for these emails to go haywire, and the ones the FBI was able to unscramble and save, nothing was nefarious in them....

it was done by the IT guy and it was careless or something like that, but not done with criminal intent.
thank you, but there's no wow :rolleyes: is what it is....

what's this penchant you on the right are continually expressing to lock people up all the time??? what is wrong with you guys? are you all implants from Russia, North Korea or China? or simply brainwashed by your god??? as an American, I do not get this despotic trend at all....???
What is it about leftists wanting to impeach Trump for saying offensive things???
Are you all a bunch of mindnumb CNN robots who think compassion is giving illegals citizenship so that Democrats can steal more elections???


I do not want trump impeached for his words,
Regardless of how cold and callous and disrespect he is....

I expect him to be impeached for committing crimes, obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting an enemy, money laundering, or even paying off a porn star for silence with campaign funds, or for abusing his power, or for breaking the emolument clause, or even for sending his thugs out to fire people involved in the investigation of him and the Trump team With no cause, or for any other illegal or lawless thing he's done....

NOT for words like shit head, or his constant tweet bashing of American citizens or American businesses or American football players or our Allied Leaders or giving highly classified information to Russian spies, or for golfing more than working or for costing us an arm and a leg for his weekend vacations at his own resorts or any of that kind of garbage....

When I 1st heard of this stuff from someone, I highly doubted it true. I was like, "No way Jose'. But this person has an in, and since he has no reason to lie, I thought I would pass this on to you people------------>

READY........and oh by the way, it is no longer important to let you know on a message board---------->

Those texts aren't missing! It was used as a sting to find one of the leakers-) Oh yes, yes, they are off the phones and the server, but before that happened. Nunez already had them ALL in his possession.

Here is the deal, and I believe it as I was told all of what just came to light in October, and it was accurate, so I have no reason to believe that anything from the same source would be a lie........therefore----------->

The already know who was involved in it from the FBI, the DOJ, and the Obama administration. What they did NOT know was------------>who was, if any, and how many, of either never Trumpers, or Democrats in congress, were involved in, or knew of the scheme. That is what has been the hold up since mid-October. Before going public, they wanted to KNOW; and if any of them were involved, you have to understand what that means!

And you know that guy who was involved in the FISA warrants that resigned for what everyone thought was no good reason in October when the admiral went to the FISA courts about over reach? Well, I hear he is singing like a bird, and is being protected-)

Now I know that I am going to get a bunch of funnies from the leftists on here, but if you don't realize what is actually going on here, then go ahead and be surprised when your whole political world comes crashing down upon your heads. Just remember-------> Watergate was a 3rd rate burglary that Nixon OKed to find out Democratic tactics.

This; on the other hand, was the WEAPONIZATION by a POLITICAL party of federal law enforcement, for the express purpose of promoting a candidate, and when she lost, destroying a sitting President.

When this is over.........and it will be before the midterms; if most of your people can get elected to ANYTHING besides cellblock representative in a prison, it would be shocking!
Trump is a LOT smarter than these yahoos, and crazy like a fox. He also has some very good advisers. Can't wait for the indictments.
I am going to tell you right now members of Congress were also actively involved in The FBI DOJ COUP, and almost all of them were Democrats sprinkled with a couple RINOS.

Watch what happens to Schiff and Schumer & McCain and others.

So, let us think of who probably is, and who/whom probably is not!

1. Bernie? Nope, they gave him the sha-lai-lee too!

2. Chucky Shmucky? I doubt it, he is still to confident.

3. Adam Shiff? Where oh where has Adam been-) Probably at his lawyers office!

4. Debbie Wasserman Shultz? She might claim she knows nothing, NOTHING, but she is in it up to her nose!

5. Joe Biden? Yep, if Obama knew, he knew too........and Obama knew!

6. Little Dick Durbin? 50-50. He is sneaky enough, but even the Democrats might think he is to dumb to read him in!

7. Diane Feinstein? Probably not, she is a Leftist, but I have a feeling she is a patriot.

More than likely, besides Shiff and 1 or 2 others in the Senate, the cabal was probably in the house that knew. That seems to be where all incestuous relationships are. The senate basically sticks together. I believe that Mcain was played for a fool, but he is not a traitor. If anyone on the Republican side in the senate was involved, I would bet a buck on Flake. Would probably lose that buck, but he is the most likely to have done it!
Mueller BTW Is Desperate and he and his So Called Tesm atenleaking everything hey can like stuck pigs trying to turn the Narrative around.

