Breaking: Roy Moore Releases Witness Testimony Proving Allred And Accuser Nelson Lied

If you can't quote people correctly, don't.

I quoted the pertinent part of your post to this discussion.

you are a fool, and will likely remain a fool.
You quoted it incorrectly, and you are a troll.

"If you omit a word or words from a quotation, you should indicate the deleted word or words by using ellipsis marks, which are three periods ( . . . ) preceded and followed by a space. For example:

In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that "some individuals make a point of learning every recent rumor or tale . . . and in a short time a lively exchange of details occurs" (78).
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

isn't that cute?

the fool wants to enforce rules on grammar on a message board.
To quote someone incorrectly is to lie. You have morals, you think, right?

apparently, more than you.

I cited links to the Chappaquiddick accident.

your 'links' are only between your ears, and have little to no basis in fact

ar' ya gonna get upset if I don't xactly spell things accordin ta Webster too?
My statements don't require links in this case. Misquoting someone is to lie so don't. And never change the words of another without showing clearly that you have either. And linking to what others have said is not and never will be thinking.

I don't need what others have said about the accident, you need to think about how it might have happened so that Teddy was unharmed and Mary Jo was dead? Something doesn't add up unless you do the math again and acknowledge the obvious, there was only one person in the car and she was driving. Teddy knew the roads, she didn't. So long, Mary Jo. And try being less of a troll. You already have a site full of them. Set a better example.
I quoted the pertinent part of your post to this discussion.

you are a fool, and will likely remain a fool.
You quoted it incorrectly, and you are a troll.

"If you omit a word or words from a quotation, you should indicate the deleted word or words by using ellipsis marks, which are three periods ( . . . ) preceded and followed by a space. For example:

In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that "some individuals make a point of learning every recent rumor or tale . . . and in a short time a lively exchange of details occurs" (78).
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

isn't that cute?

the fool wants to enforce rules on grammar on a message board.
To quote someone incorrectly is to lie. You have morals, you think, right?

apparently, more than you.

I cited links to the Chappaquiddick accident.

your 'links' are only between your ears, and have little to no basis in fact

ar' ya gonna get upset if I don't xactly spell things accordin ta Webster too?
My statements don't require links in this case. Misquoting someone is to lie so don't. And never change the words of another without showing clearly that you have either. And linking to what others have said is not and never will be thinking.

I don't need what others have said about the accident, you need to think about how it might have happened so that Teddy was unharmed and Mary Jo was dead? Something doesn't add up unless you do the math again and acknowledge the obvious, there was only one person in the car and she was driving. Teddy knew the roads, she didn't. So long, Mary Jo. And try being less of a troll. You already have a site full of them. Set a better example.

bud, even hard core dems on the board are considering your 'scenario' ridiculous.

Do yourself a favor,

change the subject
You quoted it incorrectly, and you are a troll.

"If you omit a word or words from a quotation, you should indicate the deleted word or words by using ellipsis marks, which are three periods ( . . . ) preceded and followed by a space. For example:

In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that "some individuals make a point of learning every recent rumor or tale . . . and in a short time a lively exchange of details occurs" (78).
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide

isn't that cute?

the fool wants to enforce rules on grammar on a message board.
To quote someone incorrectly is to lie. You have morals, you think, right?

apparently, more than you.

I cited links to the Chappaquiddick accident.

your 'links' are only between your ears, and have little to no basis in fact

ar' ya gonna get upset if I don't xactly spell things accordin ta Webster too?
My statements don't require links in this case. Misquoting someone is to lie so don't. And never change the words of another without showing clearly that you have either. And linking to what others have said is not and never will be thinking.

I don't need what others have said about the accident, you need to think about how it might have happened so that Teddy was unharmed and Mary Jo was dead? Something doesn't add up unless you do the math again and acknowledge the obvious, there was only one person in the car and she was driving. Teddy knew the roads, she didn't. So long, Mary Jo. And try being less of a troll. You already have a site full of them. Set a better example.

bud, even hard core dems on the board are considering your 'scenario' ridiculous.

