BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?

You would have to put Trump behind bars to shut him up.

If you do that may be a bad idea.
I'll take that chance. Just for laughs and giggles.
Most of his supporters won't have the stones to show themselves.
The rest?.....well, now we'll know who they are. :)
No, it is not anarchy since anarchy is actually vastly superior.
This a draconian dictatorship, that harasses candidates in order to illegally bias an election.

Come on, all 91 of these indictments are totally ridiculous.
Some of them are from 6 years ago, and if really illegal, should have been prosecuted then.

This latest one by NY, is illegally applying a securities fraud law over paperwork submitted over a mortgage or insurance. The legislation is not at all applicable.
The easy way to tell, is that no one is harmed.

Trump is like a petulant child seeing how far he can push the teacher until he is punished

He will end up with his ass in jail for contempt

". . . .On Tuesday, Engoron was bothered by Trump’s social media post shared on Truth Social, where he reportedly made disparaging comments about the clerk.

This was brought up through a photo of the clerk posing with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). where Trump called the clerk “Schumer’s girlfriend” and accused her of “running this case against me.”

“How disgraceful!” Trump wrote in the Truth Social post. “This case should be dismissed immediately!!”

The 45th president brought up Schumer and the clerk’s name again during a break in the proceedings later that day when he claimed that the trial was “rigged” and “fraudulent.” However, he later deleted the post. . . . "

Trump and his supporters want to have maximum exposure on this, because it is their way of campaigning. They view any restrictions as a way of restricting their campaign.
That was known about. Is the OP anything different?
He is being like any other criminal facing prosecution, that includes preventing him from fleeing the country.

No one normally is "prevented from fleeing the country" over a potential fine.
Trump claimed assets he did not have
That is fraud

The Judge has already ruled
No he didn't... this judge thinks he is prosecutor judge and jury and executioner... If you own a business in NY get the hell out....
Its a fascist state... all of this will be successfully appealed....
Ordering Trump not to harass witnesses and court staff is not anarchy

I really wonder now, if it is true? Speaking truth, and pointing out a potential conflict of interest? That isn't a harassment.


It would not surprise me at all if Trump knows dirt on everyone. . . TBH. They know all the dirt on him, right?


". . . Later on Tuesday, Engoron issued a gag order in the trial in light of Trump’s comments about the clerk.

“Consider this statement a gag order forbidding all parties from posting, emailing or speaking publicly about any of my staff,” the judge reportedly stated.

Engoron also revealed he asked Trump to take down the social post."

No..they're not.
Just Trump. That's it.

I could care less if he runs or not.
I'm for whatever action or threat gets the point across.
Shut yer fucking yap!!, Donny. :auiqs.jpg:

Nope, it has happened twice before. They censored and, "shut the traps," of two others. You either toe the line, or they take all your assets and throw you in prison. :rolleyes:
No..they're not.
Just Trump. That's it.

I could care less if he runs or not.
I'm for whatever action or threat gets the point across.
Shut yer fucking yap!!, Donny. :auiqs.jpg:

Clearly none of the charges are remotely legal.
Just all the 91 ridiculous indictments are so incredibly fraudulent that is it an afront to anyone to even claim there is any law involved.
Like with this latest NY false evaluation claim.
That law was intended for those selling securities that were of questionable value, something that does not at all remotely apply to Trump.
For Trump to have committed fraud, there would have to be someone harmed, like a person who got sold a worthless security.
It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for someone to commit fraud on mortgage over the value of the property, since it is the mortgage company that is the expert on evaluating properties.

BREAKING: Judge Issues Insane Restrictions on Donald Trump and Family...Is THIS Venezuela or NYC?​

QUOTE: Wow. Donald Trump literally just issues a cry for help over this trial. Meanwhile, Fox News keeps getting roasted on its OWN air. Watch the newest example with me.

OP COMMENT: Corrupt racist judge, fake charges, of course the restrictions are insane.

The case had no solid standing and they know it's going to fall apart so they're trying to do fatal damage while they can.
Again, neither of these people are on trial. Trump is. And I'm sorry, this straight up fraud. He won't go to prison for it.
But he will pay for it financially....assuming his empire isn't built of smoke and mirrors. :) And that's really why Trump is
all up in arms about this trial. It's the most low hanging fruit of all the trials. But it's the one that will destroy his persona and enigma.
His entire business bullshit.

Again, what do you think would happen to you or I if we did the same thing?
It is just watching Progs arresting and charging people with crimes say with COVID protocols while they did what they wanted. This means we are a despot nation.
When innocent people are arrested in order to prevent an election, it is those who placed the illegal charges who will have to be punished, severely.

Claiming this is "fraud" is just an insane lie.
Fraud is where you sell somebody something that is not the value you lead them to believe, so they are swindled.
We is the victim here who was swindled?
The banks and insurance companies always got paid what they asked.
There clearly was no fraud, and anyone claiming it was, has to be lying.
The law is about selling securities, not about getting mortgage or insurance rates.

Except when it is HRC, then it's all about "LOCK HER UP" No trial for her, no due process just execution.
It is just watching Progs arresting and charging people with crimes say with COVID protocols while they did what they wanted. This means we are a despot nation.
You're gonna need to provide a decoder ring for your posts.
I have no idea what point you're trying to make. You probably do.
But we don't take the same medication. :)
The case had no solid standing and they know it's going to fall apart so they're trying to do fatal damage while they can.
They will all look like fools when the case gets thrown out. They are just helping Trump

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