BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.
What does especially now mean? No one denied their right to be assholes so there is no free speech issue involved.

Especially now means that we have Muslims demanding that we give up our free speech.


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You're still stomping your feet cause I made you look stupid last week. Your poor,poor ego can't take another blow can it?

Blow me ya hyperpartisan troll
You made me look stupid? When?
When you got pissed off and decided to change my words around to suit your agenda just like you just did to skyler.....hack

When did I do that?

I quoted skylar exactly
If you have to resort to nothing but personal insults in your entire post to me.....YOU'VE LOST THE DEBATE

Logic and facts are wasted on turds like you. You're immune to them.
Confirmed coward.

Quote my op & point out where in your opinion I'm wrong or just shut the fuck up. Dumbass
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.
I agree with you more than you realize. I strongly defend Geller's right to be disgusting just as I defend my right to lambaste her when she pulls these moneymaking stunts.

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What is wrong with the op Bripat? That is the base argument of this thread. If you have no problem with the op then you should take your retarded trolling to another thread loser
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.

Now and always. If you don't stand for the speech you hate, you stand for nothing at all.
Yepp. That's part of what separates free people from tyranny.

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You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

A right? Yes. But a college kid has the 'right' to stamp all over the US flag in front of a world war 2 vet on Memorial day.

Doesn't mean its even remotely reasonable. Pamela wanted the response she got. A security guard's life was too high a price to pay for it.

What security guard's life?
The one who was injured.

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So we condemn the woman who held the contest and we discourage anyone else from doing anything like it again. Then the Muslims decide that they will attack non-Muslims who live in large musim neighborhoods but do not abide by Sharia Law. Do we say "Well, they shouldn't be provoking the Muslims then." Then the Muslims decide that they don't like gays being portrayed on TV and decide that they need to attack TV stations. Do we decide to stop showing it so that we don't offend them?

We MUST stand up to these people and anyone like them who use violence and terror to take our freedoms away. It's disgusting that so many Americans are so cowardly.
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

A right? Yes. But a college kid has the 'right' to stamp all over the US flag in front of a world war 2 vet on Memorial day.

Doesn't mean its even remotely reasonable. Pamela wanted the response she got. A security guard's life was too high a price to pay for it.

No one is saying people who stomp on the flag should be killed. That's the difference you don't seem to understand. Once again, you're saying people who draw Muhammad deserved to be killed.

I'm all too aware of the difference. The dead security guard's corpse is lying in it. And violence is exactly the kind of reaction Pamela was trying to provoke.

Its unreasonable and foolish to intentionally try and provoke folks to violence.

I agree with that 100%. She walked into that event knowing full well and with ample evidence to support a reasonable expectation that it would cause the irrational crazies to come out.

I fully support free speech, but she should be held culpable at least and maybe even legally liable for the results of her ignorance and intolerance. Sure, I have the right to walk through the streets of Oakland in blackface. Is there any doubt that someone wouldn't add a little blue and red to it? Maybe the real tragedy here is that a security guard caught a bullet that should have found Pamela - at least then she would have been held personally accountable for her insanity.

Complete and utter bull shit. If free speech is curtailed for any reason then we don't have free speech. If I walk down the street in black face, NO ONE has the right to lay a finger on me.

If I decide to draw a picture of Mohammed giving blow jobs to pigs the n I gave that right and no one has a right to shoot me. Nor should they receive sympathy from freedom loving people.
Let's try this from another angle then. The SCOTUS recently decided that 1st amendment protections could be conveyed onto tangible items (such as political fundraising donations). One could then pose the argument that the response to Geller's ignorance would also be so protected.

Here's something that isn't bullshit: if you showed up in Oakland wearing blackface and were hospitalized for 2 weeks after a gang beating, do you really think that people would be carrying signs denouncing your beating as a violation of your 1st amendment rights or would it be more credible that people would simply shake their heads, call you a fool, and decide you got what was coming to you? Sure - they had no RIGHT to beat you up, but you had no REASON to expect anything different.
Its moronic responses like the above that make anyone who debates the issue to SEEM llike they're defending terrorism......

Nonetheless, Muslims did not wake up one day and decided they hated Americans...that is a STUPID and inane "conclusion."

No mention of our troops in Saudi Arabia....No mention of our one-sided support of Israel...No mention of our overthrow of a legitimate government in Iran because we wanted their oil cheaper.....

It is the idiotic lack of perspective and knowledge of history that actually EMBOLDENS others to hate us.

Ah, Muslims hate Americans because we richly deserve to be hated, is that it Nate? When Saudi Arabia begged us to protect them from Saddam, you and your fellow Israel haters decided that we deserve to have planes flown into buildings, right?

Oh, and wasn't it Britain that backed the Coup in Iran. Now you Communists argue that Iran is a much better place since the radicals took over, but sane people see it a bit different.
What is wrong with the op Bripat? That is the base argument of this thread. If you have no problem with the op then you should take your retarded trolling to another thread loser

You obviously don't believe in freedom of speech. You apologize for bloodthirsty Muzzie savages.
I don't. But I do consider her to be inconsiderate of others around her

Speaking against Nazism might be inconsiderate to democrats, Muzzie Beasts, and other JOOOOOOOO haters, yet I support the honest statement that they are scum. Geller CORRECTLY responded to the Muzzie Beast murder at Charlie Hebdo by demonstrating that Americans will not be cowed into silence by terrorists and their democrat allies. That isn't "inconsiderate," it is a rational response to an irrational act.
No one is saying people who stomp on the flag should be killed. That's the difference you don't seem to understand. Once again, you're saying people who draw Muhammad deserved to be killed.

