Breaking: Obama To Address Nation Tonight. Will Bypass Congress & Invoke 14th Amendmt

Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

The 14th threat could just be maniacal posturing but I wouldn't be surprised if BO would actually attempt to pull such a stunt...especially if he can't sweep the debt problem under the rug till after 2012 elections...

And yet you people fail to see that the Republicans are USING the debt problem for campaign posturing for 2012.

The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1962. The debt ceiling tripled under Ronald Reagan, and Congress also raised taxes 11 times for him. Republicans voted seven times to raise the debt ceiling for George W. Bush.

7 times for GW Bush in 8 years and 3 times for Obama in 2 1/2 years.
First, I notice all of you ignored Willow's suggestion, repeated several times in this thread, that everybody should actually listen to the video. This could be a historic event as it might be the first and last time that Willow will be defending this President. :)

To my fellow rightwingers, please cool the rhetoric about Obama threatening to evoke anything illegal in that speech. He didn't. All he said was that after dealing with Congress over this, he wished he could do it on his own. But he followed that comment immediately with a statement that such is not the way things get done.

In short, in that particular sequence of his speech, he said noting whatsoever to criticize.

What he will say tonight if that speech happens is anybody's guess. But as he has been steadily moving closer and closer to the GOP position on all of this, I am guessing that he will offer a suggestion at least most Republicans will come off looking lame if they criticize it. They're sooo close in the White House and House of Representatives. All that we have to do is table the issue of higher taxes on the rich for at least a little while and get the Senate to agree.

Like Obama, I wish so much I could be undisputed dictator for just a little while.

But that's not the way we get things done.
Obama already tabled higher taxes on the rich, making it closing loopholes/tax cuts so the moron pub promise to Norquist wouldn't be broken. I hope he tells them to feck themselves, and do McConnell's suggestion....
"Routine housekeeping" under Bush has become an impeachable offense under Obama. You people are MORONS.

British Chancellor of the Exchequer: "The biggest danger to the world economy is a bunch of Right Wing nuts in congress". The world is aghast at you moron Pub propaganda dupes....
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.

Read the powers of the branches of Government. Only Congress has the power to incur debt for the Government.

And they already did, which is what this is all about. What part of that can't you grasp?

They did? In the budgets they never submitted?
"Routine housekeeping" under Bush has become an impeachable offense under Obama. You people are MORONS.

British Chancellor of the Exchequer: "The biggest danger to the world economy is a bunch of Right Wing nuts in congress". The world is aghast at you moron Pub propaganda dupes....

When we want the opinion of the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, we'll beat it out of him.
McConnell told him what to do, since Tea Party moron fanatics are out of control, literally.So it's hardly even Obama's idea. When will these a-holes let the recovery continue?

Ever think that there area some of us who are not real high on THIS economy or THIS government recovering?

What recovery? Unemployment went up another 2 points in the past month.
What he will say tonight if that speech happens is anybody's guess.
Foxfyre, Wolf Blitzer went on the air over a hour ago and gave a heads up what the speech will contain. Here it is.

Speech Will Be Just 18 Minutes

Highlights will be according to CNN: President will say:

Number 1. United States Is In Imminent Threat Of Default

Number 2. Congress Has Reached A Stalemate Forcing President To Telling Americans He Will Bypass Congress And Take Matters Into Own Hands

In other words he is fixing to usurp the Constitution just to save his reelection bid for a second term. Wolf Blitzer just stated this is a serious dangerous move from the president and will instill fear amongst the American people. This is Wolf saying this now and he is flabbergasted (astonished). Anyone remember the Reichstag Fire and decree Hitler used to his advantage?
"When we want the opinion of the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, we'll beat it out of him."

Mating call of the brainwashed Fox/Rushbot Ugly 'Merican. The world and Dems, ie EVERYONE BUT Pub dupes, think you're sorely misled...or batshytte crazy...But thanks for the Depression and now obstruction...BRILLIANT!!
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What he will say tonight if that speech happens is anybody's guess.
Foxfyre, Wolf Blitzer went on the air over a hour ago and gave a heads up what the speech will contain. Here it is.

