Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

Unless he predicated his decision to fire Comey because he wouldn't drop the case, this is irrelevant.

I've asked many prosecutors to drop cases against my clients. Asking isn't a crime or even a scandal.
So...Nixon resigned for nothing?

A lawyer asking for charges to be dropped against his clients is not the same thing as the President asking the FBI to end the investigation. It's the lawyer's job to advocate for his clients.

A President who asks for a treason investigation against a member of his administration to be dropped is obstructing justice.

And firing the person leading an investigation against his administration, has committed an impeachable offence.
Flynn was being investigated for treason?

Trump firing Comey is impeachable?
No it's not. We don't even know what Flynn is being investigated for.
All they said was they were investigating Russian interference in our elections.
That issue has long ago been resolved.
All they were doing under Comey was wasting time..........waiting for Trump to fire his ass.

Then Flynn shouldn't have resigned. Dumbass.
Unless he predicated his decision to fire Comey because he wouldn't drop the case, this is irrelevant.

I've asked many prosecutors to drop cases against my clients. Asking isn't a crime or even a scandal.
So...Nixon resigned for nothing?

A lawyer asking for charges to be dropped against his clients is not the same thing as the President asking the FBI to end the investigation. It's the lawyer's job to advocate for his clients.

A President who asks for a treason investigation against a member of his administration to be dropped is obstructing justice.

And firing the person leading an investigation against his administration, has committed an impeachable offence.
Flynn was being investigated for treason?

Trump firing Comey is impeachable?
yeah obstruction of justice dope ,,firing a guy investigating you
There's the rub, idiot. Comey said he wasn't investigating Trump.
Quote Comey saying he wasn't investigating Trump........
The speed that it's happening is highly suspicious.
The fact that Comey had a chance to testify in front of Congress and produce this memo but chose not to is highly suspicious.

After watching the press the last's impossible for me to believe any of it.
Trump isn't this stupid. The press has been trying to convince us since he started running that he is.
I know he isn't.

So far in 100+ days --------- Can you prove that he is not acting like a petulant stupid little kid?
Chaos after chaos and the most turbulent administration I ever seen.
If there ever is a real scandal no one will believe it. Fake news comes out a couple of times daily.
He resigned because he lied to Pence.
Unless he predicated his decision to fire Comey because he wouldn't drop the case, this is irrelevant.

I've asked many prosecutors to drop cases against my clients. Asking isn't a crime or even a scandal.
So...Nixon resigned for nothing?

A lawyer asking for charges to be dropped against his clients is not the same thing as the President asking the FBI to end the investigation. It's the lawyer's job to advocate for his clients.

A President who asks for a treason investigation against a member of his administration to be dropped is obstructing justice.

And firing the person leading an investigation against his administration, has committed an impeachable offence.
Flynn was being investigated for treason?

Trump firing Comey is impeachable?
No it's not. We don't even know what Flynn is being investigated for.
All they said was they were investigating Russian interference in our elections.
That issue has long ago been resolved.
All they were doing under Comey was wasting time..........waiting for Trump to fire his ass.

Then Flynn shouldn't have resigned. Dumbass.
Breaking Update Question

If The FBI cleared Flynn in January, why would Trump ask Comey to stop investigating Flynn in February?

FBI never cleared Flynn from the start till today. Even Obama warned Trump personally early or late November 16.
There's no proof Obama warned Trump.

Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser

President Barack Obama personally warned then-President-elect Donald Trump against hiring Michael Flynn as his national security adviser last fall as Trump began his transition, current and former administration officials said

...White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed the discussion, which was first reported by NBC News, but played down the seriousness of Obama's warning.
Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, officials say

Breaking Update Question

If The FBI cleared Flynn in January, why would Trump ask Comey to stop investigating Flynn in February?

Flynn has not been cleared of anything by anyone.
Liar! He was cleared back on Jan 23 by the FBI.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report

You've got to be kidding me Steve. Did you really read both of your links or you just look at it?
If Flynn was cleared in January------- Then why did he fired Flynn? This question alone will debunked both of your links.
It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.

Same as when Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, and then claimed he got more votes.
Take out all of the illegal votes in one state and he did.

Trump was leading when the election was called. California simply padded their numbers after it was over.
"Take out all the illegal votes in one state and he did".......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is a poster that will believe ANYTHING that trump tells him.
No.....California was letting anyone vote. I think there was more than 3 million.....but California wanted to make Hillary look like a winner.....even though she is a two time loser. After all, Trump was leading when the race was called. California spent the next several days padding the vote. So......basically......blow it out your ass.

And you proof is what? Because Trump is sore winner?
1. The polls in California favored Clinton heavily------- We do not need the illegals to vote.
2. For that 3 millions of illegal votes it will take a massive coordination for the whole state of California with both republicans and democrats to make that happen.
3. Maybe you have not noticed none of Republicans here or even other states claim of massive election fraud. Except Trump because it hurts his childish ego.
Breaking Update Question

If The FBI cleared Flynn in January, why would Trump ask Comey to stop investigating Flynn in February?

Flynn has not been cleared of anything by anyone.
Liar! He was cleared back on Jan 23 by the FBI.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report

You've got to be kidding me Steve. Did you really read both of your links or you just look at it?
If Flynn was cleared in January------- Then why did he fired Flynn? This question alone will debunked both of your links.
One more time. From the Washington Post.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

The Hill
FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report

Washington Examiner
Breaking Update Question

If The FBI cleared Flynn in January, why would Trump ask Comey to stop investigating Flynn in February?

Flynn has not been cleared of anything by anyone.
Liar! He was cleared back on Jan 23 by the FBI.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report

You've got to be kidding me Steve. Did you really read both of your links or you just look at it?
If Flynn was cleared in January------- Then why did he fired Flynn? This question alone will debunked both of your links.
One more time. From the Washington Post.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

The Hill
FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report

Washington Examiner

Oh king of the dishonest ones, keep up the premise that YOU said it was ALL about what he said on the phone, lol

Is Comey finally speaking publicly?
Don't know but he must have said something for the NYTimes to know
Another anonymous "friend," I suppose. Damn, I wish he would speak up, for the record. If he said he would, the press would hold a news conference in his driveway. He wouldn't even have to change out of his sweats.
Trump denies it Comey was there but trump people deny it No other eye witness Trump asked every one to leave room It's trumps word lol lol vs Comeys

Trump is a Liar. Comey took notes. The FBI Director does not make up stuff like this. Trump is the crookedest human being, as it appears, that has every sit in the White House. He makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa!
Shut up yapper! You're in over your head snowflake. Comey is indeed an untrustworthy individual.

The Liar in Chief obstructed justice. He will go down on this one, Sucks...huh?
The Democrats have been trying to get an independent investigation going.
They are using this to try to get Trump to appoint one.
He's not going to do it.

The difference between this and Nixon is a crime was committed by the WH. Now the Democrats are committing crimes.
The Democrats are trying this time to invent an imaginary crime and invent an imaginary coverup.

It's not going to work.
it's not up to trump
Actually it is.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans don't do this sort of thing and make up stories like a video was the cause of Benghazi.
no it is not up to Trump, period
Actually it is up to him. So STFU.
no it's not, it's up to the acting/asst attorney general because Sessions is recused.

Well, the Alabama racist says he is, but the jerk keeps sticking his nose in the Russian investigation.

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