Breaking: National Archives Acknowledges a Whopping 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails -- Faces Lawsuit for their Release

I’m not so sure. Typically you have facts established before a trial.
Let me say it slowly this time, McCarthy will by the end of the impeachment inquiry.

You never ask questions you don’t know the answer to.
I wouldn't put it past you given your ignorance how trials are conducted. "If you’re asking questions at trial that you don’t know the answer to, you’re doing it wrong."
You didn’t say impeachment inquiry. You said impeachment and criminal TRIALS.
Have yo had a sharp blow to the head? WHich words are you having problems with?

Have yo had a sharp blow to the head? WHich words are you having problems with?

This is what I had responded to.

You don't think that question is going to be asked in Biden's impeachment and criminal trials?
None of your stories about evil Democrats ever pan out, yet you still fall hard for each new one you get fed. Each time it gets revealed you've been lied to, you run back to the liars and beg for more lies.

Your BS detector ceased functioning years ago. That's how you got sucked into the Trump cult so easily.
Lib please Dems are Satan's spawn.
OK Sorry that you can't comprehend two posts on the same topic. My condolences
I didn’t see the other post, so sue me.

Either way, you’re clearly counting your chickens before they’re hatched. You should have remembered not to get ahead of yourself after Devon Archer’s testimony went nowhere despite the promises that it was going to blow the lid off of everything.
I didn’t see the other post, so sue me.

Either way, you’re clearly counting your chickens before they’re hatched. You should have remembered not to get ahead of yourself after Devon Archer’s testimony went nowhere despite the promises that it was going to blow the lid off of everything.
20 phone calls with Hunter's foreign customers. I've asked you before, but you ran away. Were you ever in business? How many times you put your daddy on speakerphone with your clients?
20 phone calls with Hunter's foreign customers. I've asked you before, but you ran away. Were you ever in business? How many times you put your daddy on speakerphone with your clients?
What a stupid question with absolutely no relevance.
So the National Archives has Joe Biden’s pseudonym emails and is protecting the Usurper from scrutiny. How much bribery money has the National Archives received and what entity may be funding them?

Guess that means Biden has 5400 different personalities. Kind of surprising really when you look into his eyes and wonder if he even has one.
WE can only gather from than is that you've never worked in the business world. THanks for clearing that up Explains a lot.
I can gather that you have basically no critical thinking skills if you think such a question has any relevance whatsoever to anything.
Have yo had a sharp blow to the head? WHich words are you having problems with?

Hunter did not call Joe during these business deals from what I've read, it was his father calling him every day, at around dinner time, as he always did every day....

20 times out of 3 or 4 years speaking to him every day no matter the country, at Hunter's dinner time....
Seems like there would be more than 20 instances over that time period to me...?

The phone calls with Hunter and Joe at his business dinners was NOT from the National archives? It was from Archer's testimony before congress....of which Archer said business was not discussed, under oath.
Hunter did not call Joe during these business deals from what I've read, it was his father calling him every day, at around dinner time, as he always did every day....

LOL So instead of saying "Dad, I'm in a meeting, I'll call you later" he puts him on speakerphone? During the business meeting? LOL You have to be kidding.

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