BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

amazing a self professed genius like you can't grasp what it means to 'demand'.

ValeRavi - you're stupid as a fucking brick.

From the party press;

Those two men were would-be murderers. But their thwarted attack, or the murderous rampage of the Charlie Hebdo killers, or even the greater threat posed by the barbaric killers of the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, cannot justify blatantly Islamophobic provocations like the Garland event. These can serve only to exacerbate tensions and to give extremists more fuel.

Some of those who draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad may earnestly believe that they are striking a blow for freedom of expression, though it is hard to see how that goal is advanced by inflicting deliberate anguish on millions of devout Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.}

Is that not the fucking dNYc Times condemning free speech? The voice of your filthy, pile of shit fucking anti-liberty party?

For all those who are not Rati, thus dumb as a fucking rock; this puts it into perspective:

“The Book of Mormon,” a long-running Broadway smash in left-wing New York City, is the intellectual equivalent to Pam Geller’s Draw Muhammad Cartoon Contest. Both use art and satire to poke a finger in the eye of a particular religion. The only difference between the two is that the mainstream media loves to mock Mormons even as they vigorously defend Islam. And there is of course the little matter of Islamic savages threatening to behead cartoonists.

There is just no getting around the fact, though, that unless you are appeasing terrorists or carving out special protections for a certain religion, Muhammad cartoons and “The Book of Mormon” are the exact same approach towards two different religions.}

NYTs Condemns Offending Islam Profit From Mormon Bashing - Breitbart

no one who believes ravi and i are one and the same, just like no one believes you and dante are one and the same.

i bet that makes you want to break things, loser. :lol:
Then what ARE you saying, Comrade?

You're getting your biases mixed up with that "comrade" stupidity.....

Listen moron......Were those rioters in Baltimore exercising "free speech"???

Sure they were.....but when free speech evolved into rallying to riot, then the free speech right bore consequences...

Geller had more than 50 body guards surrounding the venue...Why was that?.

.....and if those two terrorists had managed to kill a dozen "participants" to that drawing contest stunt, would Geller bear ANY responsibility?
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.

Now and always. If you don't stand for the speech you hate, you stand for nothing at all.

Tough call.

A wise man once said, just because you have the right to speak does not mean you must.

Not tough at all. It would be nice if people actually engaged their brain before their mouths, but that is for them to decide. It should not be for me, and certainly not the government, to decide whether your speech is acceptable or not. Obviously there are limitations, as in anything, but it should only be a clear case of direct endangerment of others - not because what you have to say is offensive, hateful and stupid. Freedom is messy, but I'll take the mess over the alternative.

Yeah, what is free speech is definately subjective, There is less outrage over burning the US flag. Does anyone really care about Americans who might be offended by that? do our officials?
no not really. even if burning the US flag is a premeditated act. the only ones offended are of no threat so it doesnt matter. This isnt even as much about free speech as it is about Intimidation
Then what ARE you saying, Comrade?

You're getting your biases mixed up with that "comrade" stupidity.....

Listen moron......Were those rioters in Baltimore exercising "free speech"???

Sure they were.....but when free speech evolved into rallying to riot, then the free speech right bore consequences...

Geller had more than 50 body guards surrounding the venue...Why was that?.

.....and if those two terrorists had managed to kill a dozen "participants" to that drawing contest stunt, would Geller bear ANY responsibility?

Wrong. The rioters in Baltimore were committing felonies. Arson, vandalism and looting are all crimes, moron.
no one who believes ravi and i are one and the same, just like no one believes you and dante are one and the same.

i bet that makes you want to break things, loser. :lol:

RIGHT.... No one is on to you, ValeRavi, you've got everyone fooled. :rolleyes:

I see you have nothing to say regarding the leftist passtime of slandering Mormons and Christians - while condemning those who speak against Islam.
Should these types of exhibits be prohibited?

obviously not, and people who disagree with exhibits can feel free to object without resorting to violence.

to equate what Geller did to MLK and civil disobedience is ridiculous...
Actually not ridiculous in the least. Actions that may result in reactions are to be expected, and often illuminating. We can see early historical results of MLK's actions; the Geller actions are too recent.

In both cases they took actions to highlight injustices and real problems in our society.

so did you support the violence in Baltimore which illuminated police brutality??
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Ah, Muslims hate Americans because we richly deserve to be hated, is that it Nate? When Saudi Arabia begged us to protect them from Saddam, you and your fellow Israel haters decided that we deserve to have planes flown into buildings, right?

Oh, and wasn't it Britain that backed the Coup in Iran. Now you Communists argue that Iran is a much better place since the radicals took over, but sane people see it a bit different.

No, dingbat.....We were invited by the Saudi Royals (you know the ones that GWB let fly out of the states on 9-11....and the ones who got lots of Bush hugs)......NO ONE is defending the 9-11 attacks...only trying to educate you a bit that Muslims did not out of the blue, decide to hate us.

