BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

Actually not ridiculous in the least. Actions that may result in reactions are to be expected, and often illuminating. We can see early historical results of MLK's actions; the Geller actions are too recent.

In both cases they took actions to highlight injustices and real problems in our society.

Geller has illuminated nothing... Charlie Hebdo she is not.

she is a delusional attention whore much like manifold thinking he is some sort of hero for calling women ***** on the internet...
You are entitled to your opinion. Seems to me she's asking the right questions and putting out the correct predictions:

Pamela Geller A Response to My Critics This Is a War - TIME


The questions she poses have nothing to do with reality. She's waging a war on her own and using innocents as a pawn in her ignorant game. At the same time, she seems to be blaming the media and "cultural elites" for exposing her as just another cross-burning clown in a white hood. If you jump into a tiger's cage, who gets the blame if he eats you?

Does she have the right to do it or not?
Sure she does. Does she have the right to expect a different response? I don't think she does.

You have the freedom to collect wild animals, but if they tore you apart one day my guess is that most folks would blame you for your stupidity and hubris.

Rati, does it hurt to be that fucking stupid?

I mean, actual, physical pain?

oh look, it's the angry UNCENSORED sockboi. :lol:

Speaking against Nazism might be inconsiderate to democrats, Muzzie Beasts, and other JOOOOOOOO haters, yet I support the honest statement that they are scum. Geller CORRECTLY responded to the Muzzie Beast murder at Charlie Hebdo by demonstrating that Americans will not be cowed into silence by terrorists and their democrat allies. That isn't "inconsiderate," it is a rational response to an irrational act.

in what way had Americans been 'cowed into silence' exactly..?

Look at all the leftists demanding that Americans must not draw the Warlord Muhammad - that is cowardice due to the attacks in France.
Look at all the leftists demanding that Americans must not draw the Warlord Muhammad - that is cowardice due to the attacks in France.

amazing a self professed genius like you can't grasp what it means to 'demand'.
So we can all agree that Bripat is a coward...

I've challenged him 3 times to quote the op and point out any flaws. He of course refuses because he doesn't have the spine to admit I was right & he's just trolling.
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.
What does especially now mean? No one denied their right to be assholes so there is no free speech issue involved.

Especially now means that we have Muslims demanding that we give up our free speech.
So no pending legislation. Thought so.
Complete and utter bull shit. If free speech is curtailed for any reason then we don't have free speech. If I walk down the street in black face, NO ONE has the right to lay a finger on me.

If I decide to draw a picture of Mohammed giving blow jobs to pigs the n I gave that right and no one has a right to shoot me. Nor should they receive sympathy from freedom loving people.

Crude...but expected from a nitwit....

Listen NO ONE is stating that Geller should not speak or pull her stunts....What some of us ARE stating is that such speech has a responsibility and that, unfortunately, others will pay for her attention-getting stupidity.....There will be innocent Americans hurt or killed in retaliation to her they tourists or one of our soldiers who gets captured, or even a fellow citizen by some nut with a hatchet.

Bottom line is this.....Geller is a media whore who will gain some notoriety and be rewarded with money......any spilled blood in retaliation is because of her doings.
So we can all agree that Bripat is a coward...

I've challenged him 3 times to quote the op and point out any flaws. He of course refuses because he doesn't have the spine to admit I was right & he's just trolling.
Freedom of speech can't mean disagreeng with a teaper. What a bunch of racist Nazis
She has a bigger set of balls then you do apparently.

Well, you too, Chickeshit would come off as "brave" once you have more than 50 armed body guards protecting your sorry Geller provided herself in Texas.
Actually not ridiculous in the least. Actions that may result in reactions are to be expected, and often illuminating. We can see early historical results of MLK's actions; the Geller actions are too recent.

In both cases they took actions to highlight injustices and real problems in our society.

