Breaking: Obama Issues Non-Denial 'Denial' Response To Trump 'Wiretap' Claim Raising More Questions

It didn't take the Trump Whitehouse long to find out what was happening, did it... They are now beginning the cleaning out all of the Obama hold overs from all ranks of government. A new EO is coming that squashes the improper handling of NSA wire taps and eliminating all other agencies from access without a subpoena. The Obama change of allowing 16 new agencies access is about to be history.
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Seems like he has taken a lesson from the masters of the art.

It didn't take the Trump Whitehouse long to find out what was happening, did it... They are now beginning the cleaning out all of the Obama hold overs from all ranks of government. A new EO is coming that squashes the improper handling of NSA wire taps and eliminating all other agencies from access without a subpoena. The Obama change of allowing 12 new agencies access is about to be history.
Today is a good day. I really hated Levin on his quest to be anti Trump. It really hurt. To see Levin come out swinging now makes me believe we are one.

Thank you Mark.
The next logical step is Treason charges and jail for those found mishandling classified info by the Obama holdovers and Obama himself or anyone else.

Valarie Jarret is now a permanent resident in the Obama home. Her connections to the entrenched bureaucrats is the main information line. Its kind of odd that she would be so close to Obama. Maybe this is the reason Michelle always took separate vacations.. Some infidelity going on or is she Obama's property, sold to him by her Muslim parents?

SO many questions.. SO few answers..:banana::biggrin:
The next logical step is Treason charges and jail for those found mishandling classified info by the Obama holdovers and Obama himself or anyone else.

Valarie Jarret is now a permanent resident in the Obama home. Her connections to the entrenched bureaucrats is the main information line. Its kind of odd that she would be so close to Obama. Maybe this is the reason Michelle always took separate vacations.. Some infidelity going on or is she Obama's property, sold to him by her Muslim parents?

SO many questions.. SO few answers..:banana::biggrin:
The answers are coming.
"the Obama DOJ had sought a FISA court approved surveillance warrant for Trump Tower back in the summer of 2016 that was denied but received a narrower focused warrant in October."

This statement should send chills down your spine.. Obama did in fact have wire taps on Trump..
Obama has been exposed as a Seditious 'domestic enemy' of the (current) US Govt.

If it can be proved he ordered the wiretap, jail his ass...1st US President to be jailed...for Sedition, nevertheless.

Yeah, the Democrats are smelling like a 'rose'...

Silencing Freedom of Speech
Calls for military coups and assassinations
Illegal data collection
Setting up illegal leaks
Illegal wire taps
Partisan Liberal McCarthy-esque Witch Hunt based on false narratives

Way to launch a come-back, snowflakes...
"the Obama DOJ had sought a FISA court approved surveillance warrant for Trump Tower back in the summer of 2016 that was denied but received a narrower focused warrant in October."

This statement should send chills down your spine.. Obama did in fact have wire taps on Trump..
And to add insult to injury, Obama was actively campaigning for Hillary with that access to information.. Do you think there was a flow of information to the Hillary campaign and the DNC? Given how they attacked Trump, it was like they had inside info on him.. IMHO, They DID!
"the Obama DOJ had sought a FISA court approved surveillance warrant for Trump Tower back in the summer of 2016 that was denied but received a narrower focused warrant in October."

This statement should send chills down your spine.. Obama did in fact have wire taps on Trump..
And to add insult to injury, Obama was actively campaigning for Hillary with that access to information.. Do you think there was a flow of information to the Hilary campaign and the DNC? Given how they attacked Trump, it was like they had inside info on him.. IMHO, They DID!

The Dems rigged their Primary for her...NO DOUBT Obama funneled this info / illegally collected data to her along with the 16 Intel Agencies.

He probably E-MAILED it to her using his ALIAS. :p!
BTW, Obama just cemented his administration in the history books as THE MOST LAWLESS, CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION ... EVUH!
This latest turn of events leads me to believe that Trump is being very clever. I think he likely KNEW when the wiretaps were being put in and got all the evidence he needed. He was just waiting for the right time to play the card. I suspect he has a few more aces up his sleeve as well. Basically, he is letting them hang themselves, he's practicing political judo. He's letting the media and the dems run with things for awhile, so they will be totally discredited when he plays his cards and reveals them as liars and criminals. They are too stupid or too bent by hatred to learn and they keep repeating their mistake. They have no option though, he's in office and he is implementing his agenda. There's nothing they can do but these desperate measures.
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his latest turn of events leads me to believe that Trump is being very clever. I think he likely KNEW when the wiretaps were being put in and got all the evidence he needed. He was just waiting for the right time to play the card. I suspect he has a few more aces up his sleeve as well. Basically, he is letting them hang themselves, he's practicing political judo. He's letting the media and the dems run with things for awhile, so they will be totally discredited when he plays his cards and reveals them as liars and criminals. They are too stupid or too bent by hatred to learn and they keep repeating their mistake. They have no option though, he's in office and he is implementing his agenda. There's nothing they can do but these desperate measures.

Trump seems to always be one step ahead of them. It's comical to watch as the God-Emperor hands them out the rope that they will eventually hang themselves with. They can't get enough of that rope...

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