BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Because you already showed yourself to be stupid by saying there is no Apartheid of genocide against Palestinians.
Actually, I showed myself to be honest and knowledgeable.

There are Arab members of the Knesset, and the Arabs population within Israel is growing by leaps and bounds.

I have been following this situation for over 50 years, now, child.

How long have you even been alive?
What has Jarrett got to do with anything? Are you one of those idiots who think because she was born to American parents working in Iran means anything?
She's the puppetmaster of Biden, moron. She ran Obama, too.

Shows what you know. Valerie Jarret and Susan Rice and Obama are who is running the US into the ground right now.
The head of the Shaar HaNegev council was murdered when he tried to protect a family from Hamas people
The Rahat police chief was killed in a fire exchange with the terrorists at Ofakim.
The Sderot station was taken by Hamas, it is estimated that all the policemen there were killed. The security forces were instructed few minutes ago to bring down the building, knowing that some of their friends may still be alive in there.
And the US doesn't have an Israeli ambassador right now, because of Republicans in the Senate holding up the nomination
LOL you leftards really are something.

It’s Republicans’ fault that Tom Nides resigned as the ambassador to Israel this last summer?
Why did he resign? He claimed “to be with his family”, yet both his children are adults.

No, the Biden Regime pulled him in protest of Israel’s reforms that they consider “rightwing”.

But please, keep trying to spin Biden’s failure with Israel as the fault of Republicans. You idiots really have no shame.
Over 200 Israeli citizens dead and counting. Bibi is right, this is Israels 9/11, this is a startling and heart breaking number. There will be revenge on the minds of Israel and it is a natural and justified reaction,.a governments primary job is to protect its citizens, some say it is their ONLY job. Hamas may not be long for this world as an organization (just make sure their replacement isn't worse). We must stand with Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Meanwhile Biden provides a namby pamby response. Read of the prompter, no emotion, just words and sentences strung together. I'm sure Hamas is shaking in their boots. Just watch him sleepwalk through this.

Over 200 Israeli citizens dead and counting. Bibi is right, this is Israels 9/11, this is a startling and hewrt breaking number. There will be revenge on the minds of Israel and it is a natural and justified reaction,.a governments primary job is to protect its citizens, some say it is their ONLY job. Hamas may not be long for this world as an organization (just make sure their replacement isn't worse). We must stand with Israel and the Jewish people.

Please! It's not like 9/11.

Bibi: Not a US friend.

I used to blindly support Israel. No more. Let them all kill each other.
Over 200 Israeli citizens dead and counting. Bibi is right, this is Israels 9/11, this is a startling and heart breaking number. There will be revenge on the minds of Israel and it is a natural and justified reaction,.a governments primary job is to protect its citizens, some say it is their ONLY job. Hamas may not be long for this world as an organization (just make sure their replacement isn't worse). We must stand with Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Why do you label this fake news? This has already been reported. Do you not give a damn?
At least you got your idiocy in on only post #5!
So which do you support? A wall and a tough stance on Palestinian trash? Or welcome them as refugees?

Personally I got with a wall and bomb terrorists/enemies. But then again, I’m a “fascist” for believing nations have the right to protect and defend their national identity.

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