Do yourself a favor,

change the subject
Do yourself a favor, start thinking for yourself. It's a non-partisan issue. He could be the king of the GOP, he could be Trump for all I care, and my answer would still be the same. Use your head and common sense. If one is dead at the bottom of a cliff and one isn't common sense and logic say one fell and one didn't. If one died in accident and one was totally unharmed, chances are only one was in the accident. The other would have at the very least gotten banged up. Common sense especially in a 1967 car when the one without a scratch was driving and would have been nailed by the steering wheel. Impossible that it happened the way it's known to have but my way makes perfect sense. Mary Jo didn't know the roads and she is the only one who died that night. Teddy didn't have so much as a hangnail. Impossible in those days in that car hitting water.

Think for yourself and don't troll.
isn't that cute?

the fool wants to enforce rules on grammar on a message board.
To quote someone incorrectly is to lie. You have morals, you think, right?

apparently, more than you.

I cited links to the Chappaquiddick accident.

your 'links' are only between your ears, and have little to no basis in fact

ar' ya gonna get upset if I don't xactly spell things accordin ta Webster too?
My statements don't require links in this case. Misquoting someone is to lie so don't. And never change the words of another without showing clearly that you have either. And linking to what others have said is not and never will be thinking.

I don't need what others have said about the accident, you need to think about how it might have happened so that Teddy was unharmed and Mary Jo was dead? Something doesn't add up unless you do the math again and acknowledge the obvious, there was only one person in the car and she was driving. Teddy knew the roads, she didn't. So long, Mary Jo. And try being less of a troll. You already have a site full of them. Set a better example.

bud, even hard core dems on the board are considering your 'scenario' ridiculous.

Do yourself a favor,

change the subject
Do yourself a favor, start thinking for yourself. It's a non-partisan issue. He could be the king of the GOP, he could be Trump for all I care, and my answer would still be the same. Use your head and common sense. If one is dead at the bottom of a cliff and one isn't common sense and logic say one fell and one didn't. If one died in accident and one was totally unharmed, chances are only one was in the accident. The other would have at the very least gotten banged up. Common sense especially in a 1967 car when the one without a scratch was driving and would have been nailed by the steering wheel. Impossible that it happened the way it's known to have but my way makes perfect sense. Mary Jo didn't know the roads and she is the only one who died that night. Teddy didn't have so much as a hangnail. Impossible in those days in that car hitting water.

Think for yourself and don't troll.

"Think for yourself"

I do, and I base my opinions on actual evidence, not what ifs

"and don't troll"

all you've done in this thread is troll
Comey - Clinton 10/16?

They have a right to face their accusers in the appropriate court/committee’s.

Moore has no such right.

Sure he does, he can sue for calumny. And, he like Trump, made the claim they would and have not. I wonder why (sarcasm). If all of these women lied, they are culpable and ought to be held accountable.

The same goes for HRC and Trump's comment(s), "crooked Hilary" and Comey's October Surprise which may have cost HRC the election.

But it could not be completed Pre Election. So there's that fact for the children in the room to digest.

So digest child

I never wrote it could be completed before the election. So put that Straw Man back in the closet.

The question I posted is why haven't they had their lawyers filed in appropriate US District Courts?

Why in Gods name would they prior to the election, if it can't be brought to trial until then?

Hire an adult to think for you, you obviously can't think for yourself!

Fuck Off. Your posts are a collection of ultra conservative meme's and right wing hate, bigotry and banality. You've never posted anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.

A demand letter sent to the defendants asking financial damages in the amount used by the plaintiff to recover the costs for their filing fee, and cost in flyers, TV and Radio Ads, etc., and punitive damages ought to make a witness think hard and fast about their situation,i.e. their jeopardy if they did not tell the truth and the trier of facts decided for the plaintiff.

Of course the defendants would need to hire counsel and respond to subpoenas, testify under oath and be at risk, if they lied, standing trial for perjury.

Of course II, a concrete thinking person like you would never consider any of this. Even if Trump or Moore lost in civil court, they could argue the plaintiffs were schooled by their attorney's and fake news coverage swayed the jury. Someone like you would believe them and in that manner they would salvage some respectability.
oh go away with your deflection about the validity of a news organization that doesn't bark your language.

The Gateway Pundit - Wikipedia

Since you’re not likely to read the link, I’ll quote the pertinent part:

“The website is known for publishing falsehoods and pushing hoaxes.”

There are also a number of citations where the Gateway Pundit has been flat out caught lying and spreading false information.

It’s not a matter of not liking the source, it’s a matter of using a source which plays fast and loose with the truth, facts, or even common sense.
so is CNN, and you count them as credible. LOL and snickering.

