Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Mud tries to change meanings by changing the words. Where does it say Obama wire tapped Trump?

"Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance following November’s presidential election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday."
Who was the O.I.C., Jake? The man with the pen and the phone and the rubber stamp.
Comey said very clearly to the commitee that "no President can order a wire tap."

Hoss, you know what we have for a president: a megalomaniac in character.

He is dangerous to our republic.

I am quite sure you would rather have Pence as president, as I do.
But a Prez can say, "I wish I knew who that guy was talking to."
And as far as Trump is concerned, we have checks and balances.
I'm sorry. Are you asking me for a source or are you rhetorically noting that Nunes hasn't fully disclosed the nature of the source of his information?
I haven't read every post here, but I am asking if there is a reliable source telling us who Nunes got the information from and what information he received that was so concerning. Until I hear all that, this is just so much conjecture on both sides, by the same folks who brought us PizzaGate.

The link I have is from the Hill. Reliable and solid and unbiased. Nunes is very concerned
and rightly so that there was no Russian link nor was there any foreign intelligence information in all the information shared.

He received documents from someone he trusted. After all he is the head of House Intelligence.

That is disturbing. And what the bruhaha is all about.

"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.

"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

He said that "additional names" of Trump transition officials had been unmasked in the intelligence reports and indicated that Trump's communications may have been swept up as well.

The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes.

"I want to be clear — none of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team,” Nunes said.

The congressman said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected."

If that isn't spying I don't know what is.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Thank you, TinyDancer. I did read that article and my questions arise from reading it. This is about as clear and convincing as mud. Nunes may have plenty to disclose, but if so he needs to do so. So far, this could very easily be a sham to cover Trump's hiny. I'm not saying it is, but it sure could be more fun and games. Innuendo and people putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5 and writing headlines and starting threads all excited about their facts that aren't facts at all.
But thanks.

What I'm hoping out of this mess is a true investigation of the investigators. Let the chips fall where they may. You have several truly disturbing scandals with the intelligence community and if there was ever a swamp that needed to be drained it's with intel.

Whether it was Brennan's crew with illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee, or Clapper lying about the NSA surveillance or this mess of "Russia did the hacking" when not one agency has examined the DNC server there really needs to be an investigation.

Again let the chips fall where they may.
Right. Ignore the treason and investigate the investigators.

There's no treason. Give it up.

The incidental collection was because they were talking to Russian agents. Perhaps not every conversation had to do with the tampering they were plotting.. Release the transcripts so we will know, then those fuks in DC can't play their fucking word games anymore.

Or, better yet, send Obama to jail for inappropriate use of government resources for political purposes and then lying about it.

We don't jail political opponents based on nonsensical hearsay.
But we illegally engage on surveillance against them, don't we?
We use the IRS against them as well.
That too was debunked.
You get your news from FOX?
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.

The simple fact of the whole matter is that none of this would be going on had Trump and his team members to have fully disclosed the details of the nature, extent and timing of their interactions -- financial, conversational, etc. -- with Russians. At the very least, seeing that the applicable foreign interest forms and schedules of Trump's tax return, were they to have no Russian cash flows and assets reported in them, would at least put to bed the notion that Trump might still personally have financial interests that align with those of one or more Russian oligarchs.

It'd be different were Russia not an adversary of the U.S., but it is. Were it not so that many of Russia's top business people have past KGB/SVU employment histories, it'd, again, be a different matter. The matter would also be different were it that Trump does not have a long history of misrepresenting facts.
I'm thinking Nunes is pulling this to help out his buddy Trump. Source? If we've got real facts here, let's here them. Otherwise it's more stewed prunes.

I'm sorry. Are you asking me for a source or are you rhetorically noting that Nunes hasn't fully disclosed the nature of the source of his information?
I haven't read every post here, but I am asking if there is a reliable source telling us who Nunes got the information from and what information he received that was so concerning. Until I hear all that, this is just so much conjecture on both sides, by the same folks who brought us PizzaGate.
IIRC from watching the Nunes interview on TV, he hasn't disclosed the source of the information or the general nature of the information that was incidentally collected.
Thank you. I'll wait for that. Meanwhile, the band plays on......

In an interview on CNN, Nunes just said:
Reporter: "Was President Trump picked up himself in this incidental collection or was he not?"
Nunes: "In the reports that I reviewed, it does appear like incidentally he could have been picked up. So until we actually get these reports and get an explanation from the agencies, we won't know the answer to that. But clearly there is a lot of information in the reports that I've seen -- dozens -- that would lead me to believe that the last Administration and numerous agencies had a pretty good idea of what President Elect Trump was up to and what his transition team was up to and who they were meeting with.​
  • Is that equivocal enough for you? LOL "It appears..." "Could have been..." Both those qualifiers in one short sentence. There's not much conviction in that sentence.
  • "In the reports that I reviewed...." and the in the very next sentence, "...until we actually get these reports..."

