Breaking! IG Horowitz Has Completed His FISA Abuse Investigation...Drafting Report For AG Barr

Exactly?! OK...another loon

Tell us some more about how Hillary was "protected from prosecution", fool.

Find one post of mine that says that. Thanks in advance. In America you’re innocent until proven guilty. Now back up your claim please.

It's an example of what I posted about narratives failing and being turned in to conspiracies, fool.

Careful not to fall down as you back pedal.

FBI: Clinton staff destroyed devices with hammers - CNN Video

This is fun.
What does that have to do with anything except you attempting to promote the conspiracy, dope?

If proven it is no longer a conspiracy
Did you read the verbiage?

Sound like Fascists to me. IDC what they call themselves. Actions speak louder than words.

Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive.

The argument is not whether or not they are violent. You said antifa = fascists. Which clearly tells us you don't understand what Antifa stands for (hint: it's literally in their name) or what fascism is. My guess, it's both.

Wrong. IDC what they call themselves as their actions equate to Fascism. Keep showing how intelligent you are.

LOL, You literally don't understand the words you're using or the argument you are trying to make.

Thank you.

Thank you for literally proving my point with every post you make that you are gulping down a narrative that they want you to believe. A narrative that doesn't line up with reality, yet you don't bother to do your own research. Whatever you're told to believe, despite glaring evidence that it's flat out wrong.....doesn't matter to you. You're a useful sheep.

If I am fat and call myself skinny am I fat or skinny? At least I am useful. You’re a waste of space.

LOL, I'd ask you which part of "Fascism" applies to Antifa as defined as -

"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
Fascism - Wikipedia

Please highlight the part that represents ANTIFA, the group literally called AntiFascists.

This is hilarious by the way watching you scramble and change the argument on the fly.

All if it. Just watch so YouTube videos of Antifa.
Oh my oh my! Expect panic throughout the Deep State. I saw Congressman Ratcliffe confirm it last night on Hannity?

Rep. Ratcliffe: DoJ IG Horowitz has completed his probe into alleged FISA abuses (Video)
If it has anything at all about FBI/DOJ irregularities - and odds are it must contain at least some questionable actions - Mueller may as well cancel his Cap Hill visit on the 17th as it will be 3rd page NYTimes news at best. My guess? Barr will release the IG Report on or about the 14th.

God, I love this country.

And what if it's a big stinking dud, which is pretty much what's expected, what are you going to do then? You ass clowns are hanging your hats on finding corruption in a process with more oversight, and checks and balances than an act of Congress.
LOL...Zero to do with it. I know you're not intelligent. I mean, we both know that much. But it's funny how hard you try to be ignorant of the world you live in.

"We both know that much"

LOL...that statement doesn't make any sense.
he's talking to himself. the only *other* person who considers him intelligent.

There are plenty of intelligent people on this site. Unfortunately you aren't one of them.
None are libs.
Another brain who has no idea of the def of liberal.
Study Latin darlin
Liberal= braindead socialist scum.
Literally no one with an ounce of common sense gives a shit. This is red meat to keep the sheep perpetually angry at the evil dems.
and what is RUSSIA????
A legit threat to our democracy as confirmed multiple times over.
As are retarded demoncraps.
2 nd grade pathetic insult.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Did you know in real debates you are not allowed to blab 2 nd grade insults?
Truth hurts. Sometimes those who think themselves intelligent are the stupidest ones there are.
Oh my oh my! Expect panic throughout the Deep State. I saw Congressman Ratcliffe confirm it last night on Hannity?

Rep. Ratcliffe: DoJ IG Horowitz has completed his probe into alleged FISA abuses (Video)
If it has anything at all about FBI/DOJ irregularities - and odds are it must contain at least some questionable actions - Mueller may as well cancel his Cap Hill visit on the 17th as it will be 3rd page NYTimes news at best. My guess? Barr will release the IG Report on or about the 14th.

God, I love this country.

And what if it's a big stinking dud, which is pretty much what's expected, what are you going to do then? You ass clowns are hanging your hats on finding corruption in a process with more oversight, and checks and balances than an act of Congress.
As already mentioned there are multiple investigations all digging into different aspects of the origins of the Mueller witch-hunt and I will accept the findings. I'd be way more relieved to know that powerful gov't people were not engaged in nefarious deeds than any loony-leftard was when told "...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

Can you believe some IDIOTS still cling to their Collusion Delusions?

