Breaking! IG Horowitz Has Completed His FISA Abuse Investigation...Drafting Report For AG Barr

LOL...Zero to do with it. I know you're not intelligent. I mean, we both know that much. But it's funny how hard you try to be ignorant of the world you live in.

"We both know that much"

LOL...that statement doesn't make any sense.
he's talking to himself. the only *other* person who considers him intelligent.

There are plenty of intelligent people on this site. Unfortunately you aren't one of them.

He is more intelligent than you and I am happy to compare resumes with you at any time.

You don't understand that Antifa is short for something but somehow can't figure out what it might be. You've already let us know how deep your critical thinking skills go.

What they say and what they do are disparate. Are you part of Antifa? Simple yes or no will suffice. For a so called intelligent person you seem to have trouble answering the question.
People like you are a legitimate threat to our Republic.

I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

Today, antifa activists focus on harassing right wing extremists both online and in real life. Antifa is not a unified group; it is loose collection of local/regional groups and individuals. Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive.

Who are the Antifa?

RDD the traitor...LoL

From YOUR link.

"These violent counter-protesters are often members of the “antifa” (short for “antifascist”)".

Your article says they are antifascist yet you said antifa = fascist.

LOL, so which is it? I love this shit, you literally are arguing against yourself now.

Did you read the verbiage?

Sound like Fascists to me. IDC what they call themselves. Actions speak louder than words.

Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive.
People like you are a legitimate threat to our Republic.

I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.

Antifa is into violently shutting down speech that they declare to be "fascist". That is inarguably authoritarian. Thanks for playing.
I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.

Antifa is into violently shutting down speech that they declare to be "fascist". That is inarguably authoritarian. Thanks for playing.

He doesn't understand that actions speak louder than words. If I call myself AntiRacist but wear a KKK shirt...pretty sure it is irrelevant what I call myself as I would be a racist. RDD the self proclaimed intelligent poster strikes again. LOL.

This is the 4th time I believe that I have made a monkey out of him.
yet trump had zero to do with it but you eat that red meat with a spork and get angry when others don't share your gruel.

LOL...Zero to do with it. I know you're not intelligent. I mean, we both know that much. But it's funny how hard you try to be ignorant of the world you live in.
now how about attacking the issue instead of me?

prove trump was involved in this russia collusion/conspiracy.

Yawn, I could show you video evidence of him handing classified documents to Putin himself and you'd say one of two things.

1) Fake News
2) So what's wrong with sharing info with Putin. Obama/Clinton did it too.
great - show it and let's see.

however, i can show you obama talking about being relected so he's free'er to work with putin. what excuse did you give? you're expecting people to do what you did and that's just bullshit.

show me crimes trump did. not what you think he did, not what you "believe" he did - but what he did and the specific law he broke.

btw - we *do* have evidence of hillary mishandling classified documents - care to comment there?

nevermind. i've had my dumbass quota for the day. maybe tomorrow.

Hilarious on all accounts. Even now it becomes all about Obama and Clinton. It's like you are programmed to do that.

Oh wait, you are.
like i said - you won't name anything specific, just attack me.

fucking trolls.
Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.

Antifa is into violently shutting down speech that they declare to be "fascist". That is inarguably authoritarian. Thanks for playing.

He doesn't understand that actions speak louder than words. If I call myself AntiRacist but wear a KKK shirt...pretty sure it is irrelevant what I call myself as I would be a racist. RDD the self proclaimed intelligent poster strikes again. LOL.

This is the 4th time I believe that I have made a monkey out of him.

This seems to be a common problem with the modern left. Not all of them, mind you, but the social justice crowd seems to be more interested in everybody swearing fealty, avoiding blasphemy, and repeating the correct mantras than they are about anybody actually accomplishing anything substantial by way of actually alleviating the problems of the people they claim to champion.

I'm not a fan of Joe Biden, but that guy's actually been fighting the civil rights battle from the left for decades, but now half of these lunatics are calling him a racist for a couple clumsy gaffes. Everything about the SJW Antifa types is a full 180 from common sense and reality. They're so PERFECTLY incorrect that sometimes I find myself wondering if they aren't the most genius trolls in recorded history. It actually takes talent to be so symmetrically backwards.
and what is RUSSIA????
A legit threat to our democracy as confirmed multiple times over.

People like you are a legitimate threat to our Republic.

I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.
Do you understand that antifa has labeled itself but the label means nothing to do with reality? They are fascists, research the definition. If it shouts like a fascist, acts like a fascist, smells like a fascist, it must be a fascist, despite what it calls itself. Do you know what a fascist is? Apparently not because your media masters have trained you well to never think for yourself.
and what is RUSSIA????
A legit threat to our democracy as confirmed multiple times over.
yet trump had zero to do with it but you eat that red meat with a spork and get angry when others don't share your gruel.

LOL...Zero to do with it. I know you're not intelligent. I mean, we both know that much. But it's funny how hard you try to be ignorant of the world you live in.
now how about attacking the issue instead of me?

prove trump was involved in this russia collusion/conspiracy.