    What? How, exactly, did he read the reports yet not get them? If he read them, someone gave them to him. If someone read the reports to him, well, then he may not have been given the reports. Don't get me wrong. I think Nunes is basically a "straight shooter," but I also know that what he said is incoherent. I can't read his mind to know what he may have meant other than what he said.
Later in the interview, Nunes says, "I think the President needs to see these reports for himself." What? I want to know why the POTUS didn't ask for them before he tweeted about wiretapping. Where is Trump's sense of due diligence? Stuck in a sand trapor at the bottom of a water hazard at Mar-a-Lago, maybe? He's been there nearly every weekend since becoming POTUS, so that's my guess. LOL

Continuing further into the interview and after reiterating the "until we get the reports" and "in the reports he read" points, he volunteered that the reports clearly indicate Trump and some of Trump's associates were picked up in a surveillance operation and that, Nunes very explicitly states, "That doesn't mean Obama wiretapped Trump Tower."

The interview was conducted with Jake Tapper at about 4:05 pm during the CNN show called The Lead.
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Duh. You don't think a criminal investigation should include investigating the criminal? Ridiculous.

Wiretaps of political opposition, Dude. Pure Stalinist tactic.

Sent from my iPhone using

Nixon didnt order WaterGate, but hid knowledge of it. If it's found out Obama knew about surveillance of the opposition party during the election, his name should now be on par with Nixon's, at least.

Bugging the DNC Headquarters wasn't the Plumbers first job. If Nixon didn't okay the bugging he damn sure knew about it. Now if it turns out Comrade Trumph knew of the collusion ..........................
The incidental collection was because they were talking to Russian agents. Perhaps not every conversation had to do with the tampering they were plotting.. Release the transcripts so we will know, then those fuks in DC can't play their fucking word games anymore.

Or, better yet, send Obama to jail for inappropriate use of government resources for political purposes and then lying about it.

Dumbass, what inappropriate use?????

I swear Trumptards are getting dumber by the day, fatigue from all the shit carrying for dear leader is setting in.

The fact that you stupid Moon Bats don't have a clue what Obama did wrong with spying on President Elect Trump and then lying to the American people about it speaks volumes to why we call you Liberals scumbags..

Of course you never acknowledged the filth of the Democrat Party that was revealed by the Wikileaks so it is understandable that you don't get it.
I haven't read every post here, but I am asking if there is a reliable source telling us who Nunes got the information from and what information he received that was so concerning. Until I hear all that, this is just so much conjecture on both sides, by the same folks who brought us PizzaGate.

The link I have is from the Hill. Reliable and solid and unbiased. Nunes is very concerned
and rightly so that there was no Russian link nor was there any foreign intelligence information in all the information shared.

He received documents from someone he trusted. After all he is the head of House Intelligence.

That is disturbing. And what the bruhaha is all about.

"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.

"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

He said that "additional names" of Trump transition officials had been unmasked in the intelligence reports and indicated that Trump's communications may have been swept up as well.

The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes.

"I want to be clear — none of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team,” Nunes said.

The congressman said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected."

If that isn't spying I don't know what is.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Thank you, TinyDancer. I did read that article and my questions arise from reading it. This is about as clear and convincing as mud. Nunes may have plenty to disclose, but if so he needs to do so. So far, this could very easily be a sham to cover Trump's hiny. I'm not saying it is, but it sure could be more fun and games. Innuendo and people putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5 and writing headlines and starting threads all excited about their facts that aren't facts at all.
But thanks.

What I'm hoping out of this mess is a true investigation of the investigators. Let the chips fall where they may. You have several truly disturbing scandals with the intelligence community and if there was ever a swamp that needed to be drained it's with intel.

Whether it was Brennan's crew with illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee, or Clapper lying about the NSA surveillance or this mess of "Russia did the hacking" when not one agency has examined the DNC server there really needs to be an investigation.

Again let the chips fall where they may.
Right. Ignore the treason and investigate the investigators.

There's no treason. Give it up.

Not in your tiny mind perhaps. There's a reason the buffoon's approval numbers are falling like a stone.
it took a couple of days but looks like the right wing echo chamber is finally all atwitter pun intended

I've noticed the lag is about 2-3 days after each piece of horrific news, something like that
With that 2-3 day lag, you'll have time to leave town before the round up.

