Breaking News: Southern Poverty Law Center Declares 'Reddit' Worse Than 'Stormfront'.

Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
What makes you think I'm going anywhere?
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
What makes you think I'm going anywhere?

You found a site "worse than Stormfront", aren't you in there like white on rice?
SPLC hasn't investigated USMB yet...when they bet they will call it the new and improved Stormfront.
The southern poverty law center is probably one of the most fucked up organizations on this planet. These people defend looting and destruction of entire cities.

They really have no right to judge.
The SPLC gets nervous about anything or anyone that does not slavishly follow their demonstrably idiotic and untrue narrative of black victimization and white racism.

SPLC declares Reddit to be WORSE than Stormfront

When, oh when, will white folks be freed from the chains of racism that bind them to a history of oppression and degradation. When will their suffering end?
As soon as affirmative action and welfare checks for minorites are ended.
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Hate to break it to you but with very little searching the quotes are all true

Nixon questions Jewish loyalties in newly released tapes - World - Israel News Haaretz
united states - LBJ Quote - did he actually say this - Politics Stack Exchange
The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Hate to break it to you but with very little searching the quotes are all true

Nixon questions Jewish loyalties in newly released tapes - World - Israel News Haaretz
united states - LBJ Quote - did he actually say this - Politics Stack Exchange
The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

Hate to break it to you but those are the same internet echoes they've always been. One quote found in a book, the other doesn't show up, and no witnesses to either. As your own link says, "guess we just have to take Kessler's word for it'". And that ain't journalism. Or a legitimate source. "True" is not the same as "I was able to find it on the internet".

Your own link.

I really wasn't interested in the Nixon quote -- I already knew the other two are bullshit. So does Steve McRacist. That's why he won't answer the question.

Besides -- I wasn't asking you; I'm asking him. You're not the one running quotes in your sigline and passing them off as real. When you do that, I'll challenge you. And you'd better have more than this.

EDIT: I went ahead and clicked the Nixon link anyway. It goes to a page that describes "anti-Semitic" utterances. Is that what this quote is supposed to be, McRacist?

Note -- I'm asking the guy who's actually running the quote, not interlopers jumping in to speak for him.
Last edited:
The southern poverty law center is probably one of the most fucked up organizations on this planet. These people defend looting and destruction of entire cities.

They really have no right to judge.

Do they really?

Link then?

Here we goes again....
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Hate to break it to you but with very little searching the quotes are all true

Nixon questions Jewish loyalties in newly released tapes - World - Israel News Haaretz
united states - LBJ Quote - did he actually say this - Politics Stack Exchange
The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

Hate to break it to you but those are the same internet echoes they've always been. One quote found in a book, the other doesn't show up, and no witnesses to either. As your own link says, "guess we just have to take Kessler's word for it'". And that ain't journalism. Or a legitimate source.

Your own link.

I really wasn't interested in the Nixon quote -- I already knew the other two are bullshit. So does Steve McRacist. That's why he won't answer the question.

Besides -- I wasn't asking you; I'm asking him. You're not the one running quotes in your sigline and passing them off as real. When you do that, I'll challenge you. And you'd better have more than this.

Tough shit You don't WANT them to be real. They are. Period. :)
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Hate to break it to you but with very little searching the quotes are all true

Nixon questions Jewish loyalties in newly released tapes - World - Israel News Haaretz
united states - LBJ Quote - did he actually say this - Politics Stack Exchange
The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

Hate to break it to you but those are the same internet echoes they've always been. One quote found in a book, the other doesn't show up, and no witnesses to either. As your own link says, "guess we just have to take Kessler's word for it'". And that ain't journalism. Or a legitimate source.

Your own link.

I really wasn't interested in the Nixon quote -- I already knew the other two are bullshit. So does Steve McRacist. That's why he won't answer the question.

Besides -- I wasn't asking you; I'm asking him. You're not the one running quotes in your sigline and passing them off as real. When you do that, I'll challenge you. And you'd better have more than this.

Tough shit You don't WANT them to be real. They are. Period. :)

Ah yes, the old Ipse Dixit school of logic. "Because I said so".