Geller has illuminated nothing... Charlie Hebdo she is not.

she is a delusional attention whore much like manifold thinking he is some sort of hero for calling women ***** on the internet...
You are entitled to your opinion. Seems to me she's asking the right questions and putting out the correct predictions:

Pamela Geller A Response to My Critics This Is a War - TIME


The questions she poses have nothing to do with reality. She's waging a war on her own and using innocents as a pawn in her ignorant game. At the same time, she seems to be blaming the media and "cultural elites" for exposing her as just another cross-burning clown in a white hood. If you jump into a tiger's cage, who gets the blame if he eats you?

Does she have the right to do it or not?
Sure she does. Does she have the right to expect a different response? I don't think she does.

You have the freedom to collect wild animals, but if they tore you apart one day my guess is that most folks would blame you for your stupidity and hubris.

We're talking about people, not wild animals. People are supposed to be capable of taking morality into account when they make decisions. They are morally culpable, in other words, That means the two Muzzie bastards who attacked the conference got what they deserved, and the attendees have done nothing that justifies the actions of Muzzie bastards.
Complete and utter bull shit. If free speech is curtailed for any reason then we don't have free speech. If I walk down the street in black face, NO ONE has the right to lay a finger on me.

If I decide to draw a picture of Mohammed giving blow jobs to pigs the n I gave that right and no one has a right to shoot me. Nor should they receive sympathy from freedom loving people.

Crude...but expected from a nitwit....

Listen NO ONE is stating that Geller should not speak or pull her stunts....What some of us ARE stating is that such speech has a responsibility and that, unfortunately, others will pay for her attention-getting stupidity.....There will be innocent Americans hurt or killed in retaliation to her they tourists or one of our soldiers who gets captured, or even a fellow citizen by some nut with a hatchet.

Bottom line is this.....Geller is a media whore who will gain some notoriety and be rewarded with money......any spilled blood in retaliation is because of her doings.

"Listen NO ONE is stating that Geller should not speak or pull her stunts."

That's exactly what you're saying, numskull.
Free speech is not an ignoble cause,ever!!

Did you find that inside of a Chinese fortune cookie????

NO ONE is saying that Geller should be silenced.....but you dimwits on the right would just love to silence any dissent to your biases and prejudices.
amazing a self professed genius like you can't grasp what it means to 'demand'.

ValeRavi - you're stupid as a fucking brick.

From the party press;

Those two men were would-be murderers. But their thwarted attack, or the murderous rampage of the Charlie Hebdo killers, or even the greater threat posed by the barbaric killers of the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, cannot justify blatantly Islamophobic provocations like the Garland event. These can serve only to exacerbate tensions and to give extremists more fuel.

Some of those who draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad may earnestly believe that they are striking a blow for freedom of expression, though it is hard to see how that goal is advanced by inflicting deliberate anguish on millions of devout Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.}

Is that not the fucking dNYc Times condemning free speech? The voice of your filthy, pile of shit fucking anti-liberty party?

For all those who are not Rati, thus dumb as a fucking rock; this puts it into perspective:

“The Book of Mormon,” a long-running Broadway smash in left-wing New York City, is the intellectual equivalent to Pam Geller’s Draw Muhammad Cartoon Contest. Both use art and satire to poke a finger in the eye of a particular religion. The only difference between the two is that the mainstream media loves to mock Mormons even as they vigorously defend Islam. And there is of course the little matter of Islamic savages threatening to behead cartoonists.

There is just no getting around the fact, though, that unless you are appeasing terrorists or carving out special protections for a certain religion, Muhammad cartoons and “The Book of Mormon” are the exact same approach towards two different religions.}

NYTs Condemns Offending Islam Profit From Mormon Bashing - Breitbart
Is that not the fucking dNYc Times condemning free speech? The voice of your filthy, pile of shit fucking anti-liberty party?

For all those who are not Rati, thus dumb as a fucking rock; this puts it into perspective:

ONLY as "interpreted by a biased, low intelligence, right wing idiot like you.

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