BREAKING: Here is the Treasury IG report on IRS scandal


Why is this being termed a scandal? When the Nixon adminstration did this it was considered the height of political intimidation and abuse of power. The Obama adminstration has always attacked its detractors and this is just another case. Heads need to roll.

It's becoming VERY difficult for the left to cover for the fact that this is open political intimidation. Whether Obama personally gave the orders is irrelevant. Though this will be the mantra of the ThinkProgress drones; "Obama didn't personally order each and every audit, so it's okay - nothing to see.."

Mr. Obama; resign.

why should obama resign. he has done nothing worthy of resigning or impeachment.
Obama should resign because his brand of politics has divided this nation and he is suppose to be responsible for his adminstration. Firing department heads is his way of displacing that responsibility. It has happened so many times that it clearly is a lack of leadership from the Oval Office.
IRS now agrees with the report and admits 'inappropriate shortcuts' were used. Not illegal shortcuts, but inappropriate shortcuts.
Language is truly the structure of magic in an attempt to influence negative consequences to disappear.'s simply amazing the difference between "acts of terror" and "terrorism", eh?

Nuance isnt your strongsuit is it?

It depends on the the definition of "is" is. :D
Why is this being termed a scandal? When the Nixon adminstration did this it was considered the height of political intimidation and abuse of power. The Obama adminstration has always attacked its detractors and this is just another case. Heads need to roll.

It's becoming VERY difficult for the left to cover for the fact that this is open political intimidation. Whether Obama personally gave the orders is irrelevant. Though this will be the mantra of the ThinkProgress drones; "Obama didn't personally order each and every audit, so it's okay - nothing to see.."

Mr. Obama; resign.

why should obama resign. he has done nothing worthy of resigning or impeachment.

why should obama resign. he has done nothing worthy of resigning or impeachment.

The use of the IRS to harass and intimidate enemies was what ultimately brought Nixon down.

Forgive me, I'm one of those "one law fits all" kinda guys - I realize that many think there should be one law for the Republicans and the rest of the peasantry, and a VERY different set of laws for the ruling democrats.

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