Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

comes from notes Comey made after meetings with President Trump...

the investigative committees will subpoena them....

As well they should, but unless there is more than this it isn't obstruction
I agree, if it was simply a suggestion and not an order....

but what looks bad is Trump asking Sessions and others to leave so he could be alone with Comey could be a sign that he knew what he was going to ask Comey was illegal and wanted no witnesses?

Plus he fired Comey....

All of those things appear like something's up in the obstruction area, as of now...

The president is in charge of the executive department -

He has concluded the Russia Connection is scam

If the Congress disagree let them investigate/impeach and try.

'nuff said.
Trump has shown no inclination to stop anything. As a matter of fact he removed one of the roadblocks to many investigations in James Comey.

Now that is some seriously spinny shit. :laugh:

James Comey told me that HRC told him to stand down from the Seth Rich Murder investigation.




Seriously. The prolonged media dementia is a tad exhausting.
As with Nixon...there will always be that 15-25% who support him no matter what.....that % that would support him if he shot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave.
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Holy Shit, I am watching it all right now too--it's on CNN and it's going to be on every media outlet tonight.

I knew Comey was going to be sitting at the New York times as soon as he was fired. You have two Titan ego's going after one another--and this one is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--reason for Impeachment.

Comey is very well known for keeping records and memo's with dates and exact times.


This is just the first report, Comey will be releasing more to the New York times, and it's going to be death by waterboarding.

The GOOD news is this is moving a lot faster than Watergate.
Waterboarding. Remember, isn't torture.
Breaking! We got jack shit but it's breaking! Pay attention to us! Pleeeeeaaaase!
we have comeys word vs trumps word are you stupid enough to believe trump?
Obviously you're stupid enough to believe Comey.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.
Comey's clever enough to plan this before he was fired, eh?
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation - The New York Times

Trump asked Comey to close Flynn probe -NY Times, citing Comey memo | Daily Mail Online

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Read all this very carefully,

Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

So then, no one actually HAS this memo? And you retards fall for this shit? The Birffer crap had more traction. Man you guys really are stupid.

They aren't falling for anything. They back any headline that helps their political agenda over helping America. It's about getting rid of Trump. Trump could be doing everything he's doing now and if he were a Dem the media would love him for it. They went out of their way to cover up much worse during the Obama years and for Clinton when she was running. It's embarrassing knowing we can't trust our media. They care more about the letter next to a candidates name (not even their agenda, it could be a completely liberal agenda and they dont care unless they got that D next to their name) Not sure what that disorder is called but it's disturbing.

You are kidding. If Hillary or Obama had played these games, the House would be drawing up impeachment papers right now. I said it from the start. Trump is a 7 year old in a 70 year old body. He will leading this country down a dangerous path.

WellHlary already went through this a few times, and no, Obama would not have been impeached at all. Your republicans were very scared of half black Jesus.
Not really. Obama's a crybaby pussy.

Pretty much. You know, half Black Jesus was once referred to as being like an iron hand in a velvet glove. One of his apostles made that comment, yet as his only piece of legeslation gets ripped to shreds all he does is wimped. Hell, Machelle came out for her prison food school lunch program.
Breaking! We got jack shit but it's breaking! Pay attention to us! Pleeeeeaaaase!
we have comeys word vs trumps word are you stupid enough to believe trump?
Obviously you're stupid enough to believe Comey.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.
Yeah mud Believe the fucking liar in our WH and not a guy like comey with a great rep
I don't trust either of them, frankly.

I want to see the memo, and hear the recording.

I do, too. But I don't think Comey would claim that he has something like this if he didn't. The guy has a squeaky-clean, scandal free history in the DOJ and the FBI. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

What you forgot Comey got caught lying about the thousands of e mails to Congress!

Ya know one of the reasons Trump said he was fired?

You have once again nothing.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.

Same as when Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, and then claimed he got more votes.
Take out all of the illegal votes in one state and he did.

Trump was leading when the election was called. California simply padded their numbers after it was over.
"Take out all the illegal votes in one state and he did".......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is a poster that will believe ANYTHING that trump tells him.
Breaking Update Question

If The FBI cleared Flynn in January, why would Trump ask Comey to stop investigating Flynn in February?

Flynn has not been cleared of anything by anyone.
Liar! He was cleared back on Jan 23 by the FBI.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report
Those were phone calls.

Flynn also met with the Russians in December. In person. Right after Obama added sanctions on Russia and threw out some of their spies for interfering in our election.
Unless he predicated his decision to fire Comey because he wouldn't drop the case, this is irrelevant.

I've asked many prosecutors to drop cases against my clients. Asking isn't a crime or even a scandal.
So...Nixon resigned for nothing?

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