I've got a Tarheel neighbor down the street, nice lady, nice and liberal too

looks like that move to TX did a job on ya
Yep, Texas turned me into a Trumpazoid. Too bad about that lady with a mental disease.

she gave me the inside skinny on youze renegade tarheels, maybe TX is an improvement, who knows
The incidental collection was because they were talking to Russian agents. Perhaps not every conversation had to do with the tampering they were plotting.. Release the transcripts so we will know, then those fuks in DC can't play their fucking word games anymore.

Or, better yet, send Obama to jail for inappropriate use of government resources for political purposes and then lying about it.

We don't jail political opponents based on nonsensical hearsay.
But we illegally engage on surveillance against them, don't we?
We use the IRS against them as well.
That too was debunked.
You get your news from FOX?

The only thing that was debunked was the lie that Obama told about not spying on Trump.

You Moon Bats are the scum of this country.

If Bush had spied on President Elect Obama you hypocritical Moon Bats would have screamed like a scalded hog..
The link I have is from the Hill. Reliable and solid and unbiased. Nunes is very concerned
and rightly so that there was no Russian link nor was there any foreign intelligence information in all the information shared.

He received documents from someone he trusted. After all he is the head of House Intelligence.

That is disturbing. And what the bruhaha is all about.

"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.

"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

He said that "additional names" of Trump transition officials had been unmasked in the intelligence reports and indicated that Trump's communications may have been swept up as well.

The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes.

"I want to be clear — none of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team,” Nunes said.

The congressman said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected."

If that isn't spying I don't know what is.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Thank you, TinyDancer. I did read that article and my questions arise from reading it. This is about as clear and convincing as mud. Nunes may have plenty to disclose, but if so he needs to do so. So far, this could very easily be a sham to cover Trump's hiny. I'm not saying it is, but it sure could be more fun and games. Innuendo and people putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5 and writing headlines and starting threads all excited about their facts that aren't facts at all.
But thanks.

What I'm hoping out of this mess is a true investigation of the investigators. Let the chips fall where they may. You have several truly disturbing scandals with the intelligence community and if there was ever a swamp that needed to be drained it's with intel.

Whether it was Brennan's crew with illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee, or Clapper lying about the NSA surveillance or this mess of "Russia did the hacking" when not one agency has examined the DNC server there really needs to be an investigation.

Again let the chips fall where they may.
Right. Ignore the treason and investigate the investigators.

There's no treason. Give it up.

Not in your tiny mind perhaps. There's a reason the buffoon's approval numbers are falling like a stone.

If I believed poll numbers we'd be saying Madame President wouldn't we now.
Duh. You don't think a criminal investigation should include investigating the criminal? Ridiculous.

Wiretaps of political opposition, Dude. Pure Stalinist tactic.

Sent from my iPhone using

Nixon didnt order WaterGate, but hid knowledge of it. If it's found out Obama knew about surveillance of the opposition party during the election, his name should now be on par with Nixon's, at least.

Bugging the DNC Headquarters wasn't the Plumbers first job. If Nixon didn't okay the bugging he damn sure knew about it. Now if it turns out Comrade Trumph knew of the collusion ..........................
Of course he ordered it.
But it was the exposing "the plumbers" as the crew from Dallas as the reason he had to head-off the investigation and resign toot sweet.

Remember it was trying to fire the investigator that started his crash. That's why among all the bridges the hairclown is burning, Comey's still there.
I knew it was just a matter of time before Trump was proven right about this.
Obama was always a POS who wouldn't think twice about stooping that low to further his agenda.
Thank you, TinyDancer. I did read that article and my questions arise from reading it. This is about as clear and convincing as mud. Nunes may have plenty to disclose, but if so he needs to do so. So far, this could very easily be a sham to cover Trump's hiny. I'm not saying it is, but it sure could be more fun and games. Innuendo and people putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5 and writing headlines and starting threads all excited about their facts that aren't facts at all.
But thanks.

What I'm hoping out of this mess is a true investigation of the investigators. Let the chips fall where they may. You have several truly disturbing scandals with the intelligence community and if there was ever a swamp that needed to be drained it's with intel.

Whether it was Brennan's crew with illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee, or Clapper lying about the NSA surveillance or this mess of "Russia did the hacking" when not one agency has examined the DNC server there really needs to be an investigation.

Again let the chips fall where they may.
Right. Ignore the treason and investigate the investigators.

There's no treason. Give it up.

Not in your tiny mind perhaps. There's a reason the buffoon's approval numbers are falling like a stone.

If I believed poll numbers we'd be saying Madame President wouldn't we now.
You don't believe trumps approval numbers are falling? Got any other really dumb beliefs?
Either Obama lied to the American people about not spying on Trump or else he was so incompetent as to not know that it was going on in his administration.

