BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

If, Komrade, this were Venezuela Trump and his fellow traitors would have been lined up against a wall and committed suicide.

If this were your home in Russia Trump and his traitors would have accidentally fallen out of the Russian equivalent of a 747 by now.

Troll on Komrade.
Just ignore the puke bitch and see what happens next
Nothing is what will happen next because Trump can’t be incarcerated over pending charges and restrictions heaped onto the charges. I beg someone to try and scoop him up and have secret service imprison those who tried, Flush this black turd “judge” also.

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

If it were you or me in that chair, we wouldn't be given nearly the same consideration.

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

insane restrictions. perfect for a stochastic terrorist and his cult. .i do not think that trump wpild be threatening the judge or terrorizing the witnesses if this were venezuela.
Hve a description of what's going on?....51 mins is more than I'm going to watch.

". . . .On Tuesday, Engoron was bothered by Trump’s social media post shared on Truth Social, where he reportedly made disparaging comments about the clerk.

This was brought up through a photo of the clerk posing with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). where Trump called the clerk “Schumer’s girlfriend” and accused her of “running this case against me.”

“How disgraceful!” Trump wrote in the Truth Social post. “This case should be dismissed immediately!!”

The 45th president brought up Schumer and the clerk’s name again during a break in the proceedings later that day when he claimed that the trial was “rigged” and “fraudulent.” However, he later deleted the post. . . . "

Trump and his supporters want to have maximum exposure on this, because it is their way of campaigning. They view any restrictions as a way of restricting their campaign.
Just ignore the puke bitch and see what happens next
Nothing is what will happen next because Trump can’t be incarcerated over pending charges and restrictions heaped onto the charges. I beg someone to try and scoop him up and have secret service imprison those who tried, Flush this black turd “judge” also.
the secret service swears the same oath i did. if trump is incarcerated they will guard him in epstein's old cell.

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

Ordering Trump not to harass witnesses and court staff is not anarchy

". . . .On Tuesday, Engoron was bothered by Trump’s social media post shared on Truth Social, where he reportedly made disparaging comments about the clerk.

This was brought up through a photo of the clerk posing with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). where Trump called the clerk “Schumer’s girlfriend” and accused her of “running this case against me.”

“How disgraceful!” Trump wrote in the Truth Social post. “This case should be dismissed immediately!!”

The 45th president brought up Schumer and the clerk’s name again during a break in the proceedings later that day when he claimed that the trial was “rigged” and “fraudulent.” However, he later deleted the post. . . . "

Trump and his supporters want to have maximum exposure on this, because it is their way of campaigning. They view any restrictions as a way of restricting their campaign.
Schumer isn't on trial. Neither is the clerk.

Trump can't keep his yap shut.
He does it again, issue a bench warrant for his arrest.
That'll bring his Presidential aspirations to a quick end. :)
Schumer isn't on trial. Neither is the clerk.

Trump can't keep his yap shut.
He does it again, issue a bench warrant for his arrest.
That'll bring his Presidential aspirations to a quick end. :)

That is the point, that Schumer and the clerk like are part of the illegal conspiracy and SHOULD be on trial.
The claims against Trump are ridiculous.
The current fraud laws were written to regulate people selling securities that have dubious value, and Trump has not gone public, so does not at all fit these laws they are illegally using.

Bringing campaign aspirations to an end, quick or not, would enough for me to start loading up the firearms.
I do not like Trump, but there is no way this can be allowed and have any country left any more.
No one but a presidential candidate would ever be "in that chair" with 91 obviously bogus indictments.
Clearly the prosecution is trying to illegally bias the election.
If that were the case, Trump would already be under house arrest with his passports confiscated and an ankle monitor strapped to him..awaiting his speedy trial.
That is EXACTLY what would happen to you or me had we be indicted similarly.

But, there he is. Free to campaign. Free to fundraise. Free to run his yap in public.
Sorry, not seeing the "bias". He's still walking free.
That is the point, that Schumer and the clerk like are part of the illegal conspiracy and SHOULD be on trial.
The claims against Trump are ridiculous.
The current fraud laws were written to regulate people selling securities that have dubious value, and Trump has not gone public, so does not at all fit these laws they are illegally using.
Again, neither of these people are on trial. Trump is. And I'm sorry, this straight up fraud. He won't go to prison for it.
But he will pay for it financially....assuming his empire isn't built of smoke and mirrors. :) And that's really why Trump is
all up in arms about this trial. It's the most low hanging fruit of all the trials. But it's the one that will destroy his persona and enigma.
His entire business bullshit.

Again, what do you think would happen to you or I if we did the same thing?
Schumer isn't on trial. Neither is the clerk.
The entire system and society are on trial now.
That'll bring his Presidential aspirations to a quick end. :)
I appreciate you admitting to what this is really all about. In so many ways, on so many days, folks that love the corruption, and the corrupted media, continually can't help but keep making admissions like this.


I don't even want Trump or Biden to win, but I sure as hell don't want our system falling into the shitter. I sure as hell am wise to those who neither give a shit, or aren't wise to the corruption though.

Ordering Trump not to harass witnesses and court staff is not anarchy

No, it is not anarchy since anarchy is actually vastly superior.
This a draconian dictatorship, that harasses candidates in order to illegally bias an election.

Come on, all 91 of these indictments are totally ridiculous.
Some of them are from 6 years ago, and if really illegal, should have been prosecuted then.

This latest one by NY, is illegally applying a securities fraud law over paperwork submitted over a mortgage or insurance. The legislation is not at all applicable.
The easy way to tell, is that no one is harmed.

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

He is being like any other criminal facing prosecution, that includes preventing him from fleeing the country.
The entire system and society are on trial now.

I appreciate you admitting to what this is really all about. In so many ways, on so many days, folks that love the corruption, and the corrupted media, continually can't help but keep making admissions like this.


I don't even want Trump or Biden to win, but I sure as hell don't want our system falling into the shitter. I sure as hell am wise to those who neither give a shit, or aren't wise to the corruption though.

No..they're not.
Just Trump. That's it.

I could care less if he runs or not.
I'm for whatever action or threat gets the point across.
Shut yer fucking yap!!, Donny. :auiqs.jpg:
Again, neither of these people are on trial. Trump is. And I'm sorry, this straight up fraud. He won't go to prison for it.
But he will pay for it financially....assuming his empire isn't built of smoke and mirrors. :) And that's really why Trump is
all up in arms about this trial. It's the most low hanging fruit of all the trials. But it's the one that will destroy his persona and enigma.
His entire business bullshit.

Again, what do you think would happen to you or I if we did the same thing?

When innocent people are arrested in order to prevent an election, it is those who placed the illegal charges who will have to be punished, severely.

Claiming this is "fraud" is just an insane lie.
Fraud is where you sell somebody something that is not the value you lead them to believe, so they are swindled.
We is the victim here who was swindled?
The banks and insurance companies always got paid what they asked.
There clearly was no fraud, and anyone claiming it was, has to be lying.
The law is about selling securities, not about getting mortgage or insurance rates.
Schumer isn't on trial. Neither is the clerk.

Trump can't keep his yap shut.
He does it again, issue a bench warrant for his arrest.
That'll bring his Presidential aspirations to a quick end. :)
You would have to put Trump behind bars to shut him up.

If you do that may be a bad idea.

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