Breaking! IG Horowitz Has Completed His FISA Abuse Investigation...Drafting Report For AG Barr

Oh my oh my! Expect panic throughout the Deep State. I saw Congressman Ratcliffe confirm it last night on Hannity?

Rep. Ratcliffe: DoJ IG Horowitz has completed his probe into alleged FISA abuses (Video)
Why hasn't the FISA request been declassified yet? We've been waiting ever so long.

It has been declassified. It is now evidence for the AG's multiple investigations.

It just hasn't been released to the public. It serves a purpose. It keeps/forces Horowitz to not pull any punches
with his report.
Antifa are Fascists. The fact that you cannot see that is comical. Are you one of them? They are also pussies.

You just said they are right wing. You're right wing. You must be a fascist then.
Oh damn, I wish I'd read this post before I decided to respond to you. The entire right wing follows a singular philosophy? Lol. That is a breathtaking level of ignorance and oversimplification.

I would have settled for you actually reading any of the posts before you bothered responding. It's clear you didn't.
An existential threat! Get this. . . .When election time rolls around, the Russians. . . SAY THINGS ON THE INTERNET! That's right! They say things about our election! Things that might not even be true! They spent almost half a million dollars taking out ads last time around, just saying whatever they want! As though the first amendment applies to foreigners! NO! Foreigners don't get to speak out in our elections! Unless they're the president of Mexico. Or France's PM. Or the UK's. Or the mayor of London. Or Angela Merkel. Or EU MP's. Or La Raza. Or illegal immigrants. Or virtually anybody other than the people that we've tried to tie to the president who we don't like.

Get to the point.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.

Wow swing and a huge miss. It's almost as if you responded in the wrong thread.

It's quickly becoming clear that you literally have nothing to say that isn't an ad hominem or a gross overgeneralization. At the very least, I haven't seen you once try to substantiate a single claim that you've made. It's impossible to have a real conversation with that habit. I think we're done here.


I've made it clear that you turnips are only to be mocked and laughed at. You don't possess the capability to perform critical thinking or analysis and certainly not meaningful conversation. You're a joke and should be treated as such.

Just look at your buddy in this very thread who says that the antifascists are fascists and then proceeded to give a definition that indicated that right wingers are indeed where fascism comes from, despite he himself be a right-winger. You can't make up comedy gold like this.
Wow you're a retard.

Calling other people my buddy simply because we share an opinion that you don't, considering it incriminating for a conservative to acknowledge that fascism is considered a right wing philosophy. . . You divide the world into your tribe and the other. 2 teams, good guys and bad guys. For all your condescension and declared superiority, your worldview has all the sophistication as that held by a fucking 6 year old.

So ridicule away, you self-oblivious primate.

Also, "finally"? "I've made it clear..."? Do you just assume everybody knows who you are? What a cringe worthy level of narcissism.
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Literally no one with an ounce of common sense gives a shit. This is red meat to keep the sheep perpetually angry at the evil dems.
You're highly wrong. Millions upon millions of people are interested in this attempted coup to overthrow the election results and president. The coup plotters must be brought to justice so this will never happen again.

You are being lied to. This is literally a non-story created to string you along. You could ask 1000 people on the street if they care about this story. 999 of them won't have any clue what the fuck you're talking about. You live in a bubble full of made up stories designed to keep you distracted.
You are delusional.
Oh my oh my! Expect panic throughout the Deep State. I saw Congressman Ratcliffe confirm it last night on Hannity?

Rep. Ratcliffe: DoJ IG Horowitz has completed his probe into alleged FISA abuses (Video)
If it has anything at all about FBI/DOJ irregularities - and odds are it must contain at least some questionable actions - Mueller may as well cancel his Cap Hill visit on the 17th as it will be 3rd page NYTimes news at best. My guess? Barr will release the IG Report on or about the 14th.

God, I love this country.