Of course the two are not mutually exclusive. From his record on other things I think we all know that Obama was both dishonest and incompetent.
Responding obtusely? Is that what you call it when I am answering with some facts you don't care to discuss?

You can put me on ignore for all I care, but don't expect me not to strike back.

Hillary did, as well as her campaign team, and -transition- team. Did you ever question any of that? Have you ever looked at her emails and the collusion that occurred? Seen the pay for play? Seen where she did not report some of those things, because she agreed to not become involved while Secretary of State, yet did anyway? Don't think she has business dealings throughout the world?

Sept, 2016
Hillary Clinton Meets with Foreign Dignitaries on UNGA Sidelines

If you think a successful businessman that has properties throughout the world, doesn't know important people within foreign countries, I have a bridge to sell ya. Does that make them a traitor? No. And you can bet your booty if anything improper occurs it will immediately come to the forefront. Unlike it did with Hillary and was swept under the rug.
Unless you are suggesting only govt or community organizers should be able to run. Well, sorry. That will only brings us to our knees.
TY for that.

I don't have an issue with asking the same question and having the same thinking.
What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.​
I recognize, however, that the background circumstances pertaining to PEOTUS Trump and PEOTUS Obama are very different.
  • Obama didn't have any former deals between himself/his closely held company and Russians.
  • Obama didn't have a history of having had substantial cash flows from Russians.
  • And the link.
  • Obama never made a point of hiding his financial interactions with anyone.
As noted earlier, a huge portion of the issue with Trump and Russians is Trump's refusal to fully disclose/demonstrate the nature, timing and extent of his financial dealings in an environment wherein we know he's had multiple multimillion dollar deals with Russians having close ties to the Russian state and its intelligence organs and we know he has a deal with one Russian oligarch that has merely been put on hold, but not cancelled. That Trump also refuses to relinquish control of Trump Organization compounds the appearance and plausibility of there being something untoward going on.

Look, if you are going to keep responding obtusely to me, I'm going to have to stop paying attention to you. Either establish a level of substantive comparability between Clinton's/Obama's situation and that of Trump's or stop trying to build a case on superficial points of ambiguous similarity.

I don't care to be trifled with -- it's very disrespectful -- and I don't do that to others, yet that's precisely what you're doing. I know I can't stop you from doing it, but I don't have to be party to it when you do it.
Responding obtusely? Is that what you call it when I am answering with some facts you don't care to discuss?
No. It's what I call it when you don't establish a level of substantive comparability between Clinton's/Obama's situation and that of Trump's and instead try to build your case based on superficial points of ambiguous similarity.

The only points of similarity you've established between Clinton (who wasn't even POTUS)/Obama is that they talked to foreign officials prior to assuming office. Have you established anything remotely resembling the level of entanglement described at the links I provided to corroborate my statements? No! Not even close. Why do you think I have included links in my posts? I put them there so you could click on them, read the content there (and the linked content) and understand the nature, as far as it's been disclosed, of Trump's interactions with Russians up to his being inaugurated. I put them there so you'd have ready access to the same information I have already read about Trump's involvements with Russians. And I put them there because the thread discussion is about Donald Trump, not Obama and not Clinton, and the nature of and circumstances surrounding his having been incidentally picked up in a surveillance operation.
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You don't believe trumps approval numbers are falling? Got any really dumb beliefs?

How do you know that stupid Moon Bat?

By believing the same polls that said that Crooked Hillary was going to win by an EC landslide? LOL!
Mud tries to change meanings by changing the words. Where does it say Obama wire tapped Trump?

"Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance following November’s presidential election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday."
Who was the O.I.C., Jake? The man with the pen and the phone and the rubber stamp.
Comey said very clearly to the commitee that "no President can order a wire tap."

Hoss, you know what we have for a president: a megalomaniac in character.

He is dangerous to our republic.

I am quite sure you would rather have Pence as president, as I do.
But a Prez can say, "I wish I knew who that guy was talking to."
And as far as Trump is concerned, we have checks and balances.
No more than we did with Obama, whom you hate. Trump is, imo, more dangerous. Clinton is gone. Let's get rid of Trump, and go with Pence.
The fact that you stupid Moon Bats don't have a clue what Obama did wrong with spying on President Elect Trump and then lying to the American people about it speaks volumes to why we call you Liberals scumbags..

Obama spied on Trump because he was jealous about the size of Trumps inaugural crowd. With Trump getting more people to see his inauguration in person than any other president.
I knew it was just a matter of time before Trump was proven right about this.
Obama was always a POS who wouldn't think twice about stooping that low to further his agenda.
You have just described yourself and your lack of moral character. Trump is not proven right in any of this surveiling.

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