BREAKING NEWS re Officer Wilson


VIP Member
Aug 18, 2014
Although I mentioned this last night in my "Choices" post here it is....FINALLY out! Follow link below to see CT scan :clap:

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 10:00 AM
The Gateway Pundit can now confirm from two local St. Louis sources that police Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.
Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.

A blowout fracture is a fracture of one or more of the bones surrounding the eye and is commonly referred to as an orbital floor fracture. (AAPOS)

This comes after St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter tweeted out last night that a dozen local witnesses confirmed Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s version of the Brown shooting story.

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack | The Gateway Pundit
Seems Brown wasn't that big softy they called him.

I hope Officer Wilson is exonerated and the hell with all those black assholes who have robbed, looted and protested.

If Wilson had been black they wouldn't have said word one. Since he's white its because he'a racist and killed that poor black kid.

Good God. People are idiots.
You all said it well. And the lib drones ignore the truth. As stated above, it is because the truth does not fit the narrative. Same with global warming. Most media is simply the PR Department for big government and the drones don't question it for a second.

The blacks in Ferguson and now also elsewhere, and the libs that unquestioningly support them, are not out for justice. They want something else entirely.

Begin much needed rant.....

Rather than the National Guard sweeping in and declaring martial law, I suggest just pulling all their welfare checks. Break the law, no more government cheese. Riot and abuse law enforcement, Santa Claus goes away. Ah, but a guy can dream, can't he??? Anyway, I've never liked funding dependents, and this whole episode only underscores the point. But of course welfare isn't about welfare, it is about buying votes, and all these irrational rioter and those asking for an innocent cops head have been bought and paid for by liberal politicians with MY money.

End rant....
Thank God the dead slug was a gentle giant and didn't hurt the policeman any worse.

Can't wait to hear how Sharpton and the other lying lefty turds spin this.
Why hasn't this news been out since day one? Further, once they announced the officer's name publicly, why has there been no public display showing his injuries? I realize the apes whose only goal is violence and theft won't care, but I would think that the majority peaceful blacks in that town might be more apt to condemn the rioters and stand up for the cop, at least as far as allowing the investigation to be completed and maybe telling Sharpton to get bent.
Seems Brown wasn't that big softy they called him.

I hope Officer Wilson is exonerated and the hell with all those black assholes who have robbed, looted and protested.

If Wilson had been black they wouldn't have said word one. Since he's white its because he'a racist and killed that poor black kid.

Good God. People are idiots.

Looters and robbers are bad. They arent the same as protestors. I applaud the protestors who stand against police brutality.

And you would too, but only if they attack the right people (i.e. not black people)
You all said it well. And the lib drones ignore the truth. As stated above, it is because the truth does not fit the narrative. Same with global warming. Most media is simply the PR Department for big government and the drones don't question it for a second.

The blacks in Ferguson and now also elsewhere, and the libs that unquestioningly support them, are not out for justice. They want something else entirely.

Begin much needed rant.....

Rather than the National Guard sweeping in and declaring martial law, I suggest just pulling all their welfare checks. Break the law, no more government cheese. Riot and abuse law enforcement, Santa Claus goes away. Ah, but a guy can dream, can't he??? Anyway, I've never liked funding dependents, and this whole episode only underscores the point. But of course welfare isn't about welfare, it is about buying votes, and all these irrational rioter and those asking for an innocent cops head have been bought and paid for by liberal politicians with MY money.

End rant....

Throw job applications into the crowd and watch em scatter!

nothing else needed
Looters and robbers are bad. They arent the same as protestors. I applaud the protestors who stand against police brutality.

And you would too, but only if they attack the right people (i.e. not black people)
The police didn't attack brown you dumbfuck. The whole premise for these "protests" is based on a big ole lie. The lie has been exposed but the people (I.e. black people) are too fucking stupid to see it.
Looters and robbers are bad. They arent the same as protestors. I applaud the protestors who stand against police brutality.

And you would too, but only if they attack the right people (i.e. not black people)

Dude, give it up. No one is protesting police brutality, they are protesting law enforcment
If true, it's looking much better for Officer Wilson. This information should have been released from the beginning.
BOBO and Holder on working on a very specific time frame: If Wilson is charged things must move along fast enough to have a innocent verdict two weeks before the mid terms.
Obviously the LAST thing they want is for Wilson to be convicted. That would mean the Blacks would stay home.
This must not happen!' Only if BOBO can go to his Tele Promtor and 'dog whistle' to his base that the ongoing injustice towards the Blacks MUST be stopped and he must have their votes to retain the Senate.....even though 99.9999% of his base have no clue what the senate is. Then and only then can the Blacks truly have someone in the Whitehouse who really cares about them and will truly begin to address their plight. (Never mind that Obama hasn't lifted one fucking finger to help his Black brothers and sisters in the first six years.)
So Holder will charge Wilson for 'hate crime' even if the GJ finds no evidence of Wilson's quilt on any potential charges.
Holder of course knows he'll never get a 'hate crime' conviction. That's not the point. He just wants Wilsons' face on TV then MSNBC telling their largely Black audience two weeks before the primary that once again the White man has tampered with the justice system and once again the Black man is the victim.
Note to Holder: Your timing is critical. Fuck it up and the DNC will be out for your balls.

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