BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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Top 5 stand-up comics of all time:
(in this order)

  1. Sam Kinison
  2. Andrew Dice Clay
  3. Richard Prior
  4. George Carlin
  5. Robin Williams

Kinison? Good Lord.

1. Bill Cosby
2. Robin Williams
3. Johnathan Winters
4. George Carlin
5. Red Skelton

Rodney Dangerfield
Bob Hope
Johnny Carson

Dangerfield, Bob Hope and Carson were good steady chuckles for me, rarely a bust out loud, side ripping geyser of hilarity.

But there were times that Cosby, Williams, Winters, Carlin, Skelton, and Pryor just about made me pass out with laughter.

Maybe its a generational thing, I dunno.
I loved him in Hook, Awakenings, Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Morning Viet Nam, Birdcage, Bicentiniel Man, The Fisher King, voice of the Genie, and the voices in Happy Feet.
Just to name a few.
So much much sadness.
What about the movie he won his Oscar in?

Good Will Hunting?

The scene where he talks of his wife's passing gass, farting ... Nothing like that was in the script. He ad libbed it.

Imagine playing a scene with him and having him go off on such a wonderful tangent. All you could do would be hold on for the ride.

And one take only....
Sorry you chose a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I sure enjoyed your good nature and lively comedy. I spent many hours laughing at your antics and I will miss you. May you rest in peace. So sorry you were experiencing such pain.

Comes very close to expressing my exact sentiment.
I wonder why he would do it. There had to be something really bad happening to him if he did really end it all.

I don't think I ever could.
Perhaps this quote from Robin Williams sheds some light on his situation:
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Top 5 stand-up comics of all time:
(in this order)

  1. Sam Kinison
  2. Andrew Dice Clay
  3. Richard Prior
  4. George Carlin
  5. Robin Williams

Kinison? Good Lord.

1. Bill Cosby
2. Robin Williams
3. Johnathan Winters
4. George Carlin
5. Red Skelton

Rodney Dangerfield
Bob Hope
Johnny Carson


No, it's proof that a mental disease is just as dangerous as a physical disease.

And every bit as painful.

Robin Williams beat cocaine and alcohol. The depression got him; he fought very hard.

Regards from Rosie
There are meds and counselors for depression

God knows he could afford both

I bet he got back on the bottle and the crack

Always sad to see someone go that way

Nothing is worth killing yourself over

Rest in peace robin

I enjoyed your style and humor all these years
Sad. Rip. I can't say I'm super surprised considering the depression he has struggled with.
One of the news guys medical guests said Robin had heart probs and had surgery for it...and the meds he was on can cause depression...and adding that depression to the current depression he already had, plus the addictions....was a recipe for disaster. And he went on to say that whatever made him go that far was pretty bad and nobody could understand ...and he is right. Nobody can.
A terrible shame...

I remember watching Mork and Mindy as a family when I was young.

Have you seen "What Dreams May Come"?

Not his most popular movie, but one of his best.

A most excellent memorial IMO.

I have a copy here somewhere..I think I'll hunt it up and watch it tonight.

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Marin County. Apparent suicide.

More to follow as details become available...

R.I.P. Robin

According to news reports he was being treated for depression which apparently he had be battling over the years. Sad day, funny comic and could act in dramatic roles as well.
One of the news guys medical guests said Robin had heart probs and had surgery for it...and the meds he was on can cause depression...and adding that depression to the current depression he already had, plus the addictions....was a recipe for disaster. And he went on to say that whatever made him go that far was pretty bad and nobody could understand ...and he is right. Nobody can.

Man, that sounds like major league incompetence...smelling a law suit....
One of the funniest skits ever. The guy had genius;

Scottish Golf


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Not really, JimBowie. He was battling depression for a long time..along with addiction. Having heart probs can also cause depression..then the drugs perhaps can as well. I was taking some pills for breast cancer and had no clue they caused depression..until I started googling it.

Robin gave many people joy. He will be sorely missed. Normally celeb deaths don't bother me much...but this one does. I will miss him very much.
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