Breaking News: Trumpcare loses two more Senators


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Breaking News on CNN and MSNBC. Rand Paul and Susan Collins - and now Mike Lee and Jerry Moran.

WASHINGTON — Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) announced Monday they will not be supporting the latest version of the Senate health care bill — diminishing its chances of passage in its current form.

Senate Republicans Just Killed Their Health Care Bill Again
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It almost makes you wonder if all that Republican bluster and outrage for 8 years, the 61 repeal votes... were all just.... shameless political stunts?

I thought Lee was one of the co-authors of the bill? And he is voting no?

The lady Senator from West Virginia was going to vote no any way...

Did you guys hear how Mitch was trying to sell it to the more middle of the road Conservatives? He was telling them that Medicaid cuts were made to be so far down the road that by the time it got there, there would be a new health care bill to fix it. Yes, he said that.
What ever happened to Donnie Dealmaker

He was supposed to be a new way of governing. An outsider who knew how to get things done. He can't even get an agreement in his own party
It just means obozocare dies on its own at the close of fiscal 2017. There has been no money set aside to do otherwise.

You aren't paying attention. McConnell already said if his plan fails they have to start working with Democrats to save the insurance exchanges and bring back companies to the markets.
It just means obozocare dies on its own at the close of fiscal 2017. There has been no money set aside to do otherwise.

You aren't paying attention. McConnell already said if his plan fails they have to start working with Democrats to save the insurance exchanges and bring back companies to the markets.
In six months? Good luck with that idea!
It just means obozocare dies on its own at the close of fiscal 2017. There has been no money set aside to do otherwise.
What happens as it fails?

It fails one state at a time as weaker exchanges collapse. Guess which states have the weakest exchanges? The RED states
Are republicans ready to step back and let their own voters suffer?
Now, wait just a minute here......trump ass kissers were POSITIVE that the orange clown was going to repeal and replace the ACA with a cheaper, better plan that would cover EVERYONE.....and that was going to happen on day one.......

Surely we're not past day one are we????..............LOL

(Boy, I can already see the democrats' slogans for the 2018 mid-terms)
It just means obozocare dies on its own at the close of fiscal 2017. There has been no money set aside to do otherwise.

You aren't paying attention. McConnell already said if his plan fails they have to start working with Democrats to save the insurance exchanges and bring back companies to the markets.
In six months? Good luck with that idea!

He's got a better chance of getting that done than passing this new bill. He already has 48 democrats ready to vote on it and then when you count in the Senators from the states with high numbers of people enrolled on Medicaid and with high Opioid epidemics, it won't be a problem at all. All they have to do is take back some of the crap Marco Rubio passed.
So, will Mitch McConnell and his NaziCons go back behind closed doors to conjure up a new version of how to fuck America?
It just means obozocare dies on its own at the close of fiscal 2017. There has been no money set aside to do otherwise.

Since you like maps..may I share another one with you??? LOL

U.S. Map by population

Until we have Single-Payer, they should just ask Democrats for help to fix the glitches in Obamacare!

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