Breaking: National Archives Acknowledges a Whopping 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails -- Faces Lawsuit for their Release

Anything about hunters foreign business

Geez man…where the f have you been? He repeatedly stated that

So why did he lie?
That kind of implies that he knew Hunter was working for a foreign business don't it? Anything else? Do you have proof he knew anything else?
That kind of implies that he knew Hunter was working for a foreign business don't it? Anything else? Do you have proof he knew anything else?
Then why did he lie? Answer the question…he’s literally on the calls as your own link proves.
Did you even read your own link?

Didn't htink so. You never do.

Needless to say, it doesn't support your crazy stories.


This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated June 9, 2022 foraccess to Biden Vice Presidential records pertaining to all emails from the accounts [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] preserved throughthe National Archives and Records Administration. Your request was received by the ArchivalOperations Division on June 9, 2022. FOIA requests for Biden Vice Presidential records areprocessed and reviewed for access under provisions of the 1978 Presidential Records Act, asamended (PRA) (44 U.S.C. §§ 2201-2209), which incorporates the Freedom of Information Act (5U.S.C. § 552) in substantial part.

We have performed a search of our collection for Vice Presidential records related to your requestand have identified approximately 5,138 email messages, 25 electronic files and 200 pages ofpotentially responsive records that must be processed in order to respond to your request. Pleasekeep in mind that these totals are an estimate and that all material processed may not be applicableto your specific topic.
You proved that he was well aware of hunter’s business dealing by providing us a link where a witness testified he was on the calls

So why did he lie?

Remember, Joe Biden said multiple times that he "never talked to his son about business", and the cultists clapped like trained seals.

The cultists have since moved the goalposts several times, to where we're now being told "Yes, Hunter took massive bribes based on extortion phone calls both he and Joe made, but the money didn't actually go to Joe, just a bunch of other family members."
You proved that he was well aware of hunter’s business dealing by providing us a link where a witness testified he was on the calls

So why did he lie?
Why are you such an idiot? He wasn't on business calls. He was on personal calls with his son. The witness testified that Hunter called him occasionally from business meetings but that they never discussed any business.
Why are you such an idiot? He wasn't on business calls. He was on personal calls with his son. The witness testified that Hunter called him occasionally from business meetings but that they never discussed any business.

I actually think you're dumb enough to believe that.

Remember, Joe Biden said multiple times that he "never talked to his son about business", and the cultists clapped like trained seals.

The cultists have since moved the goalposts several times, to where we're now being told "Yes, Hunter took massive bribes based on extortion phone calls both he and Joe made, but the money didn't actually go to Joe, just a bunch of other family members."
Cultist gonna cult
Suuuuuuuuuuure it was.

We get it. Trump is in trouble, so you've been commanded to deflect. And you always obey orders, even if they make you look this crazy.
Claiming others are deflecting while deflecting.

You must work hard at being so clueless.
I'm not pretending as if Joe couldn't have used his influence to help Hunter and his business partners out in exchange for millions of dollars, I'm just not willing to believe that's what happened without any evidence.
You must work hard at being so clueless.
Serious…yesterday he learned what the Executive Branch of govt does…but still maintains that the Executive “office” doesn’t enforce law

The demafasict really go after the stupid…I guess that’s what you need for a cult
Why are you such an idiot? He wasn't on business calls. He was on personal calls with his son. The witness testified that Hunter called him occasionally from business meetings but that they never discussed any business.
Yeah. Crackhead’s ”business” partners wanted Crackhead to get Tater on the phone two dozen times so they could listen to Tater opine on the current weather conditions.

Oddly enough, Tater went to multiple dinners in swanky DC eateries with Crackhead‘s “business” partners so Tater could dazzle them for hours with his knowledge of high and low pressure systems….
Yeah. Crackhead’s ”business” partners wanted Crackhead to get Tater on the phone two dozen times so they could listen to Tater opine on the current weather conditions.
You do understand that your inference isn't evidence right? 😄
Oddly enough, Tater went to multiple dinners in swanky DC eateries with Crackhead‘s “business” partners so Tater could dazzle them for hours with his knowledge of high and low pressure systems….
Innuendo is also not evidence. 😄

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