Breaking: Israeli warplanes hit "another" refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing dozens

“We aren’t committing war crimes by murdering Gazan babies. Hamas is to blame, so we can mass murder with impunity.”


What a fucking dupe of state controlled media.
Tell your buds to stop hiding behind them. Tell them to stoo making HQ in hospitals.

You started a War. There are no rules. Its kill the enemy. They are in a building...its a target. Kids in the building with them. They die with Hamas.

Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. To hell with them and anyone who supports them.
15,000 French citizens were killed in the Normandy invasion. And those were people who hated NAZIS, unlike Gaza residents who love Hamas terrorists.

NAZIS like you would scream about it and demand a ceasefire.
lol. Gipper's no Nazi but he is wrong on Hamas. Maybe Hamas 2005 wasn't the Isis it is now, but it is necessary to wipe it out!!!

Israel is doing a good job so far; meticulous and well executed. Gipper's biggest error is thinking Hamas doesn't lie about casualties; it does!!!

Israeli airstrikes hit a refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip early Sunday, killing dozens of people, health officials said. The strikes came as the U.S. is urging Israel to take a humanitarian pause from its relentless bombardment of Gaza and rising civilian deaths.

The Israelis launch air strikes against locations that launch missiles into Israel. If you want the air strikes to stop...then stop launching missiles! Duh?
It's self promotion. I look forward to Hamas being ashes!!!

but HOW? there is no question that every Hamas operative who dies in the fighting will became a
civilian, parent of six toddlers and all around wonderful person
The Israelis launch air strikes against locations that launch missiles into Israel. If you want the air strikes to stop...then stop launching missiles! Duh?


What's so hard to understand about that? :dunno:

But then.....some are stubborn and have their own pro Hamas terrorist agenda, unfortunately.
Israel is mass murder women and children on purpose, and you approve. WTF!

Why are there do many dupes of war propaganda on this forum? Amazing how easily they are controlled by the establishment.

Thankfully most Americans aren’t this dumb.
Poll: 66% Of Americans Believe U.S. Should Call For Ceasefire in Gaza
More Americans voted for Joe Biden than Donald Trump, Gipper! Obviously there are a lot of ignorant Americans! We invaded Afghanistan after 9/11. What right do we have to tell the Israelis that they can't go after Hamas in Gaza after what Hamas did? Hamas deliberately committed heinous crimes...cutting the heads off children...raping women...murdering innocent civilians...kidnapping hundreds to use as human shields and bargaining chips...trying to get a response from Israel. Now they're getting that response. What did they expect would happen?
Proving once again, Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet.

Definitely up there among the most propagandized. I think North Korea has us beat, lol, but yes, too many Americans have yet to figure out that we've been lied to about so many things, and that our government has been taken over by corrupt globalists. And no, not just when "the other party" is in power, it's the whole system. This is why it's so important to always put truth first above all else, including misguided partisanship, tribalism, etc.
Definitely up there among the most propagandized. I think North Korea has us beat, lol, but yes, too many Americans have yet to figure out that we've been lied to about so many things, and that our government has been taken over by corrupt globalists. And no, not just when "the other party" is in power, it's the whole system. This is why it's so important to always put truth first above all else, including misguided partisanship, tribalism, etc.
You ever served over there??

I highly doubt it. People like you and the damn globalist lose wars with this fight with Rules.

Your Rules of Engagement gets men killed. Same as IDF dying now trying to avoid civilian deaths giving Hamas an edge.

Whatever. Ive said what id do. Id level half of Gaza because Gaza isnt worth more IDF dying.
15,000 French citizens were killed in the Normandy invasion. And those were people who hated NAZIS, unlike Gaza residents who love Hamas terrorists.

NAZIS like you would scream about it and demand a ceasefire.
Lol. I’m one of the few on this forum who is consistently for peace and against war. All war.

I‘m afraid you are the Nazi.
More Americans voted for Joe Biden than Donald Trump, Gipper! Obviously there are a lot of ignorant Americans! We invaded Afghanistan after 9/11. What right do we have to tell the Israelis that they can't go after Hamas in Gaza after what Hamas did? Hamas deliberately committed heinous crimes...cutting the heads off children...raping women...murdering innocent civilians...kidnapping hundreds to use as human shields and bargaining chips...trying to get a response from Israel. Now they're getting that response. What did they expect would happen?
Except they aren’t going after Hamas. They are mass murdering innocent women and children. Much like the USG does when it goes to war.
You ever served over there??

I highly doubt it. People like you and the damn globalist lose wars with this fight with Rules.

Your Rules of Engagement gets men killed. Same as IDF dying now trying to avoid civilian deaths giving Hamas an edge.

Whatever. Ive said what id do. Id level half of Gaza because Gaza isnt worth more IDF dying.

I don't know what any of that has to do with what I said about Americans being propagandized.

And I'm not the one being useful to the globalists, that would be you. The globalists LOVE people like you, who cheer on all their wars based on lies, from the safety of your armchair.
Except they aren’t going after Hamas. They are mass murdering innocent women and children. Much like the USG does when it goes to war.
they are going after HAMAS which is why the action is in the northern part of Gaza and near Gaza city. If mass murder were the issue----that would be easy and could be accomplished in the southern
part of Gaza----do you have an REAL suggestions re getting rid of Hamas?
Israeli terrorists never respect civilians, women, children, UN, places of worship. They try to starve and dehydrate them. They drop forbidden white phosphorus and thermobaric bombs.

Have you burned a Jew baby today?

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