Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

Anyone seen a link for this? I wonder if this is more unnamed sources they seem to be very popular nowadays.
Do you people not understand the idea of not identifying themselves out of fear of retaliation? That's how it has ALWAYS worked. You people of course weren't at all skeptical of unnamed sources making claims about Hillary's scandals.
Actually I was I always view unnamed sources with skepticism as anyone would. Without knowing the source or anything about them you can't accurately judge how reliable or accurate they are or what their motivation might be they might be telling the truth they could be lying or they could just be something made up by the writer. I would not have to explain this if so many on both sides weren't so willing to accept unnamed sources as fact as long as it backs up what they want to believe.
Even if you didn't, the rightwing in general has selective skepticism about unnamed sources. Something that's common in ANY scandal.
So does the lewftwing the same people who dismissed unnamed sources when the story was about Hillary now rally behind them when it's a Trump story. As I have said here many times hypocrisy is not unique to either side.

Who are you talking about? Who dismissed unnamed sources when the story was about Hillary?
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Anyone seen a link for this? I wonder if this is more unnamed sources they seem to be very popular nowadays.
Do you people not understand the idea of not identifying themselves out of fear of retaliation? That's how it has ALWAYS worked. You people of course weren't at all skeptical of unnamed sources making claims about Hillary's scandals.
Actually I was I always view unnamed sources with skepticism as anyone would. Without knowing the source or anything about them you can't accurately judge how reliable or accurate they are or what their motivation might be they might be telling the truth they could be lying or they could just be something made up by the writer. I would not have to explain this if so many on both sides weren't so willing to accept unnamed sources as fact as long as it backs up what they want to believe.
Even if you didn't, the rightwing in general has selective skepticism about unnamed sources. Something that's common in ANY scandal.
So does the lewftwing the same people who dismissed unnamed sources when the story was about Hillary now rally behind them when it's a Trump story. As I have said here many times hypocrisy is not unique to either side.
A couple may have. I personally think Hillary's email scandal did raise some red flags. Even Hillary admitted she made mistakes. No one on the right gave her credit for it, nor will they even consider there is a shred of truth to Trump's scandals.
Hillary did admit she made mistakes but it took her a long time to do it lets not forget this came after several of her claims about it were proven false and when trying to dismiss it and wait for it to blow over didn't work. As for Trump the stuff about him could be true but right now there is no proof to support any of it I am hearing now that the Times has not even seen this memo if true I find it odd they would run this story without having seen it or having a copy of it.
The Democrats have been trying to get an independent investigation going.
They are using this to try to get Trump to appoint one.
He's not going to do it.

The difference between this and Nixon is a crime was committed by the WH. Now the Democrats are committing crimes.
The Democrats are trying this time to invent an imaginary crime and invent an imaginary coverup.

It's not going to work.
it's not up to trump
Actually it is.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans don't do this sort of thing and make up stories like a video was the cause of Benghazi.
no it is not up to Trump, period
Actually it is up to him. So STFU.
no it's not, it's up to the acting/asst attorney general because Sessions is recused.
I hate to tell you this but the president has protections that nobody else does, nevermind the fact that there is no crime here. Obstruction of Justice isn't just asking for an eventual end to an investigation. Obstruction of Justice is actively taking steps to stop an investigation.....and firing Comey doesn't do this. Obstruction of Justice is Obama not only telling everyone during an investigation that they won't find anything, but sending Bill Clinton to meet with the Attorney General to end the investigation, which Comey did within hours. Taking Obama aside from it, it was illegal for Bill Clinton to try to convince Loretta Lynch to drop the case. At worst Trump simply asked Comey to end it. I doubt that's what happened. If anything he asked Comey if he could expect an end to the investigation. Comey was slow-walking the fuck out of the investigation.
Liars gotta lie. I don't even bother with any media anymore. It's full blown attack mode.
It was So urgent that Coney did a memo for himself and filed it with other info that is So Very Important that he sat on it for 3 months
You drama queen gnats and ninnies have got to get ahold of your feelings and stop letting emotions Trump intellect
Nobody cares.

Lol. Including me..... except!

I am so loving the way that the leftardz have gone from wanting Comey's head on a stick for keeping Hitlary's illegal email server under investigation to defending him when Trump decided to let him go.

This shit's like a tv show that writes itself.
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Liars gotta lie. I don't even bother with any media anymore. It's full blown attack mode.

"Waaaah waaaaaahhh!!!! I don't like what the media is reporting so I'm going to just call them liars and mean poopie heads!!!! They're just a bunch of big meanies!!!! Waaaaahhhhhh"

Cry more, snowflake.
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation - The New York Times

Trump asked Comey to close Flynn probe -NY Times, citing Comey memo | Daily Mail Online

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Read all this very carefully,

Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

So then, no one actually HAS this memo? And you retards fall for this shit? The Birffer crap had more traction. Man you guys really are stupid.