So who is telling you to expect "a big stinking dud?" Lemme guess ... CNN/PMSNBC?
The argument is not whether or not they are violent. You said antifa = fascists. Which clearly tells us you don't understand what Antifa stands for (hint: it's literally in their name) or what fascism is. My guess, it's both.

Wrong. IDC what they call themselves as their actions equate to Fascism. Keep showing how intelligent you are.

LOL, You literally don't understand the words you're using or the argument you are trying to make.

Thank you.

Thank you for literally proving my point with every post you make that you are gulping down a narrative that they want you to believe. A narrative that doesn't line up with reality, yet you don't bother to do your own research. Whatever you're told to believe, despite glaring evidence that it's flat out wrong.....doesn't matter to you. You're a useful sheep.

If I am fat and call myself skinny am I fat or skinny? At least I am useful. You’re a waste of space.

LOL, I'd ask you which part of "Fascism" applies to Antifa as defined as -

"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
Fascism - Wikipedia

Please highlight the part that represents ANTIFA, the group literally called AntiFascists.

This is hilarious by the way watching you scramble and change the argument on the fly.

All if it. Just watch so YouTube videos of Antifa.

So antifa is right wing? Lol. Ok so antifa are your people.

You continue to double down on retarded. Show your kids that.
Wrong. IDC what they call themselves as their actions equate to Fascism. Keep showing how intelligent you are.

LOL, You literally don't understand the words you're using or the argument you are trying to make.

Thank you.

Thank you for literally proving my point with every post you make that you are gulping down a narrative that they want you to believe. A narrative that doesn't line up with reality, yet you don't bother to do your own research. Whatever you're told to believe, despite glaring evidence that it's flat out wrong.....doesn't matter to you. You're a useful sheep.

If I am fat and call myself skinny am I fat or skinny? At least I am useful. You’re a waste of space.

LOL, I'd ask you which part of "Fascism" applies to Antifa as defined as -

"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
Fascism - Wikipedia

Please highlight the part that represents ANTIFA, the group literally called AntiFascists.

This is hilarious by the way watching you scramble and change the argument on the fly.

All if it. Just watch so YouTube videos of Antifa.

So antifa is right wing? Lol. Ok so antifa are your people.

You continue to double down on retarded. Show your kids that.

Antifa are Fascists. The fact that you cannot see that is comical. Are you one of them? They are also pussies.
We shall see if justice for the abuses will be prosecuted.................

Or just pawns as always to make it seem like they really did something.

There is no doubt of the crimes by high ranking FBI and CIA peeps happened..............The question is will they be held accountable for the crimes and abuse of power.

Given the record of this gov't.

LOL, You literally don't understand the words you're using or the argument you are trying to make.

Thank you.

Thank you for literally proving my point with every post you make that you are gulping down a narrative that they want you to believe. A narrative that doesn't line up with reality, yet you don't bother to do your own research. Whatever you're told to believe, despite glaring evidence that it's flat out wrong.....doesn't matter to you. You're a useful sheep.

If I am fat and call myself skinny am I fat or skinny? At least I am useful. You’re a waste of space.

LOL, I'd ask you which part of "Fascism" applies to Antifa as defined as -

"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
Fascism - Wikipedia

Please highlight the part that represents ANTIFA, the group literally called AntiFascists.

This is hilarious by the way watching you scramble and change the argument on the fly.

All if it. Just watch so YouTube videos of Antifa.

So antifa is right wing? Lol. Ok so antifa are your people.

You continue to double down on retarded. Show your kids that.

Antifa are Fascists. The fact that you cannot see that is comical. Are you one of them? They are also pussies.

You just said they are right wing. You're right wing. You must be a fascist then.
So in recap.

Antifascists are fascists and also right wing.

Any questions?
Literally no one with an ounce of common sense gives a shit. This is red meat to keep the sheep perpetually angry at the evil dems.
and what is RUSSIA????
A legit threat to our democracy as confirmed multiple times over.
An existential threat! Get this. . . .When election time rolls around, the Russians. . . SAY THINGS ON THE INTERNET! That's right! They say things about our election! Things that might not even be true! They spent almost half a million dollars taking out ads last time around, just saying whatever they want! As though the first amendment applies to foreigners! NO! Foreigners don't get to speak out in our elections! Unless they're the president of Mexico. Or France's PM. Or the UK's. Or the mayor of London. Or Angela Merkel. Or EU MP's. Or La Raza. Or illegal immigrants. Or virtually anybody other than the people that we've tried to tie to the president who we don't like.

