BREAKING: One of the Witnesses at the Trump Bedminster meeting testified they had no memory of Trump displaying Classified Documents to interviewers

Yes, I agree...The V.P. is treated equally as the President....with govt records!

But I was talking about classified clearances and powers.... President Obama gave the V.P. same clearances and powers as himself with classified documents.

Regardless, e an mistakes like being boxed with personal stuff, is unacceptable, though often happens! This means to me, stricter reforms need put in to this alleged classified system that seems loose as a goose, right now!
Agreed...the big issue Xiden has though, is all the classified material he took when he was US Senator...and the documents that weren't simply found mixed with moving boxes, but documents he had hidden in his private office's closet, in his own file, that he labeled personal.
By all reports, documents on Ukraine were found, among others. If all they found were a few unimportant documents, Biden would have shown that on day 1. They wont even tell us how many there are. That is a VERY bad sign.
You are so invested in the conclusion that you will make any assumption to get there

Biden isn't going to show the classified documents that were found in his office, period end of story. They're classified.

Biden's lawyers have described how many classified documents there are and it's about 30. The DoJ isn't saying anything about it, because they don't talk about ongoing investigations.
Good lawyers take notes in court, or when they're talking to witnesses, or the opposing legal team.
They don't do it when they're discussing strategy with their clients.
Yes, they do take notes when talking with clients.

Why wouldn't they?
You are so invested in the conclusion that you will make any assumption to get there

Biden isn't going to show the classified documents that were found in his office, period end of story. They're classified.

Biden's lawyers have described how many classified documents there are and it's about 30. The DoJ isn't saying anything about it, because they don't talk about ongoing investigations.
He wouldnt need to show them. He just needs to tell us what they were. Example, "item #1 was a note that i wrote on 9/11. Item #2 is..."
hahah why do you think it's an issue that he is a registered foreign agent? Folks are suppose to do that i they do work for other countries. Something for example, Hunter should of done when he was alledgedly doing "legal consulting" for China, Ukraine etc.

He's also the former Solicitor General of the State of Florida
Why wouldn't someone get a security clearance if they're a registered foreign agent?

Is that a serious question?
You are so invested in the conclusion that you will make any assumption to get there

Biden isn't going to show the classified documents that were found in his office, period end of story. They're classified.

Biden's lawyers have described how many classified documents there are and it's about 30. The DoJ isn't saying anything about it, because they don't talk about ongoing investigations.
Quote the EXACT words that his lawyers used. They never said "he only had 30 documents". They conveniently never used the word "documents" at all. They were describing a number of BOXES OF DOCUMENTS. That was also just one location.
No, just in circles. It's pointless to engage. He doesn't listen and doesn't respond to direct questions.

Kind of like you.
No. Circles around you.

You know how it works. You say stupid shit. You get refuted and rebutted. Then you whine and cry and proclaim victory.

Sort of like what you’ve done here. You’re pathetic.
Yes.....Biden's TS docs were less sensitive than a letter from Little Kim, Barack Obama, or newspapers Trump collected while POTUS. The above was listed in the indictment.

Yup. Yup.
What Biden stole from the SCIF and was selling to China was tons less important than anything Trump ever took with him to Mar-a-Lago.
For the record, he couldnt have stolen a single document from a SCIFF, let alone a bunch of them over the years. Its virtually impossible. Someone stole that shit directly from the archives for him, just like Sandy Berger did for Clinton.
Yes, we are talking about the documents that were found in Biden's office. These are not necessarily the highly classified documents that they were talking about in your article.

My article explains that this level of security is not utilized for less sensitive documents and that they are occasionally misplaced.
Doesn’t matter. Biden illegally stole them.
Yes, they do take notes when talking with clients.

Why wouldn't they?
Because it could be subpoenaed and used in court against them, which it is at this time. It can be used as probable-cause against their client.


As a matter of fact, Evan Corcoran made all of this possible with his signed statement that Trump didn't have any more classified documents. That, added to his ridiculous 30 pages of notes, are included in the indictment.
What he did was highly unethical and a breach of their attorney-client privilege protections.
You dont think he has an inventory list of what they sent to NARA?
I'm sure such a list exists but I have no reason to believe that Biden has engaged in any part of it.

It is an active DoJ investigation, after all. Garland appointed Robert Hur as special counsel to look into it.
Because it could be subpoenaed and used in court against them, which it is at this time. It can be used as probable-cause against their client.


As a matter of fact, Evan Corcoran made all of this possible with his signed statement that Trump didn't have any more classified documents. That, added to his ridiculous 30 pages of notes, are included in the indictment.
What he did was highly unethical and a breach of their attorney-client privilege protections.
Good lawyers don't engage in criminal conspiracies with their clients.
You are so invested in the conclusion that you will make any assumption to get there

Biden isn't going to show the classified documents that were found in his office, period end of story. They're classified.

Biden's lawyers have described how many classified documents there are and it's about 30. The DoJ isn't saying anything about it, because they don't talk about ongoing investigations.
hahah no there aren't about 30, well maybe about 30 at one of the many locations......we literally have no actual idea, as more and more were discovered...heck even the folks at MSDNC lost their minds over the countless number..

Even liberal ‘Morning Joe’ blasts Biden’s ‘stumbling and bumbling’ classified docs response​

“By stumbling and bumbling around, by not getting their timeline right … we just showed a graphic that says an unknown number of documents found in Biden’s garage,” said co-host Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman. “No more unknown. No more unknown.

“At this stage, we’re two months in. They need to clean this up … amateur hour is over, they need complete transparency and they just mishandled it from day one,” he added.

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