Yawn, I could show you video evidence of him handing classified documents to Putin himself and you'd say one of two things.

1) Fake News
2) So what's wrong with sharing info with Putin. Obama/Clinton did it too.

Okay, where's your video/photo evidence of said classified documents being handed to Putin. I am more than interested in such evidence. Thanks.
Literally no one with an ounce of common sense gives a shit. This is red meat to keep the sheep perpetually angry at the evil dems.
You're highly wrong. Millions upon millions of people are interested in this attempted coup to overthrow the election results and president. The coup plotters must be brought to justice so this will never happen again.
Only the fox news types are paying attention to this hoax.
People like you are a legitimate threat to our Republic.

I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.
Funny but only because it's hilarious that any one person can bring so much stupid to the table. Do you read what you write? Do you understand that your verbal vomit is absolutely everything you accuse the "other" side of?
No? I didn't think so, you obviously have no capacity to comprehend anything other than the liberal pap you suck up and think is intellectual brilliance.
Literally no one with an ounce of common sense gives a shit. This is red meat to keep the sheep perpetually angry at the evil dems.
and what is RUSSIA????
A legit threat to our democracy as confirmed multiple times over.
An existential threat! Get this. . . .When election time rolls around, the Russians. . . SAY THINGS ON THE INTERNET! That's right! They say things about our election! Things that might not even be true! They spent almost half a million dollars taking out ads last time around, just saying whatever they want! As though the first amendment applies to foreigners! NO! Foreigners don't get to speak out in our elections! Unless they're the president of Mexico. Or France's PM. Or the UK's. Or the mayor of London. Or Angela Merkel. Or EU MP's. Or La Raza. Or illegal immigrants. Or virtually anybody other than the people that we've tried to tie to the president who we don't like.

Get to the point.
I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.
LMAO you're that ignorant?

WOW! You need to learn history.

So what is Antifa short for? I'm waiting to hear your answer. Surely, you can give it a shot.
I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.
LMAO you're that ignorant?

WOW! You need to learn history.
He/she/it is obviously that ignorant. Scary that such a creature is actually allowed to roam the streets unfettered, let alone vote.
I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

Today, antifa activists focus on harassing right wing extremists both online and in real life. Antifa is not a unified group; it is loose collection of local/regional groups and individuals. Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive.

Who are the Antifa?

RDD the traitor...LoL

From YOUR link.

"These violent counter-protesters are often members of the “antifa” (short for “antifascist”)".

Your article says they are antifascist yet you said antifa = fascist.

LOL, so which is it? I love this shit, you literally are arguing against yourself now.

Did you read the verbiage?

Sound like Fascists to me. IDC what they call themselves. Actions speak louder than words.

Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive.

The argument is not whether or not they are violent. You said antifa = fascists. Which clearly tells us you don't understand what Antifa stands for (hint: it's literally in their name) or what fascism is. My guess, it's both.
I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.

Antifa is into violently shutting down speech that they declare to be "fascist". That is inarguably authoritarian. Thanks for playing.

LOL, you get the gold medal in mental gymnastics. Your masters are pleased. Your training is complete.
Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.

Antifa is into violently shutting down speech that they declare to be "fascist". That is inarguably authoritarian. Thanks for playing.

He doesn't understand that actions speak louder than words. If I call myself AntiRacist but wear a KKK shirt...pretty sure it is irrelevant what I call myself as I would be a racist. RDD the self proclaimed intelligent poster strikes again. LOL.

This is the 4th time I believe that I have made a monkey out of him.
RDD is the only one here calling him/her/it intelligent. Blinded by his own grandeur, he becomes a legend in his own mind. Mere mortals need not attend...
I agree. We have a government that you support that doesn't like people thinking for themselves. You are perfect to them.

Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.
Funny but only because it's hilarious that any one person can bring so much stupid to the table. Do you read what you write? Do you understand that your verbal vomit is absolutely everything you accuse the "other" side of?
No? I didn't think so, you obviously have no capacity to comprehend anything other than the liberal pap you suck up and think is intellectual brilliance.

I always find it interesting that the most insane people in this country refer to themselves as either "warriors" or "patriots" of some sort. Your fantasy world knows no bounds.
Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.
Funny but only because it's hilarious that any one person can bring so much stupid to the table. Do you read what you write? Do you understand that your verbal vomit is absolutely everything you accuse the "other" side of?
No? I didn't think so, you obviously have no capacity to comprehend anything other than the liberal pap you suck up and think is intellectual brilliance.

I always find it interesting that the most insane people in this country refer to themselves as either "warriors" or "patriots" of some sort. Your fantasy world knows no bounds.
As your idiocy knows none.
Alas, engaging you is a battle of wits and you are the unarmed opponent and therefor unworthy of my time and effort. Your obtuse refusal to acknowledge your stupidity and blindness to reality and truth have marked you as useless and incapable of adult discussion.
Have a lovely life.

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