As I said ---- bogus.

But since you're all into this speaking for McRacist, let's go next level. And that is...
-- What do you suppose his purpose is in running these quotes -- real or not?
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Hate to break it to you but with very little searching the quotes are all true

Nixon questions Jewish loyalties in newly released tapes - World - Israel News Haaretz
united states - LBJ Quote - did he actually say this - Politics Stack Exchange
The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

Hate to break it to you but those are the same internet echoes they've always been. One quote found in a book, the other doesn't show up, and no witnesses to either. As your own link says, "guess we just have to take Kessler's word for it'". And that ain't journalism. Or a legitimate source.

Your own link.

I really wasn't interested in the Nixon quote -- I already knew the other two are bullshit. So does Steve McRacist. That's why he won't answer the question.

Besides -- I wasn't asking you; I'm asking him. You're not the one running quotes in your sigline and passing them off as real. When you do that, I'll challenge you. And you'd better have more than this.

Tough shit You don't WANT them to be real. They are. Period. :)

Ah yes, the old Ipse Dixit school of logic. "Because I said so".


As I said ---- bogus.

But since you're all into this speaking for McRacist, let's go next level. And that is...
-- What do you suppose his purpose is in running these quotes -- real or not?
The quotes have been verified by more than one source. As for his reasons...hell if I know maybe to show we used to have politicians that spoke the truth? Maybe to show how racist democrats are?
SF is pathetic I have more freedom of speech here than I did there! Its somewhere to let pissed off whites blow off steam...imagine there was no SF the white race might actually get out and do something.
Good news for McSigline. He's got a new home! :eusa_dance:

You'll be closing up shop here then? Need a ride to the airport?

If it's really that bad I bet you sign up there and nobody even calls you on those bogus quotes.
Hate to break it to you but with very little searching the quotes are all true

Nixon questions Jewish loyalties in newly released tapes - World - Israel News Haaretz
united states - LBJ Quote - did he actually say this - Politics Stack Exchange
The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

Hate to break it to you but those are the same internet echoes they've always been. One quote found in a book, the other doesn't show up, and no witnesses to either. As your own link says, "guess we just have to take Kessler's word for it'". And that ain't journalism. Or a legitimate source.

Your own link.

I really wasn't interested in the Nixon quote -- I already knew the other two are bullshit. So does Steve McRacist. That's why he won't answer the question.

Besides -- I wasn't asking you; I'm asking him. You're not the one running quotes in your sigline and passing them off as real. When you do that, I'll challenge you. And you'd better have more than this.

Tough shit You don't WANT them to be real. They are. Period. :)

Ah yes, the old Ipse Dixit school of logic. "Because I said so".


As I said ---- bogus.

But since you're all into this speaking for McRacist, let's go next level. And that is...
-- What do you suppose his purpose is in running these quotes -- real or not?
The quotes have been verified by more than one source.

-- then how come nobody's ever found one?

As for his reasons...hell if I know maybe to show we used to have politicians that spoke the truth? Maybe to show how racist democrats are?

This is what I'm getting at, finally.
Steve McRacist is unquestionably not a Democrat. And he unquestionably is a racist. So do you suppose his purpose with these quotes is sympathetic -- to portray himself as being .... like LBJ?

See what I mean? What could be his point? Are the quotes meant to honor and admire LBJ? Does he think LBJ was a Republican?
He's never answered this either. I don't think he thought through what the quotes would mean sitting in his profile any more than he bothered to vet their very existence.

This joke has been running for months. Literally. And he doesn't even see it.
The SPLC gets nervous about anything or anyone that does not slavishly follow their demonstrably idiotic and untrue narrative of black victimization and white racism.

SPLC declares Reddit to be WORSE than Stormfront

When, oh when, will white folks be freed from the chains of racism that bind them to a history of oppression and degradation. When will their suffering end?
As soon as affirmative action and welfare checks for minorites are ended.

White people must some day cast off their chains, the suffering of the most privileged oppressed people in history must end.
There is no better or worse when it comes to racists. They are all low IQ neanderthals who are too stupid to hate a race for the right reasons.

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