And what if it's a big stinking dud, which is pretty much what's expected, what are you going to do then? You ass clowns are hanging your hats on finding corruption in a process with more oversight, and checks and balances than an act of Congress.
Dud hoped for, not expected.
Antifa are Fascists. The fact that you cannot see that is comical. Are you one of them? They are also pussies.

You just said they are right wing. You're right wing. You must be a fascist then.
Oh damn, I wish I'd read this post before I decided to respond to you. The entire right wing follows a singular philosophy? Lol. That is a breathtaking level of ignorance and oversimplification.

I would have settled for you actually reading any of the posts before you bothered responding. It's clear you didn't.
An existential threat! Get this. . . .When election time rolls around, the Russians. . . SAY THINGS ON THE INTERNET! That's right! They say things about our election! Things that might not even be true! They spent almost half a million dollars taking out ads last time around, just saying whatever they want! As though the first amendment applies to foreigners! NO! Foreigners don't get to speak out in our elections! Unless they're the president of Mexico. Or France's PM. Or the UK's. Or the mayor of London. Or Angela Merkel. Or EU MP's. Or La Raza. Or illegal immigrants. Or virtually anybody other than the people that we've tried to tie to the president who we don't like.

Get to the point.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.

Wow swing and a huge miss. It's almost as if you responded in the wrong thread.

It's quickly becoming clear that you literally have nothing to say that isn't an ad hominem or a gross overgeneralization. At the very least, I haven't seen you once try to substantiate a single claim that you've made. It's impossible to have a real conversation with that habit. I think we're done here.


I've made it clear that you turnips are only to be mocked and laughed at. You don't possess the capability to perform critical thinking or analysis and certainly not meaningful conversation. You're a joke and should be treated as such.

Just look at your buddy in this very thread who says that the antifascists are fascists and then proceeded to give a definition that indicated that right wingers are indeed where fascism comes from, despite he himself be a right-winger. You can't make up comedy gold like this.
Let’s see, what rule is this? Matters not, though 13, and even 5 comes to mind. . Just know you aren’t very good at it. And people aren’t dumb. Might want to freshen up on #7.

Now back on topic. Can’t wait until the report is released. It shall be enlightening.
I just answered you. Which part is confusing?

Nope. I do not mean your views. What I mean is do you dress up like a bandito and harass those who have political differences with you. Wow, you are stupid. So maybe you are Antifa.

Well I do like to pretend I'm a character from the Lord of the Rings and harass people on the internet who have different political views than my own. Does this make me Antifa?

Keep dodging, prancing Nancy boy. You should pretend to be logical as only then can we have an adult conversation.

When you can explain which elements of Fascism applies to Antifa, without saying "all of them", then we can have a conversation.

When you stop speech because you disagree with it then it is Fascism. For example protesting the likes of Ben Shapiro. When you use violence on a reporter because he is “conservative” you’re a Fascist. When you use violence because you don’t like what the opposition is saying it makes you a Fascist. When you try to stop me from going into the Green Dragon in Boston because they allowed the NRA to have dinner there the night before and you want to ruin their business it makes you a Fascist. When I refuse and push past you and you tell me it’s two against seven it makes you a pussy, especially when I tell you to bring it and you back down. That is Antifa. They are Fascist. They are radicals and they are pussies. I am a Jew. I wear my Star of David proudly and openly and if you don’t like it you can kiss my ass or try to kick it if you have the guts.


So anything you don't like is fascist.

Literally nothing you just outlined actually speaks to what the core definition of what fascism is.

You can not like antifa but that doesn't make them fascist.

Words have meaning for a reason.
You just said they are right wing. You're right wing. You must be a fascist then.
Oh damn, I wish I'd read this post before I decided to respond to you. The entire right wing follows a singular philosophy? Lol. That is a breathtaking level of ignorance and oversimplification.

I would have settled for you actually reading any of the posts before you bothered responding. It's clear you didn't.
Get to the point.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.