That Fucker is part of the “Secret Society”

He was meeting with Comey in private frequently before and after Comey got fired!

Mueller like Comey is a cleaner. He’s there to distract from Comey and Clinton’s crimes and to keep the con game going as long as he can and try to impede the Administration as long as he can.

The whole thing is a hoax perpetrated by Obama, Comey, Clinton & the DNC with active participation and planning by The FBI & DOJ!

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Excellent Post!

I am going to tell you right now members of Congress were also actively involved in The FBI DOJ COUP, and almost all of them were Democrats sprinkled with a couple RINOS.

Watch what happens to Schiff and Schumer & McCain and others.

So, let us think of who probably is, and who/whom probably is not!

1. Bernie? Nope, they gave him the sha-lai-lee too!

2. Chucky Shmucky? I doubt it, he is still to confident.

3. Adam Shiff? Where oh where has Adam been-) Probably at his lawyers office!

4. Debbie Wasserman Shultz? She might claim she knows nothing, NOTHING, but she is in it up to her nose!

5. Joe Biden? Yep, if Obama knew, he knew too........and Obama knew!

6. Little Dick Durbin? 50-50. He is sneaky enough, but even the Democrats might think he is to dumb to read him in!

7. Diane Feinstein? Probably not, she is a Leftist, but I have a feeling she is a patriot.

More than likely, besides Shiff and 1 or 2 others in the Senate, the cabal was probably in the house that knew. That seems to be where all incestuous relationships are. The senate basically sticks together. I believe that Mcain was played for a fool, but he is not a traitor. If anyone on the Republican side in the senate was involved, I would bet a buck on Flake. Would probably lose that buck, but he is the most likely to have done it!
This whole thing with Clinton Comey Obama, The DNC, Fusion GPS The DOJ and FBI looks and smells like The Mob!
It's worse than that. At least the mob had rules they followed. A code of honor. Washington doesn't even have that. They are no better than a pack of feral dogs.
Dan Bongino on his show pointed out that the guy who Papadopolous talked to....the Australian government guy....named tied up in an Australian scandal...with the clinton foundation.......

Then you have the scandal tied to the British NSA, their GCHQ.....and this scandal becomes the biggest political scandal in our history..........they will be writing books about this mess for decades......
. Sounds global enough to me. After all they are globalist the whole lot of them. Well, their party is ending, and the America first party is beginning.
nothing ever "goes missing" online Andy....
but you surely knew that....
how stupid these people are....very
very stupid

. You know, I wonder.. In the couple above, who compromised who ??? Was it her that was so in the tank for Hillary, that she suduced this agent in order for him to do the hit job on Trump or was it the other way around or were they both equally involved ??
regardless of these idiots....of these traitors....of these scum Obama /Soetoro leftovers.....

GO GITMO! open your doors for these satanist globlalist scum..............


Hilary deleted 30,000 emails despite being under two federal court orders not to while James Comey allowed it and knew it was going on.

When she was asked if she wiped her server she played dumb:

Like with a cloth?

Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive Mysteriously Blows up in the middle of an investigation in to IRS misconduct..

IRS under assault from more than just Congress

Despite even the dumbest IT guy in any organization knowing that emails are backed up and preserved for decades in large organizations the IRS and Obama Bin Lying stuck with that story bought time to clean the backup tapes, sanitize them, and then turn over the cleaned email account to investigators.