I'm all too aware of the difference. The dead security guard's corpse is lying in it. And violence is exactly the kind of reaction Pamela was trying to provoke.

Its unreasonable and foolish to intentionally try and provoke folks to violence.

I agree with that 100%. She walked into that event knowing full well and with ample evidence to support a reasonable expectation that it would cause the irrational crazies to come out.

I fully support free speech, but she should be held culpable at least and maybe even legally liable for the results of her ignorance and intolerance. Sure, I have the right to walk through the streets of Oakland in blackface. Is there any doubt that someone wouldn't add a little blue and red to it? Maybe the real tragedy here is that a security guard caught a bullet that should have found Pamela - at least then she would have been held personally accountable for her insanity.
So you also think she should pay with her life??
Your right there with the real crazies,good job.

That's not exactly my meaning. It's just that a man nobly lost his life to protect an ignoble cause. And the argument resulting from that action seemingly defends an intolerant bigot who would willingly and unjustifiably put other innocent people in front her right to wear blackface in Harlem and escape the direct consequences.

Freedom of speech is not an ignoble cause. No one lost his life defending it. Two muzzie savages who deserved it were killed. It's all good in my book.
I actually agree. It's a wash and everyone had a chance to state their opinions. It's just a pity that the "two muzzie savages" had to die for their right to free speech and the one who provoked the response got to walk away and do interviews - and maybe plan an even bigger event.
What is wrong with the op Bripat? That is the base argument of this thread. If you have no problem with the op then you should take your retarded trolling to another thread loser

You obviously don't believe in freedom of speech. You apologize for bloodthirsty Muzzie savages.
Quote the op and point out where I said that you stupid hack.

You won't quote the op because you're a pussy and can't admit that I am right. Yet another thread where I've smacked you right in the pussy.


Quote the op. Prove it invalid......chump
I'm all too aware of the difference. The dead security guard's corpse is lying in it. And violence is exactly the kind of reaction Pamela was trying to provoke.

Its unreasonable and foolish to intentionally try and provoke folks to violence.

I agree with that 100%. She walked into that event knowing full well and with ample evidence to support a reasonable expectation that it would cause the irrational crazies to come out.

I fully support free speech, but she should be held culpable at least and maybe even legally liable for the results of her ignorance and intolerance. Sure, I have the right to walk through the streets of Oakland in blackface. Is there any doubt that someone wouldn't add a little blue and red to it? Maybe the real tragedy here is that a security guard caught a bullet that should have found Pamela - at least then she would have been held personally accountable for her insanity.
So you also think she should pay with her life??
Your right there with the real crazies,good job.

That's not exactly my meaning. It's just that a man nobly lost his life to protect an ignoble cause. And the argument resulting from that action seemingly defends an intolerant bigot who would willingly and unjustifiably put other innocent people in front her right to wear blackface in Harlem and escape the direct consequences.

Freedom of speech is not an ignoble cause. No one lost his life defending it. Two muzzie savages who deserved it were killed. It's all good in my book.
I actually agree. It's a wash and everyone had a chance to state their opinions. It's just a pity that the "two muzzie savages" had to die for their right to free speech and the one who provoked the response got to walk away and do interviews - and maybe plan an even bigger event.

No, it's not a pity that they were killed. Like I said, it's all good. The more bloodthirsty Muzzie savages who are killed, the better.
I'm all too aware of the difference. The dead security guard's corpse is lying in it. And violence is exactly the kind of reaction Pamela was trying to provoke.

Its unreasonable and foolish to intentionally try and provoke folks to violence.

I agree with that 100%. She walked into that event knowing full well and with ample evidence to support a reasonable expectation that it would cause the irrational crazies to come out.

I fully support free speech, but she should be held culpable at least and maybe even legally liable for the results of her ignorance and intolerance. Sure, I have the right to walk through the streets of Oakland in blackface. Is there any doubt that someone wouldn't add a little blue and red to it? Maybe the real tragedy here is that a security guard caught a bullet that should have found Pamela - at least then she would have been held personally accountable for her insanity.
So you also think she should pay with her life??
Your right there with the real crazies,good job.

That's not exactly my meaning. It's just that a man nobly lost his life to protect an ignoble cause. And the argument resulting from that action seemingly defends an intolerant bigot who would willingly and unjustifiably put other innocent people in front her right to wear blackface in Harlem and escape the direct consequences.

Freedom of speech is not an ignoble cause. No one lost his life defending it. Two muzzie savages who deserved it were killed. It's all good in my book.
I actually agree. It's a wash and everyone had a chance to state their opinions. It's just a pity that the "two muzzie savages" had to die for their right to free speech and the one who provoked the response got to walk away and do interviews - and maybe plan an even bigger event.

Those two savages died while trying to commit terrorism, you twat waffle

The questions she poses have nothing to do with reality. She's waging a war on her own and using innocents as a pawn in her ignorant game. At the same time, she seems to be blaming the media and "cultural elites" for exposing her as just another cross-burning clown in a white hood. If you jump into a tiger's cage, who gets the blame if he eats you?

Geller has killed no one. The Muzzie Beasts kill innocents every day. You condemn Geller.

Yeah, that DOES make you a bad person...

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing - but democrats actively supporting and promoting evil speeds the process up...
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.
That makes you a liberal to the teapers.
Speaking against Nazism might be inconsiderate to democrats, Muzzie Beasts, and other JOOOOOOOO haters, yet I support the honest statement that they are scum. Geller CORRECTLY responded to the Muzzie Beast murder at Charlie Hebdo by demonstrating that Americans will not be cowed into silence by terrorists and their democrat allies. That isn't "inconsiderate," it is a rational response to an irrational act.

in what way had Americans been 'cowed into silence' exactly..?

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