CNN is a LOT more honest and ethical than Gateway Pundit. Like most ethical publications, they have journalistic standards and when they err, which every news site does from time to time, they issue retractions and apologies.

And unlike FOX, who retained Sean Hannity even after he was caught red-handed deliberately lying about Seth Rich, CNN fires journalists who lie.
From your political position. Not from mine. You get no authority over mine
They have a right to face their accusers in the appropriate court/committee’s.

Moore has no such right.

Sure he does, he can sue for calumny. And, he like Trump, made the claim they would and have not. I wonder why (sarcasm). If all of these women lied, they are culpable and ought to be held accountable.

The same goes for HRC and Trump's comment(s), "crooked Hilary" and Comey's October Surprise which may have cost HRC the election.

But it could not be completed Pre Election. So there's that fact for the children in the room to digest.

So digest child

I never wrote it could be completed before the election. So put that Straw Man back in the closet.

The question I posted is why haven't they had their lawyers filed in appropriate US District Courts?

Why in Gods name would they prior to the election, if it can't be brought to trial until then?

Hire an adult to think for you, you obviously can't think for yourself!

Fuck Off. Your posts are a collection of ultra conservative meme's and right wing hate, bigotry and banality. You've never posted anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.

A demand letter sent to the defendants asking financial damages in the amount used by the plaintiff to recover the costs for their filing fee, and cost in flyers, TV and Radio Ads, etc., and punitive damages ought to make a witness think hard and fast about their situation,i.e. their jeopardy if they did not tell the truth and the trier of facts decided for the plaintiff.

Of course the defendants would need to hire counsel and respond to subpoenas, testify under oath and be at risk, if they lied, standing trial for perjury.

Of course II, a concrete thinking person like you would never consider any of this. Even if Trump or Moore lost in civil court, they could argue the plaintiffs were schooled by their attorney's and fake news coverage swayed the jury. Someone like you would believe them and in that manner they would salvage some respectability.
Self indulgent personality strut around I am this and I am that, and all you are is a condescending jerk off
To quote someone incorrectly is to lie. You have morals, you think, right?

apparently, more than you.

I cited links to the Chappaquiddick accident.

your 'links' are only between your ears, and have little to no basis in fact

ar' ya gonna get upset if I don't xactly spell things accordin ta Webster too?
My statements don't require links in this case. Misquoting someone is to lie so don't. And never change the words of another without showing clearly that you have either. And linking to what others have said is not and never will be thinking.

I don't need what others have said about the accident, you need to think about how it might have happened so that Teddy was unharmed and Mary Jo was dead? Something doesn't add up unless you do the math again and acknowledge the obvious, there was only one person in the car and she was driving. Teddy knew the roads, she didn't. So long, Mary Jo. And try being less of a troll. You already have a site full of them. Set a better example.

bud, even hard core dems on the board are considering your 'scenario' ridiculous.

Do yourself a favor,

change the subject
Do yourself a favor, start thinking for yourself. It's a non-partisan issue. He could be the king of the GOP, he could be Trump for all I care, and my answer would still be the same. Use your head and common sense. If one is dead at the bottom of a cliff and one isn't common sense and logic say one fell and one didn't. If one died in accident and one was totally unharmed, chances are only one was in the accident. The other would have at the very least gotten banged up. Common sense especially in a 1967 car when the one without a scratch was driving and would have been nailed by the steering wheel. Impossible that it happened the way it's known to have but my way makes perfect sense. Mary Jo didn't know the roads and she is the only one who died that night. Teddy didn't have so much as a hangnail. Impossible in those days in that car hitting water.

Think for yourself and don't troll.

"Think for yourself"

I do, and I base my opinions on actual evidence, not what ifs

"and don't troll"

all you've done in this thread is troll
No, all I've done is present what those here would rather not be told about their lives, their politics, their lack of values and morals and, like you, their hyper-partisanship. That's not trolling but it does piss the morons off. I'm not their nanny, it's not my job to make them all warm and happy and give them a safe space for their idiotic bullshit. Most of you can't think your way out of a wet paper bag which is why you can't figure out that Mary Jo's accident didn't happen the way you were told it did because if it did then it makes absolutely no goddamned sense. All you have to do is - think about it. Not link, not repeat the words of others, just think.
Time says you're an idiot
Dan Rather says you're an idiot
Walter Cronkite says you're an idiot
the New York Times says you're an idiot
Chicago Tribune says you're an idiot.