They aren't falling for anything. They back any headline that helps their political agenda over helping America. It's about getting rid of Trump. Trump could be doing everything he's doing now and if he were a Dem the media would love him for it. They went out of their way to cover up much worse during the Obama years and for Clinton when she was running. It's embarrassing knowing we can't trust our media. They care more about the letter next to a candidates name (not even their agenda, it could be a completely liberal agenda and they dont care unless they got that D next to their name) Not sure what that disorder is called but it's disturbing.

You are kidding. If Hillary or Obama had played these games, the House would be drawing up impeachment papers right now. I said it from the start. Trump is a 7 year old in a 70 year old body. He will leading this country down a dangerous path.

WellHlary already went through this a few times, and no, Obama would not have been impeached at all. Your republicans were very scared of half black Jesus.
I just heard that the NYT's is going to release a story about Trump telling Sessions he wanted to grab Comey's pussy! News at 11?
NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation
Is Comey finally speaking publicly?
Don't know but he must have said something for the NYTimes to know
Another anonymous "friend," I suppose. Damn, I wish he would speak up, for the record. If he said he would, the press would hold a news conference in his driveway. He wouldn't even have to change out of his sweats.
Trump denies it Comey was there but trump people deny it No other eye witness Trump asked every one to leave room It's trumps word lol lol vs Comeys

Trump is a Liar. Comey took notes. The FBI Director does not make up stuff like this. Trump is the crookedest human being, as it appears, that has every sit in the White House. He makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa!

Where are the notes and why is no subpoena issued ? It's bull shit. You have a democrat party and it's propaganda wing out of control.
Is Comey finally speaking publicly?
Don't know but he must have said something for the NYTimes to know
Another anonymous "friend," I suppose. Damn, I wish he would speak up, for the record. If he said he would, the press would hold a news conference in his driveway. He wouldn't even have to change out of his sweats.
Trump denies it Comey was there but trump people deny it No other eye witness Trump asked every one to leave room It's trumps word lol lol vs Comeys

Trump is a Liar. Comey took notes. The FBI Director does not make up stuff like this. Trump is the crookedest human being, as it appears, that has every sit in the White House. He makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa!

Where are the notes and why is no subpoena issued ? It's bull shit. You have a democrat party and it's propaganda wing out of control.
And they need to be charged with the crimes they are committing by acting this way, and thrown in jail.
The speed that it's happening is highly suspicious.
The fact that Comey had a chance to testify in front of Congress and produce this memo but chose not to is highly suspicious.

After watching the press the last's impossible for me to believe any of it.
Trump isn't this stupid. The press has been trying to convince us since he started running that he is.
I know he isn't.
Trump isn't this stupid.

Wanna bet?
we have comeys word vs trumps word are you stupid enough to believe trump?
Obviously you're stupid enough to believe Comey.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.
Yeah mud Believe the fucking liar in our WH and not a guy like comey with a great rep
Comey had a chance to testify to Congress last week and declined.
Instead he supposedly released this story to the NYTimes.
Why did he do that? Because he's lying.

Except Comey didn't release this
Coming soon my friend with I HOPE impeachment coming soon after
I'm sure it is. All you need now is to make your no evidence count in court. That should be easy.
Gnats buzzing and buzzing and buzzing with no valid ability to accomplish anything other than trying to disturb the proceedings
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation - The New York Times

Trump asked Comey to close Flynn probe -NY Times, citing Comey memo | Daily Mail Online

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Read all this very carefully,

Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

So then, no one actually HAS this memo? And you retards fall for this shit? The Birffer crap had more traction. Man you guys really are stupid.

They aren't falling for anything. They back any headline that helps their political agenda over helping America. It's about getting rid of Trump. Trump could be doing everything he's doing now and if he were a Dem the media would love him for it. They went out of their way to cover up much worse during the Obama years and for Clinton when she was running. It's embarrassing knowing we can't trust our media. They care more about the letter next to a candidates name (not even their agenda, it could be a completely liberal agenda and they dont care unless they got that D next to their name) Not sure what that disorder is called but it's disturbing.

You are kidding. If Hillary or Obama had played these games, the House would be drawing up impeachment papers right now. I said it from the start. Trump is a 7 year old in a 70 year old body. He will leading this country down a dangerous path.

WellHlary already went through this a few times, and no, Obama would not have been impeached at all. Your republicans were very scared of half black Jesus.
Not really. Obama's a crybaby pussy.
This has probably already been posted but --

The reason for rump to do this was NOT to jprotect Flynn.

It was to protect drump FROM Flynn.

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