Get to the point.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.
Au contraire. That is exactly the Gov't I do support. You support groups like Antifa aka Fascists. I am OK with debates but I am not OK with labeling people who disagree with you as racist, sexist, homophobes. See the difference?

LOL did you really just say that antifa = fascists???

Do you know what the word antifa means? LOL.

You can see on full display how your masters have brainwashed you. Think for yourself.

IDC what they call themselves. They are FASCISTS.

Followers of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government. That is Antifa. Big Gov't and bash those who disagree with their views? Are you one of them?

You have no clue what "Antifa" literally stands for. Let me help you. Anti-Fa_____. What do you think the blank letters are?

This is pretty amazing that you are proving my point in real time.

I can promise you that Antifa is anything but in favor of authoritarian views and a strong central government.

Antifa is into violently shutting down speech that they declare to be "fascist". That is inarguably authoritarian. Thanks for playing.

LOL, you get the gold medal in mental gymnastics. Your masters are pleased. Your training is complete.
You call it mental gymnastics, but I can't help but notice that you haven't actually pointed out where I'm wrong. Ad hominem ain't an argument. Don't be a simpleton.
Literally no one with an ounce of common sense gives a shit. This is red meat to keep the sheep perpetually angry at the evil dems.
and what is RUSSIA????
A legit threat to our democracy as confirmed multiple times over.
An existential threat! Get this. . . .When election time rolls around, the Russians. . . SAY THINGS ON THE INTERNET! That's right! They say things about our election! Things that might not even be true! They spent almost half a million dollars taking out ads last time around, just saying whatever they want! As though the first amendment applies to foreigners! NO! Foreigners don't get to speak out in our elections! Unless they're the president of Mexico. Or France's PM. Or the UK's. Or the mayor of London. Or Angela Merkel. Or EU MP's. Or La Raza. Or illegal immigrants. Or virtually anybody other than the people that we've tried to tie to the president who we don't like.

Get to the point.
I made the point. Work on your reading comprehension.

Restated for the cheap seats: Who cares about these peoples' opinions of our country? Our president's function is to represent our electorate as a federal executive, not to impress the world leaders that are popular with our mainstream press. Regardless of their respect or lack thereof, we've still got the weight of the largest economy on the planet as well as the most capable military, not to mention the one providing defense for these nations should a geopolitical conflict arise. If these chuckleheads ruining western Europe think less of us because we elected a guy they find contemptible, it's about the equivalent of petulant teenagers declaring their lack of respect for daddy. Make an argument that matters.
Rdd is that turd that never flushes. Sure he gets attention, but not the kind he thinks he's getting.
If I am fat and call myself skinny am I fat or skinny? At least I am useful. You’re a waste of space.

LOL, I'd ask you which part of "Fascism" applies to Antifa as defined as -

"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
Fascism - Wikipedia

Please highlight the part that represents ANTIFA, the group literally called AntiFascists.

This is hilarious by the way watching you scramble and change the argument on the fly.

All if it. Just watch so YouTube videos of Antifa.

So antifa is right wing? Lol. Ok so antifa are your people.

You continue to double down on retarded. Show your kids that.

Antifa are Fascists. The fact that you cannot see that is comical. Are you one of them? They are also pussies.

You just said they are right wing. You're right wing. You must be a fascist then.
Oh damn, I wish I'd read this post before I decided to respond to you. The entire right wing follows a singular philosophy? Lol. That is a breathtaking level of ignorance and oversimplification.
It will be interesting, but I am skeptical that anyone will EVER be held accountable even if they committed serious crimes. After all, Hillary skated.
As did Trump.

And so the cookie crumbles.
It will be interesting, but I am skeptical that anyone will EVER be held accountable even if they committed serious crimes. After all, Hillary skated.
As did Trump. And so the cookie crumbles.
Just so I'm clear ... are you admitting that Shrillary is a criminal who was let off the hook?
I don't think anyone is going to deny that at this point,that's why there is such a demand from the left to stop talking about her after 20 years of nothing but talking about her.

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