Somehow, YOU know more than these, and many other, news personalities and sources.
Yes, I do, because unlike you I'm not repeating what others said. I used my head and common sense to work out how does one die and one is completely unharmed when they both hit the water in the same car. The steering wheel alone would have most likely killed the driver but they would certainly not have walked away unharmed. Impossible. So, that being true, how could this have worked out this way? Oh, she was driving and he was never in the accident. Now it makes sense.
I used my head and common sense

You are using neither
Last chance. There's a large cliff with one dead person at the bottom and one person walking around unharmed. What's more likely, one fell and one didn't or they both fell and one was amazingly lucky?

Last chance

you know more than the police that investigated the accident, the reporters that investigated it, and more than the other sources that reported it.

and I'm supposed to take you seriously?

not happening
You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window or the roof in the fall. and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall and the speed the car was travelling. The bridge wasn’t very high - less than a 10 foot drop so the fall was easily survivable.

The car landed on the passenger side in the water. Making it harder for the passenger to escape. So the impact would have been to the side and the driver would not have been thrown forward into the steering wheel , but rather towards the passenger side of the car. The drivers door and window would likely have still functioned. The passenger door was in the sand.

The more likely scenario is that after Kennedy determined that Kopechne was dead, he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.

BTW, why do you keep calling him Mall-rat Roy when that entire story was completely debunked?
Who debunked that mall story? Infowars?
You lie like you breathe..

The link the the Washington Times and National Review were in my original posts, Comrade.

Infowars has some serious credibility problems to be sure, but they are a WHOLE lot more credible than CNN or the Washington Post.
Time says you're an idiot
Dan Rather says you're an idiot
Walter Cronkite says you're an idiot
the New York Times says you're an idiot
Chicago Tribune says you're an idiot.

Somehow, YOU know more than these, and many other, news personalities and sources.
Yes, I do, because unlike you I'm not repeating what others said. I used my head and common sense to work out how does one die and one is completely unharmed when they both hit the water in the same car. The steering wheel alone would have most likely killed the driver but they would certainly not have walked away unharmed. Impossible. So, that being true, how could this have worked out this way? Oh, she was driving and he was never in the accident. Now it makes sense.
I used my head and common sense

You are using neither
Last chance. There's a large cliff with one dead person at the bottom and one person walking around unharmed. What's more likely, one fell and one didn't or they both fell and one was amazingly lucky?

Last chance

you know more than the police that investigated the accident, the reporters that investigated it, and more than the other sources that reported it.

and I'm supposed to take you seriously?

not happening
You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Yes, I do, because unlike you I'm not repeating what others said. I used my head and common sense to work out how does one die and one is completely unharmed when they both hit the water in the same car. The steering wheel alone would have most likely killed the driver but they would certainly not have walked away unharmed. Impossible. So, that being true, how could this have worked out this way? Oh, she was driving and he was never in the accident. Now it makes sense.
I used my head and common sense

You are using neither
Last chance. There's a large cliff with one dead person at the bottom and one person walking around unharmed. What's more likely, one fell and one didn't or they both fell and one was amazingly lucky?

Last chance

you know more than the police that investigated the accident, the reporters that investigated it, and more than the other sources that reported it.

and I'm supposed to take you seriously?

not happening
You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
Last edited:
As far as the yearbook of the 15/16 yr old with the Moore signature and the DA written after his name.... if you look at the comparable signature that has his secretary Dorothy Adams initials on it after using Judge Moore's signature stamp,

SHE ALWAYS put a SLASH and then her initials

In the yearbook signature, which IS his signature, there are slight differences from his stamped signature from many years later, which right wingers are trying to claim she copied his signature on her divorce filings and put in the yearbook simply not true....and right wingers are trying to claim she copied the DA on to the yearbook from this secretary's initials when using his stamp,

BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE.....for one she did not copy the DA, the DA is a completely different DA handwriting in the yearbook, plus, the yearbook did not have the SLASH before the DA and the slash would have been copied as well if she was forging and trying to make his sig a perfect copy of his stamped sig on the divorce papers.

Nope, the yearbook is a forgery, and you know it.

Moore never, not even once signed "D.A." after his name.

You can't lie this into a the cornfield comrade.
The "witness" now gives Allred the right to start a suit and put that person under sworn deposition.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.