Secondly, in Iran it was the CIA....our CIA to overthrow Mossadegh under orders of British Petroleum and a couple of US oil companies. Before we installed the Shah, Iran was a sane and secular place......It was our policies that brought forth the crazed Ayatollahs.
Then what ARE you saying, Comrade?

You're getting your biases mixed up with that "comrade" stupidity.....

Listen moron......Were those rioters in Baltimore exercising "free speech"???

Sure they were.....but when free speech evolved into rallying to riot, then the free speech right bore consequences...

Geller had more than 50 body guards surrounding the venue...Why was that?.

.....and if those two terrorists had managed to kill a dozen "participants" to that drawing contest stunt, would Geller bear ANY responsibility?

Rioting and destroying property is now free speech? Sit down you low info buffoon
Rioting and destroying property is now free speech? Sit down you low info buffoon

You're much too dumb to understand, I guess....You conclusion is a stupid as you surely are...

What I AM stating is that what starts out as free speech has consequences as one then shouting, "let's break into a drugstore."

Geller is basically inciting a riot THROUGH her free speech and had she NOT surrounded herself with 50 armed guards, the murderous riot by those crazed terrorists could have turned out a lot different.
Rioting and destroying property is now free speech? Sit down you low info buffoon

You're much too dumb to understand, I guess....You conclusion is a stupid as you surely are...

What I AM stating is that what starts out as free speech has consequences as one then shouting, "let's break into a drugstore."

Geller is basically inciting a riot THROUGH her free speech and had she NOT surrounded herself with 50 armed guards, the murderous riot by those crazed terrorists could have turned out a lot different.

Idiot, free speech should never have "consequences", it's a given right. Sit down, commie
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

Eat your cake and have it, too?
I can wait to see you support Fred P helps or the kkk or the Nazis then right?

In fact if you are gonna take it to this level I expect to see everyone of you express support for homosexual acts since we have the freedom to do those acts. Right?
I support the right of pigs like Phelps and the KKK and the Nazis to express their opinions, yes.

I also disagree with the PC Police who would like to use our own freedoms against us to punish those pigs for expressing their opinions.

I'm not afraid of words, and I want to know who the crazies are, what they are thinking, and who agrees with them.

Easy call.

You're getting your biases mixed up with that "comrade" stupidity.....

So, it is my bias that caused you to be a Bolshevik?


Listen moron......Were those rioters in Baltimore exercising "free speech"???

You're too stupid to grasp the difference between violence and drawing a cartoon? :eek:

And this is why you are a Communist.

Sure they were.....but when free speech evolved into rallying to riot, then the free speech right bore consequences...

Geller had more than 50 body guards surrounding the venue...Why was that?.

Muzzie Beasts are violent.

Why did Martin Luther King have body guards? Should he have been prohibited from speaking?

.....and if those two terrorists had managed to kill a dozen "participants" to that drawing contest stunt, would Geller bear ANY responsibility?

If Mormons killed dozens of play goers, would Hillary Clinton have ANY responsibility, given the praise she heaped on blaspheming that religion?
Is that not the fucking dNYc Times condemning free speech? The voice of your filthy, pile of shit fucking anti-liberty party?

For all those who are not Rati, thus dumb as a fucking rock; this puts it into perspective:

ONLY as "interpreted by a biased, low intelligence, right wing idiot like you.

How do YOU interpret

{the murderous rampage of the Charlie Hebdo killers, or even the greater threat posed by the barbaric killers of the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, cannot justify blatantly Islamophobic provocations like the Garland event. }?

You're a hack, I get it. You serve the party and lack any semblance of intellect, I get it - still....
Rioting and destroying property is now free speech? Sit down you low info buffoon

You're much too dumb to understand, I guess....You conclusion is a stupid as you surely are...

What I AM stating is that what starts out as free speech has consequences as one then shouting, "let's break into a drugstore."

Geller is basically inciting a riot THROUGH her free speech and had she NOT surrounded herself with 50 armed guards, the murderous riot by those crazed terrorists could have turned out a lot different.

Idiot, free speech should never have "consequences", it's a given right. Sit down, commie

"Sit down, commie" I am so stealing that! :laugh:
Rioting and destroying property is now free speech? Sit down you low info buffoon

You're much too dumb to understand, I guess....You conclusion is a stupid as you surely are...

What I AM stating is that what starts out as free speech has consequences as one then shouting, "let's break into a drugstore."

Geller is basically inciting a riot THROUGH her free speech and had she NOT surrounded herself with 50 armed guards, the murderous riot by those crazed terrorists could have turned out a lot different.

Idiot, free speech should never have "consequences", it's a given right. Sit down, commie

Free speech always has consequences. That's the whole point.

Freedom comes with responsibility.
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.

Now and always. If you don't stand for the speech you hate, you stand for nothing at all.

Tough call.

A wise man once said, just because you have the right to speak does not mean you must.

Did someone hit you over the head?

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