Wow swing and a huge miss. It's almost as if you responded in the wrong thread.

It's quickly becoming clear that you literally have nothing to say that isn't an ad hominem or a gross overgeneralization. At the very least, I haven't seen you once try to substantiate a single claim that you've made. It's impossible to have a real conversation with that habit. I think we're done here.


I've made it clear that you turnips are only to be mocked and laughed at. You don't possess the capability to perform critical thinking or analysis and certainly not meaningful conversation. You're a joke and should be treated as such.

Just look at your buddy in this very thread who says that the antifascists are fascists and then proceeded to give a definition that indicated that right wingers are indeed where fascism comes from, despite he himself be a right-winger. You can't make up comedy gold like this.
Wow you're a retard.

Calling other people my buddy simply because we share an opinion that you don't, considering it incriminating for a conservative to acknowledge that fascism is considered a right wing philosophy. . . You divide the world into your tribe and the other. 2 teams, good guys and bad guys. For all your condescension and declared superiority, your worldview has all the sophistication as that held by a fucking 6 year old.

So ridicule away, you self-oblivious primate.

Also, "finally"? "I've made it clear..."? Do you just assume everybody knows who you are? What a cringe worthy level of narcissism.

Thanks for the laugh. It's funny how dense you people are.
You just said they are right wing. You're right wing. You must be a fascist then.
Oh damn, I wish I'd read this post before I decided to respond to you. The entire right wing follows a singular philosophy? Lol. That is a breathtaking level of ignorance and oversimplification.

I would have settled for you actually reading any of the posts before you bothered responding. It's clear you didn't.
Get to the point.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.

Wow swing and a huge miss. It's almost as if you responded in the wrong thread.

It's quickly becoming clear that you literally have nothing to say that isn't an ad hominem or a gross overgeneralization. At the very least, I haven't seen you once try to substantiate a single claim that you've made. It's impossible to have a real conversation with that habit. I think we're done here.


I've made it clear that you turnips are only to be mocked and laughed at. You don't possess the capability to perform critical thinking or analysis and certainly not meaningful conversation. You're a joke and should be treated as such.

Just look at your buddy in this very thread who says that the antifascists are fascists and then proceeded to give a definition that indicated that right wingers are indeed where fascism comes from, despite he himself be a right-winger. You can't make up comedy gold like this.
Wow you're a retard.

Calling other people my buddy simply because we share an opinion that you don't, considering it incriminating for a conservative to acknowledge that fascism is considered a right wing philosophy. . . You divide the world into your tribe and the other. 2 teams, good guys and bad guys. For all your condescension and declared superiority, your worldview has all the sophistication as that held by a fucking 6 year old.

So ridicule away, you self-oblivious primate.

Also, "finally"? "I've made it clear..."? Do you just assume everybody knows who you are? What a cringe worthy level of narcissism.

And I thought we were done. You promised earlier that you were done talking to me.

Such a tease, you are.
Oh damn, I wish I'd read this post before I decided to respond to you. The entire right wing follows a singular philosophy? Lol. That is a breathtaking level of ignorance and oversimplification.

I would have settled for you actually reading any of the posts before you bothered responding. It's clear you didn't.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.

Wow swing and a huge miss. It's almost as if you responded in the wrong thread.

It's quickly becoming clear that you literally have nothing to say that isn't an ad hominem or a gross overgeneralization. At the very least, I haven't seen you once try to substantiate a single claim that you've made. It's impossible to have a real conversation with that habit. I think we're done here.


I've made it clear that you turnips are only to be mocked and laughed at. You don't possess the capability to perform critical thinking or analysis and certainly not meaningful conversation. You're a joke and should be treated as such.

Just look at your buddy in this very thread who says that the antifascists are fascists and then proceeded to give a definition that indicated that right wingers are indeed where fascism comes from, despite he himself be a right-winger. You can't make up comedy gold like this.
Wow you're a retard.