BTW, why do you keep calling him Mall-rat Roy when that entire story was completely debunked?
Who debunked that mall story? Infowars?
You lie like you breathe..

The link the the Washington Times and National Review were in my original posts, Comrade.

Infowars has some serious credibility problems to be sure, but they are a WHOLE lot more credible than CNN or the Washington Post.
InfoWars is one of thebleast credible websites on the internet. They’re the ones who posted that whole “Pizza parlour child sex trafficking ring bullshit”, and numerous conspiracy theories that only an idiot would believe.

In his child custody case, Alex Jones tried to portray himself as a reasonable sane human being saying the ranting maniac is just a character he portrays on the internet. It’s entertainment, not real news.
You are using neither
Last chance. There's a large cliff with one dead person at the bottom and one person walking around unharmed. What's more likely, one fell and one didn't or they both fell and one was amazingly lucky?

Last chance

you know more than the police that investigated the accident, the reporters that investigated it, and more than the other sources that reported it.

and I'm supposed to take you seriously?

not happening
You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Last chance. There's a large cliff with one dead person at the bottom and one person walking around unharmed. What's more likely, one fell and one didn't or they both fell and one was amazingly lucky?

Last chance

you know more than the police that investigated the accident, the reporters that investigated it, and more than the other sources that reported it.

and I'm supposed to take you seriously?

not happening
You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Last chance

you know more than the police that investigated the accident, the reporters that investigated it, and more than the other sources that reported it.

and I'm supposed to take you seriously?

not happening
You don't take thinking or thinking people seriously so I'm absolutely not surprised, and we are done now. When asked to think for yourself cannot. All you can do is post what others say.

Common sense tells me Mary Jo was drunk. Drunk enough that she left without her purse or her hotel key. A woman doesn’t go anywhere without her purse. She certainly would not go have sex on the beach without her hairbrush or makeup bag to touch up afterwards. And she would not have been driving without her drivers license which was in her purse.

She wasn’t planning on driving so she wouldn't have been watching how much she drank at the party. Ted was planning on driving so he would have been more careful about how much he drank. Also, it was his car. Why would he allow her to drive his car, especially since he was familiar with the roads around the island and she wasn’t?

If she was drunk or passed out in the car, this could be a factor in why she died. If her head hit the window, or the roof and she was knocked unconscious, this could be a factor in why she died.

It’s unlikely either of them were wearing seat belts since it was only 1968 when a law was passed making them mandatory in new cars. Nobody wore seat belts back then.

In your scenario, the steering wheel would have killed him on impact but that would depend on the height of the fall - a 35 foot fall would have been very survivable especially if he slid across the seat to the passenger side as the car went off the side of the bridge.

The only reason you can come up with is that he lived and she died so he could not have been in the car. If that were the case why did he say he was driving? What benefit was it to Kennedy to say he was? There isn’t any good reason for him to say he was driving unless he was.

The more likely scenario is that he went back to his hotel to try and figure some way to worm his way out of the mess he was in. To come up with a plausible lie to save his political career. That’s the common sense answer to why he waited so long to report the accident. Seeing no way out, he went to the police and told them he drove off that bridge in the dark and the girl died.

As for the rest of his story, who knows how much is true but nobody who was at that party has said anything different in all these years so maybe it was.

Letting him swim back to the mainland just defies logic and reason though. Maybe he was hoping to drown and not have to face what he’d done.
Teddy wasn't there but took the blame from guilt because she killed herself in the accident while he was out cold. He walked right past her dead body and didn't know. Makes perfect sense and it's the only thing that does based on the timing and the events.

And, Troll, stop marking everything as funny, it's annoying and also untrue.
That makes no sense at all. Common or otherwise.

While I was checking on the height of the fall, I found out that MJK’s blood alcohol level was .09. For someone of her size and that’s severely impaired. She would have been barely able to walk much less drive

For a guy who’s telling others you’re using intelligence and common sense, your scenario fails miserably on both counts. It also doesn’t jibe with the statements of the other people at the party who went to help Kennedy look for Kopechne after the accident, or who testified under oath that when they left the party Ted was driving.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that. And .09 is nothing. We could drink then and there was no autopsy. .09 in any size body is the same BTW, legally drunk and nothing of the kind. For her that would have been two glasses of wine. That's just a decent lunch.
Teddy was driving them to the beach to have sex, she drove after that.

They didn't make it to the beach.

Teddy would have still been driving when the accident happened

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