Speech Will Be Just 18 Minutes

Highlights will be according to CNN: President will say:

Number 1. United States Is In Imminent Threat Of Default

Number 2. Congress Has Reached A Stalemate Forcing President To Telling Americans He Will Bypass Congress And Take Matters Into Own Hands

In other words he is fixing to usurp the Constitution just to save his reelection bid for a second term. Wolf Blitzer just stated this is a serious dangerous move from the president and will instill fear amongst the American people. This is Wolf saying this now and he is flabbergasted (astonished). Anyone remember the Reichstag Fire and decree Hitler used to his advantage?

Really? I didn't check in on CNN tonight, but apparently Fox and the other alphabets haven't been furnished with a transcript of the speech or any hint of the content other than it will regard the current debt crisis. So I wonder how Wolf is so blessed to know what the President will say? Anyhow if Obama is on time, we'll know in a little over a half hour. You can get a live feed from the White House here:
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The Senate will never Impeach but this would be a direct violation of the Constitution. The Democrats will stand behind him and VIOLATE the law of the land.

If he does as claimed two things should happen instantly. One the House should vote to Impeach him and let the Senate go on record as supporting the violation of the Constitution. Two the House Speaker should go to the closest Federal Court and file a law suit AGAINST Obama. He should demand that since it is in direct violation of the Constitution that the Supreme Court should be involved.

Um..Reagan and Bush directly violated the Constitution. You guys had no problem with it. None.

Invoking the 14 Amendment would not be a violation.

And I am pretty sure that's not what's going to happen tonight.

It's really sad that you have to tell someone that invoking an amendment in the Constitution isn't violating it. It's like having to explain how walking across the street isn't driving your car.
The "debt" obviously is larger than the "revenue" we currently have in the Treasury to continue to pay for EXISTING debt. Therefore, legally, in order to not default on that EXISTING debt, the ceiling must be raised. It has nothing whatsoever to do with "new" debt. Nothing, nada, zip.

It's as it you went over the credit limit on your credit card. You still have to pay those extra charges, but you would be cut off from charging anything further. That is ALL raising the debt "ceiling" does too.

i get all that. I guess I am taking the 14th too literally then...

Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
So far, so good. I understand this.

But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
This is where I think people are hung up, and where I don't see the relevance. It specifically discusses debt which is 'incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States' or 'any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave'.

I read the next line 'all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void' to mean specifically those instance mentioned within the section...

'incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave', and ONLY for these types of debt.

Again, maybe I am being too literal?

That part is parenthetical to the clause. The Constitution is full of those, which have caused innumerable squabbles over interpretation. It's just the way they wrote stuff in those days.

right. Some people interpret it to mean A, while others say it really means B.

So, that being the case, the only way to prove anything the President does in this regard is a violation of the Constitution, would be a court challenge to the action itself. Therefore, all statements of 'it's unconstitutional' or 'it's not unconstitutional' are essentially bogus unless and until there is a court case and a decision is reached.
The Senate will never Impeach but this would be a direct violation of the Constitution. The Democrats will stand behind him and VIOLATE the law of the land.

If he does as claimed two things should happen instantly. One the House should vote to Impeach him and let the Senate go on record as supporting the violation of the Constitution. Two the House Speaker should go to the closest Federal Court and file a law suit AGAINST Obama. He should demand that since it is in direct violation of the Constitution that the Supreme Court should be involved.

Um..Reagan and Bush directly violated the Constitution. You guys had no problem with it. None.

Invoking the 14 Amendment would not be a violation.

And I am pretty sure that's not what's going to happen tonight.

It's really sad that you have to tell someone that invoking an amendment in the Constitution isn't violating it. It's like having to explain how walking across the street isn't driving your car.


Sadly, this would be a waste of money we don't have!
There he goes trying to create class warfare between the rich and poor. Blaming oil companies. This is pathetic. He is wrong. He wants to spread the wealth earned by hard working taxpayers who make over 250 thousand. In otherwords, he wants to give the poor a bigger free ride on their entitlements. This is a blame game.
There he goes trying to create class warfare between the rich and poor. Blaming oil companies. This is pathetic. He is wrong. He wants to spread the wealth earned by hard working taxpayers who make over 250 thousand. In otherwords, he wants to give the poor a bigger free ride on their entitlements. This is a blame game.

Have you been living under a rock, there is one!
Boehner just set the record straight about Obama, It's about the usurper wanting to be reelected.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

Gee, you were wrong again. :cuckoo: Didn't see that coming. LOL

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