Breaking: Israeli warplanes hit "another" refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing dozens

What do you know about Palestinian refugee camps?

Obviously nothing...

I've spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps and the stories of the Nakba survivors are every bit as legitimate as any Holocaust survivors except Nakba survivors haven't received $ Billions in reparations and unlimited media publicity.

Every genocidal tyrant in history has said the same thing to justify extermination of "sub-humans" aka"...this blight on the planet"

Finally, there's no such as a human shield for IDF since they target civilians for fun.

“Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.

Four soldiers lay on their chests on a rooftop. In the same shot, we see what appear to be two Palestinian children playing on a rooftop. One of the soldiers takes aim and shoots one of the Palestinians on the roof, clearly hitting him in the thigh.

The soldiers then celebrate. One imitates the flailing actions of the wounded Palestinian, while others shake the hand of the ‘successful’ sniper.

Facebook users attempting to share the video from the Scriptonite Daily Facebook page, reported being unable to share the video.”CONTINUED
there is nothing stopping you from tossing whatever footage you have into cyberspace---what is holding you back..... THE WORLEWIDE ZIONIST CONTROLLERS?
Wrong again...

- “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

- “U.S. media coverage reveals a pro-Israel bias”

- “Journalists blast NY Times for pro-Israel bias and “grotesque” distortion of illegal occupation of Palestine”
there is a huge difference between a STUDY and
an EDITORIAL You have, very simply, parroted some jerk's OPINON. Furthermore---"middleeasteye" is an interest group. You would fail high school social studies
What do you know about Palestinian refugee camps?

Obviously nothing...

I've spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps and the stories of the Nakba survivors are every bit as legitimate as any Holocaust survivors except Nakba survivors haven't received $ Billions in reparations and unlimited media publicity.

Every genocidal tyrant in history has said the same thing to justify extermination of "sub-humans" aka"...this blight on the planet"

Finally, there's no such as a human shield for IDF since they target civilians for fun.

“Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.

Four soldiers lay on their chests on a rooftop. In the same shot, we see what appear to be two Palestinian children playing on a rooftop. One of the soldiers takes aim and shoots one of the Palestinians on the roof, clearly hitting him in the thigh.

The soldiers then celebrate. One imitates the flailing actions of the wounded Palestinian, while others shake the hand of the ‘successful’ sniper.

Facebook users attempting to share the video from the Scriptonite Daily Facebook page, reported being unable to share the video.”CONTINUED
you got that footage that you promised us yet?
How about some of those NAKBA STORIES?
Go put another Israeli baby on the barbee!!!

murdering babies.

Warm Babies die

Have you burned a Jew baby today?

baby kilkers.

Every genocidal tyrant in history has said the same thing to justify extermination of "sub-humans" aka"...this blight on the planet"
The aim of western media.....


Stop misquoting me. Put the whole thing up or STFU.

My point stands. Hamas is causing all the deaths period. People die in Wars. Thats just what it is and always has been.
Oh please. You want Gaza leveled and millions murdered.


"Eretz Nehderet" fights back in English in a special edition

16 million views

At the "anti-Semitic" University in a skit in English, which has already gone viral on the Internet. In the skit, the two condemn Israel and present it as a "liar". The two made a big deal and hosted Abu Fatwa, a Hamas terrorist in Gaza, and showed empathy towards him even though he was not ashamed to say that after Israel, America is next in line.

"Hello everyone, we are live on YouTube with the Anti-Semitic Colombia News. Everyone is welcome here, LGBTQH, with H of course representing Hamas," said the student played by Liat Har Lev. "I really admire Hamas, it's so trendy," added the boyfriend next to her, played by Barr.

The two enthusiastically chanted "freedom for Palestine", claimed that Israeli propaganda was poisonous and doubted the fact that there were indeed Israeli hostages in Gaza. "Do they think we're stupid? I'm doing a degree in queer post-colonial astrology. Jews are polluting the world, and no I'm not anti-Semitic, I'm a Floyd racist," the student claimed while throwing the abductee notice on the floor.

Along with the hatred for Israel, the skit highlighted the compassion, so-called progressive, of these students in Hamas - and the two young men talked to a Hamas terrorist, who is now in the tunnels under the hospital in Gaza. Even when the terrorist expressed himself in an offensive manner towards the LGBT community, the two chose to interpret his words in a positive way and invited him to America. "We will finish Israel first, and America will be next in line. you are so stupid I won't even bother killing you, waste of bullets. It is better that you kill yourselves," he answered them.

"Are you missing something, food, medicine?". The students worry about the safety of the Hamas terrorist

.... French-Israeli journalist Julien Bahlul added: "The video is genius. To all these 'queers' and 'feminists' who don't see the danger of Hamas."

The two enthusiastically chanted "freedom for Palestine", claimed that Israeli propaganda was poisonous and doubted the fact that there were indeed Israeli hostages in Gaza. "Do they think we're stupid? I'm doing a degree in queer post-colonial astrology. Jews are polluting the world, and no I'm not anti-Semitic, I'm a Floyd racist," the student claimed while throwing the abductee notice on the floor.

Along with the hatred for Israel, the skit highlighted the compassion, so-called progressive, of these students in Hamas - and the two young men talked to a Hamas terrorist, who is now in the tunnels under the hospital in Gaza. Even when the terrorist expressed himself in an offensive manner towards the LGBT community, the two chose to interpret his words in a positive way and invited him to America. "We will finish Israel first, and America will be next in line. you are so stupid I won't even bother killing you, waste of bullets. It is better that you kill yourselves," he answered them.
Oh please. You want Gaza leveled and millions murdered.


I want Israel to end the decades of attack by Hamas. Before that PLO. Hezballah. Islamic Jihad. Muslim Brothethood. All doing the same Damn thing.

You are twisted. Hamas hides behind them knowing that woman and children will be killed. And you rush in here to show their bodies

Hamas needs to go. Tumnels destroyed and Gaza Permanently occupied by force.

Horrific Israeli massacre in Deir al-Balah leaves dozens dead and wounded

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced dozens of dead and wounded in a new Israeli massacre in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

It also announced earlier on Tuesday that the death toll from the Israeli aggression on Gaza had risen to 10,328 martyrs.

During the past 24 hours, more than 300 people and hundreds were wounded as a result of intense Israeli raids launched by the occupation army on many areas in Gaza.


The Ministry of Health refuted the Israeli claims regarding the existence of safe corridors.

These corridors are nothing but “corridors of death,” it said.

The ministry called on the United Nations and the Red Cross to protect health facilities and ambulances, and called on all parties to provide a safe humanitarian corridor to ensure the flow of medical aid and fuel and the exit of the wounded.

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