Now The FBI claims that ONLY the TWO people who’s messages Investigators want to see, during the most CRITCAL time period during which “INSURANCE PLANS” were being discussed in McCabe’s Office, suddenly evaporated in to thin air with 50,000 messages mysteriously deleted from FBI servers that covered the precise time period investigators want to review

Next up, I expect some KEY DOCUMENTS associated with the Improperly Requested FISA Warrants to in unprecedented Fashion Spy on a rival campaign in the middle of an election and funnel that intel to Hillary Clinton will disappear.

And if The Clinton Body Count Legends are true, a few more people are going to be joining Seth Rich in The Afterlife.

Worse than Watergate?

No this is arguably the worst thing that has ever happened in US history.

This was an inside Coup conducted by people entrusted to protect us from criminals, jihadists and nefarious forces, becoming the very people we should be afraid of.

The KGB could learn some lessons from Obama’s FBI that’s how scandalous this is.

I would have to agree that if all this goes the way it appears to be going, this will be the worst abuse of power and constitutional authority that this nation has ever seen in my lifetime. And the Obama Administration will not escape unscathed.

From what has been reported from one of the text messages that didn't get deleted, Strzok, in a high ranking position in the Russian investigation, initially conveyed to his girlfriend that in that investigation, there was no 'there' there. And in effect they would have to go to Plan B.

What was Plan B? Well, according to three different experts I listened to last night, it was essentially:

1. Do whatever has to be done to exonerate Hillary of any wrong doing so that she can continue as the Democratic candidate to be President.

2. Do whatever has to be done to frame/disrupt/destroy the Trump campaign to ensure that Hillary will be elected.

3. If worse comes to worse and Trump should somehow win, then use any means necessary to destroy Trump.

Now if that is true, and I have a gut feeling it is, that should be chilling and horrifying to every American citizen.
Hilary deleted 30,000 emails despite being under two federal court orders not to while James Comey allowed it and knew it was going on.

When she was asked if she wiped her server she played dumb:

Like with a cloth?

Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive Mysteriously Blows up in the middle of an investigation in to IRS misconduct..

IRS under assault from more than just Congress

Despite even the dumbest IT guy in any organization knowing that emails are backed up and preserved for decades in large organizations the IRS and Obama Bin Lying stuck with that story bought time to clean the backup tapes, sanitize them, and then turn over the cleaned email account to investigators.

Now The FBI claims that ONLY the TWO people who’s messages Investigators want to see, during the most CRITCAL time period during which “INSURANCE PLANS” were being discussed in McCabe’s Office, suddenly evaporated in to thin air with 50,000 messages mysteriously deleted from FBI servers that covered the precise time period investigators want to review

Next up, I expect some KEY DOCUMENTS associated with the Improperly Requested FISA Warrants to in unprecedented Fashion Spy on a rival campaign in the middle of an election and funnel that intel to Hillary Clinton will disappear.

And if The Clinton Body Count Legends are true, a few more people are going to be joining Seth Rich in The Afterlife.

Worse than Watergate?

No this is arguably the worst thing that has ever happened in US history.

This was an inside Coup conducted by people entrusted to protect us from criminals, jihadists and nefarious forces, becoming the very people we should be afraid of.

The KGB could learn some lessons from Obama’s FBI that’s how scandalous this is.

I would have to agree that if all this goes the way it appears to be going, this will be the worst abuse of power and constitutional authority that this nation has ever seen in my lifetime. And the Obama Administration will not escape unscathed.

From what has been reported from one of the text messages that didn't get deleted, Strzok, in a high ranking position in the Russian investigation, initially conveyed to his girlfriend that in that investigation, there was no 'there' there. And in effect they would have to go to Plan B.

What was Plan B? Well, according to three different experts I listened to last night, it was essentially:

1. Do whatever has to be done to exonerate Hillary of any wrong doing so that she can continue as the Democratic candidate to be President.

2. Do whatever has to be done to frame/disrupt/destroy the Trump campaign to ensure that Hillary will be elected.

3. If worse comes to worse and Trump should somehow win, then use any means necessary to destroy Trump.

Now if that is true, and I have a gut feeling it is, that should be chilling and horrifying to every American citizen.









There needs to be a Treason Trial like we saw at NUREMBERG and it needs to be televised.
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