Calling other people my buddy simply because we share an opinion that you don't, considering it incriminating for a conservative to acknowledge that fascism is considered a right wing philosophy. . . You divide the world into your tribe and the other. 2 teams, good guys and bad guys. For all your condescension and declared superiority, your worldview has all the sophistication as that held by a fucking 6 year old.

So ridicule away, you self-oblivious primate.

Also, "finally"? "I've made it clear..."? Do you just assume everybody knows who you are? What a cringe worthy level of narcissism.

And I thought we were done. You promised earlier that you were done talking to me.

Such a tease, you are.
I thought we might be, but you continued tossing out poorly conceived insults. I'm above discussing politics with angry simpletons, but not above telling dipshits that they're dipshits when they annoy me.
Are you going to dance or answer me?

I just answered you. Which part is confusing?

Nope. I do not mean your views. What I mean is do you dress up like a bandito and harass those who have political differences with you. Wow, you are stupid. So maybe you are Antifa.

Well I do like to pretend I'm a character from the Lord of the Rings and harass people on the internet who have different political views than my own. Does this make me Antifa?

Keep dodging, prancing Nancy boy. You should pretend to be logical as only then can we have an adult conversation.

When you can explain which elements of Fascism applies to Antifa, without saying "all of them", then we can have a conversation.

Let's see, antifart is anti free speech. Anti freedom of assembly. Gather in mobs like the SA abteilungen of the early 1930's, they attack those who hold opposing political views....

I guess that's enough for now.
Nope. I do not mean your views. What I mean is do you dress up like a bandito and harass those who have political differences with you. Wow, you are stupid. So maybe you are Antifa.

Well I do like to pretend I'm a character from the Lord of the Rings and harass people on the internet who have different political views than my own. Does this make me Antifa?

Keep dodging, prancing Nancy boy. You should pretend to be logical as only then can we have an adult conversation.

When you can explain which elements of Fascism applies to Antifa, without saying "all of them", then we can have a conversation.

When you stop speech because you disagree with it then it is Fascism. For example protesting the likes of Ben Shapiro. When you use violence on a reporter because he is “conservative” you’re a Fascist. When you use violence because you don’t like what the opposition is saying it makes you a Fascist. When you try to stop me from going into the Green Dragon in Boston because they allowed the NRA to have dinner there the night before and you want to ruin their business it makes you a Fascist. When I refuse and push past you and you tell me it’s two against seven it makes you a pussy, especially when I tell you to bring it and you back down. That is Antifa. They are Fascist. They are radicals and they are pussies. I am a Jew. I wear my Star of David proudly and openly and if you don’t like it you can kiss my ass or try to kick it if you have the guts.


So anything you don't like is fascist.

Literally nothing you just outlined actually speaks to what the core definition of what fascism is.

You can not like antifa but that doesn't make them fascist.

Words have meaning for a reason.

You may dislike whatever you want but when you violently subvert something you don’t like it makes you a Fascist. Learn to read. Physically preventing me from going into a restaurant because they hosted a group you disliked the night before makes you a Fascist in any rational person’s book. Speech is not violence, it is speech unless you direct someone to commit violence, something Ben Shapiro NEVER does so what does Antifa hate him specifically so much? Do tell, RDD.
No. It is you who is embarrassing. So answer me. Are you part of Antifa? Yes or No? You’re definitely a Left leaning pussy and an idiot so you fit the bill.

I believe in radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

So according to you, I am in Antifa.

Are you going to dance or answer me?

I just answered you. Which part is confusing?

Nope. I do not mean your views. What I mean is do you dress up like a bandito and harass those who have political differences with you. Wow, you are stupid. So maybe you are Antifa.

Well I do like to pretend I'm a character from the Lord of the Rings and harass people on the internet who have different political views than my own. Does this make me Antifa?
Makes you an idiot.

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