Breaking: Israeli warplanes hit "another" refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing dozens

I do not agree that eagle is warmongering. You have a solution for the Gaza stalemate?

why do the HAMAS people not release the hostages and uncover the terror tunnels?

I can ask dumb questions too. Why doesn’t Israel stop carpet bombing Gaza? Why has Israel prevented water, food, and medical supplies from entering Gaza?
I do not agree that eagle is warmongering. You have a solution for the Gaza stalemate?

why do the HAMAS people not release the hostages and uncover the terror tunnels?
Is this true?

I can ask dumb questions too. Why doesn’t Israel stop carpet bombing Gaza? Why has Israel prevented water, food, and medical supplies from entering Gaza?
Israel is not carpet bombing Gaza not is it preventing water and food and medical supplies from entering Gaza. The trucks are moving in---but the fuel and water and supplies are being sequestered by Hamas in the name of allah and his BBF muhummad al kanzeer
Israel is not carpet bombing Gaza not is it preventing water and food and medical supplies from entering Gaza. The trucks are moving in---but the fuel and water and supplies are being sequestered by Hamas in the name of allah and his BBF muhummad al kanzeer
Why lie?

Long queues of people waiting to fill jerry cans are now ubiquitous across the territory as water becomes increasingly scarce, a result of restrictions on water and power imposed by Israel.
Lack of clean drinking water for 95% of people in Gaza threatens health crisis
As in a lot of international "situations" involving evil regimes, the so-called victims have the ability to end the misery immediately. The MINUTE Hamas indicates that release of the hostages can be arranged, it will all stop. And lest we forget, the hostages were taken in a massive, unprovoked terrorist attack.

In context, what is a "refugee camp"? Refugees from the current conflict? What?
As in a lot of international "situations" involving evil regimes, the so-called victims have the ability to end the misery immediately. The MINUTE Hamas indicates that release of the hostages can be arranged, it will all stop. And lest we forget, the hostages were taken in a massive, unprovoked terrorist attack.

In context, what is a "refugee camp"? Refugees from the current conflict? What?
Lol. Dupe. You obviously know nothing about this conflict.

I bet you think only Hamas fighters are under all this rubble.
Israel is not carpet bombing Gaza not is it preventing water and food and medical supplies from entering Gaza. The trucks are moving in---but the fuel and water and supplies are being sequestered by Hamas in the name of allah and his BBF muhummad al kanzeer
This might help you get informed.
Casualties of war. A war the Palis started. Their deaths on the Palis...
This thing started in 1947 and many Israeli people are saying that rogue elements of the IDF allowed the October 7 attack to occur. It makes no sense that the most monitored place in the world sees the October 7 attack.
Lol. Pussy. You call me a Hamas supporter. You better expect a strong response pussy.
Fuck off pussy bitch. Go offer to replace one of the American hostages you Anti-Semitic HAMAS supporting piece of shit. You don’t have the balls to say this crap in public because you’d end up in the hospital. Or more likely the morgue.
Put the quotes in the thread title around refugee and then you got something
No refugee camp at all
Hamas hiding and training center
They felt civilian shields would work again. Some gotta die for their participation to be rid of this blight on the planet

What do you know about Palestinian refugee camps?

Obviously nothing...

I've spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps and the stories of the Nakba survivors are every bit as legitimate as any Holocaust survivors except Nakba survivors haven't received $ Billions in reparations and unlimited media publicity.

Some gotta die for their participation to be rid of this blight on the planet
Every genocidal tyrant in history has said the same thing to justify extermination of "sub-humans" aka"...this blight on the planet"

Finally, there's no such as a human shield for IDF since they target civilians for fun.

“Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.

Four soldiers lay on their chests on a rooftop. In the same shot, we see what appear to be two Palestinian children playing on a rooftop. One of the soldiers takes aim and shoots one of the Palestinians on the roof, clearly hitting him in the thigh.

The soldiers then celebrate. One imitates the flailing actions of the wounded Palestinian, while others shake the hand of the ‘successful’ sniper.

Facebook users attempting to share the video from the Scriptonite Daily Facebook page, reported being unable to share the video.”CONTINUED

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